Longmont Potion Castle 5 (2005)

Track 8: Election Blues
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SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Who's this?
SPEAKER_00: I'm Dawson Yassin, and I'm trying to gather some information about the election.
SPEAKER_00: You know, you call here twice in the last minute following.
SPEAKER_00: You better stop.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I don't think...
SPEAKER_00: Who I vote for, or my wife is none of your damn business.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: I got to call, wait, and I ask you to call.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to report you.
SPEAKER_00: Now, stop calling.
SPEAKER_00: Do you want to go vote together?
SPEAKER_00: Now, stop calling.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I was just calling to ask who you voted for.
SPEAKER_03: Um, I don't really think that's any of your business.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'll give you $450.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I bet you will.
SPEAKER_03: I'm sure you will.
SPEAKER_03: And let me tell you one other thing.
SPEAKER_03: You call back here and you'll be paying somebody else $450 like a lawyer.
SPEAKER_00: You should vote for me.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_03: How nice evening.
SPEAKER_03: You should vote.
SPEAKER_03: You should vote.
SPEAKER_00: I need you to tell me who you voted for if you, or if you even know,
SPEAKER_00: or if you even vote for.
SPEAKER_00: voted.
SPEAKER_00: Excuse me?
SPEAKER_00: Who'd you vote for, Pah?
SPEAKER_00: Who'd I vote for, Powell?
SPEAKER_00: Who'd I vote for, Powell?
SPEAKER_00: I voted for Mao Soudoon.
SPEAKER_00: Who?
SPEAKER_00: Mao Zedong.
SPEAKER_00: And Bin Laden.
SPEAKER_00: Benny.
SPEAKER_00: Actually, Benny's a friend of mine and we've known each other since we're in politics together.
SPEAKER_00: I'm an registered independent.
SPEAKER_00: I am a Marxist, socialist, Leninist, communist, Christian.
SPEAKER_00: Let's see, what else?
SPEAKER_00: America, Socialist Workers' Party, union member, Republican.
SPEAKER_00: I'm gonna whoop you in ya.
SPEAKER_00: Come election day, how's that sound?
SPEAKER_00: You need another drink.
SPEAKER_00: You need to get back into that stew you've been in.
SPEAKER_00: I don't usually give you people this much time, but this is rather enjoyable.
SPEAKER_00: Now, where'd you get this number?
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to hoop you in there.
None: Ha ha.
None: Ha ha.
None: Go back to your store.
SPEAKER_00: Go back to your stew.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I was just wondering who you voted for.
SPEAKER_03: I think I asked you not to call here.
SPEAKER_03: I think I asked you not to call here twice.
SPEAKER_03: And I'm not, and I won't ask again.
SPEAKER_00: I was calling to find out who you were going to vote for.
SPEAKER_01: What is none of your business.
SPEAKER_01: Don't call again.
SPEAKER_01: You called this eight times.
SPEAKER_01: We're sick of it.
SPEAKER_00: No, I didn't even call you before.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, yes, you have.
SPEAKER_01: Don't call again.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I was just calling to ask who you voted for.
SPEAKER_01: Who are you voting for?
SPEAKER_00: Well, that's fine.
SPEAKER_00: the nature of the call.
SPEAKER_02: Well, what the hell is the nature of the call?
SPEAKER_02: It's none of your business.
SPEAKER_00: I'll give you $450 for the information.
SPEAKER_02: Oh shit.
SPEAKER_02: You tell me who I should vote for and I'm going with the opposite.
SPEAKER_02: Who should I vote for?
SPEAKER_02: Who should I vote for?
SPEAKER_00: Have I got your solemn word, ma'am, ma'am?
SPEAKER_02: You ain't got nothing.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I need to know who you plan on voting for.
SPEAKER_02: Well, that's too damn bad.
SPEAKER_00: Who are you voting for?
SPEAKER_02: What do you want to know?
SPEAKER_00: I need to know.
SPEAKER_00: I need to know.
SPEAKER_02: Who? Why?
SPEAKER_00: I give you money.
SPEAKER_02: You don't give me nothing.
SPEAKER_00: Who are you voting for?
SPEAKER_00: It's none of your business.
SPEAKER_00: Who is this?
None: Dick.
SPEAKER_00: Who are you?
SPEAKER_00: Just calling to gather who he voted for?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I don't think it's any of your business.
SPEAKER_00: Who are you affiliated with?
SPEAKER_00: I ain't working at no lumber yard.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, sir. I'm Fagan.
SPEAKER_00: I don't give a shit who you are.
SPEAKER_00: It's none of your business who I voted for.
SPEAKER_00: Hi, I'm Ollie, and I was calling to ask who you voted for?
SPEAKER_03: Nobody?
SPEAKER_00: Can I ask why, please, ma'am?
SPEAKER_03: Because I don't give a fuck.
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hi, I'm Ollie calling.
SPEAKER_00: And...
SPEAKER_03: Here.
SPEAKER_00: I'm calling to ask...
SPEAKER_00: who you're voted for.
SPEAKER_03: How do you not care?
SPEAKER_00: I'm in the neighborhood coalition.
SPEAKER_03: You're just a fucking annoying dude.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: This is Dick calling, and is this calling to ask who you're voting for?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, that's private.
SPEAKER_00: And you just called this number, I think.
SPEAKER_00: Do you have a phone number?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Could you tell it to me?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm the one calling you.
SPEAKER_00: No, I'm asking you.
SPEAKER_00: If you want to ask me a personal question, I think I should be able to ask you one.
SPEAKER_00: to ask you one, and I think that thing you just said was obnoxious.
SPEAKER_00: But since I got caller ID, all right, I might not need you to answer the question for me.
SPEAKER_00: I think that was kind of an obnoxious response.
SPEAKER_00: What?
SPEAKER_00: What you just said.
SPEAKER_00: Well, which was what?
SPEAKER_00: And I don't think you need to be calling this number.
SPEAKER_00: And if you call this number again,
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to press charges against you.
SPEAKER_00: Do you understand?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'll give you $450 for the information.
SPEAKER_00: Do you all pay me?
SPEAKER_00: to tell you who I will vote for.
SPEAKER_00: That's illegal.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
None: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hi, this is a date calling?
SPEAKER_00: Why are you calling here?
SPEAKER_00: Do you need a doctor?
SPEAKER_00: I just want to know who you're moving.
SPEAKER_00: No, I'm asking you.
SPEAKER_00: Are you seeing a psychiatrist because you really should be calling them and not me?
SPEAKER_00: What is your deal here tonight?
SPEAKER_00: Sir, you've called me three times, and I've asked you not to call.
SPEAKER_00: What is your deal?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I've asked you not...
SPEAKER_00: respect an individual?
SPEAKER_00: Do you know my name?
SPEAKER_00: Do you know my name?
SPEAKER_00: You need to talk to your doctor.
SPEAKER_00: Do you understand me?
SPEAKER_00: About what?
SPEAKER_00: To be calling people three times in a row.
SPEAKER_00: If they don't want to talk to you, they don't want to talk to you.
SPEAKER_00: Why do you keep calling them?
SPEAKER_00: I want to know who you're voting for.
SPEAKER_00: That's harassment.
SPEAKER_00: That's none of your business.
SPEAKER_00: You're harassing me, pal.
SPEAKER_00: Excuse me, sir?
SPEAKER_00: You need to talk to your doctor.
SPEAKER_00: I think that tone.
SPEAKER_00: It's harassment.
SPEAKER_00: Sir, if you call here again, I'm going to press charges against you.
SPEAKER_00: There's something very seriously wrong with you and you need to see your doctor.
SPEAKER_00: You know, I got too much at stake writing on this here.
SPEAKER_00: You do.
SPEAKER_00: Are you an alcoholic, too, sir?
SPEAKER_00: A person's vote is their private business.
SPEAKER_00: You have called this number. This is your third time.
SPEAKER_00: You've been asked not to call.
SPEAKER_00: And I don't understand.
SPEAKER_00: I don't understand what your mind is thinking.
SPEAKER_00: And I have no idea and I really don't care.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to pay you to tell me who you're voting for.
SPEAKER_00: You're not going to pay me?
SPEAKER_00: It's that simple.
SPEAKER_00: I'll pay you a visit.
SPEAKER_00: Whoope and you ain't.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, I'm getting on the other phone and call...
SPEAKER_00: Mom, I need the cell phone because I want to call the police.
None: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: What's happening now?
SPEAKER_00: What you just heard, sir?
SPEAKER_00: I'm calling the police.
SPEAKER_00: I'm having them trace this call.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I need to know my cell phone and having the police trace this call.
SPEAKER_00: Good, you're committing the crime, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: Yep, sure I am.
SPEAKER_00: And I'm going to kick you.