Alive in '25 (2025)

Track 3: Drug Dumpling
Runtime: 633 seconds
This track has been reviewed! 😊
Aliases: Rousseau
Establishments: Drug Drumpling
Man #1: Hello?
LPC: Hi. This is Rousseau from Drug Dumpling.
Man #1: From Drug Dumpling?
LPC: So we'll be collecting any unused medications that you have on Tuesday. Just wanted to let you know, okay?
Man #1: No, I need all my medications. You can't do that. Who is this?
LPC: My name's Rousseau, Newton.
Man #1: Rousseau Newton?
LPC: We'll accept any unused medications that you have, so for safe disposal.
Man #1: All I have that I don't use is my Prozac, and I don't think I'm supposed to give it away.
LPC: We will even accept illicit drugs at this time. I have been authorized to accept those.
Man #1: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I take Adderall, and you can't have that. That's mine. I don't know how you've got this number or what company you're with. This is ridiculous.
LPC: I'm with Drug Dumpling.
Man #1: How the hell did you get this number? Are you from the police?
LPC: No. Just prepare any unused drugs and medication that you have, and we'll take those.
LPC: for safe disposal on Tuesday afternoon.
Man #1: Hold on a second.
Man #1: Let me ask my wife, have you ever heard of something called Drug Dumpling?
The Wife: Yeah.
Man #1: You have?
Man #1: What the hell is it?
The Wife: Dump your drugs.
Man #1: They dump...
Man #1: Okay.
Man #1: So it's a legitimate company?
The Wife: Yeah.
Man #1: All right.
LPC: So can you give us an idea of what you'll be having prepared for us, sir?
Man #1: I have Prozac and Gabapentin.
LPC: Any hashish or marijuana at all in your system?
Man #1: No, that's not legal in Texas.
Man #1: No, no, no, no, no.
Man #1: I hate marijuana.
LPC: Okay.
Man #1: What's that noise?
Man #1: I just heard a weird noise.
Man #1: It sounds like you're next to a car.
LPC: No, we're in our office here.
Man #1: Hello?
LPC: I'm here.
Man #1: What was that?
LPC: That's not on our end, sir.
Man #1: What the hell is this?
Man #1: What was that?
Man #1: I just heard a phone ringing.
LPC: Well, it's a very busy office.
LPC: I'm sorry.
Man #1: No, I heard someone on the line.
LPC: And you're sure you're not taking marijuana or hashish?
Man #1: No, I hate drugs.
Man #1: The only drugs that I take are the ones that are prescribed!
LPC: Okay, but you're saying you're hearing voices and different things?
LPC: I'm just checking.
Man #1: I'm not hearing voices.
Man #1: It was on the phone.
Man #1: What do you mean am I hearing voices?
Man #1: I take antipsychotics.
Man #1: I don't hear voices anymore.
Man #1: I heard a phone ring.
LPC: Well, it's a very busy office.
LPC: I apologize.
LPC: But you agree to donate your unused medications on Tuesday.
other call #2: Thanks for calling the Trinity White Night for the two-class training.
other call #2: We're an organization of men, women, and children.
Man #1: What is that?
LPC: What is what?
Man #1: I just heard a voice and a phone ringing.
Man #1: It said something about men, women, and children.
LPC: Okay, sir, and you're not taking hashish at this time.
Man #1: No, I don't take hashish.
Man #1: I don't take marijuana.
Man #1: I don't take cocaine.
Man #1: I don't take meth.
Man #1: I don't.
Man #1: take heroin. I don't take drugs. They take drugs that are prescribed by a doctor!
Man #1: Who are you? Rousseau? Like Renee Rousseau? Is that how you say it?
LPC: Yes. Okay.
Man #1: If someone gave you my number, take me off your list. I don't think I want to give you
LPC: my medications. I'm just going to flush them.
LPC: No, no, no, no, no. That's not good for the
LPC: water supply.
Man #1: What's what was that? Did you hear that? Your voice just echoed.
LPC: You claim you're not using hashish or marijuana.
Man #1: No, I don't take hashish or marijuana!
LPC: marijuana? But you're saying you're hearing voices and echoing. It sounds to me like you're on marijuana.
Man #1: I think your phone's on marijuana. It's echoing and I keep hearing a voice.
LPC: It's not on this end, sir. I'm trying to explain to you and we don't want your drugs in the water supply.
LPC: That's the whole reason we're collecting on used medication, okay? On Tuesday.
Man #1: And how long have you been in business?
LPC: I've worked here for about seven months. Okay. How come I've never heard of you?
Man #1: The new text here!!!
LPC: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. So that's how long I've been...
Man #1: I can hear you fine.
Man #1: I don't know what's going on.
Man #1: There it is again. How can you not hear that?
LPC: Hear what? Okay, let me just recap with you. I don't want to take up too much of your time. You're going to have
LPC: Adderall and marijuana for us on Tuesday for pickup.
Man #1: No, I don't pick marijuana.
Man #1: Then what are we picking up? I'm on probation. I can't do drugs.
Man #1: I get my urine tested every month.
other call #3: Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system.
Man #1: Okay, what the hell is that?
Man #2: Hello?
LPC: Hi, yeah, this is Suzuki with Drug Dumpling calling.
Man #2: Yeah, yeah, why are you calling me? Because like, what do you want?
LPC: We're going to be collecting any of your unused medications and drugs on Tuesday afternoon.
Man #2: What the fuck is it? What is it? Then what do I have? What do you want?
LPC: Anything you have. We can accept any unused medications.
Man #2: But I don't, but I don't. Like,
Man #2: you're asking the wrong question.
LPC: We can even accept illicit drugs at this time.
LPC: We have been authorized, by the...
Man #2: I don't. Again, I don't. I don't. Again, like, again, you're asking the wrong question to the wrong
Man #2: person. What's your problem? What's your, how did you get my number? What's the point?
Man #2: You're, you're passing the point and becoming accusatory?
LPC: Marijuana, hashish, anything like that, sir?
Man #2: Again, again, what's the point? Is there a point to this?
LPC: It sounds like you've been using a little marijuana. We can accept any
LPC: unused hashish, marijuana for instance?
Man #2: Hey, man. Hey, excuse me. Hi, hi. Okay. Okay.
LPC: I'm Suzuki.
Man #2: I know what you probably could be. I understand what you could be. And that's fine.
Man #2: And I'm going to take this fucking personally, and I'm going to fucking find you. I don't use drugs.
Man #2: I'm going to fuck you up over this. I'm going to find you. I'm going to track this. I'm going to fucking find you.
Man #2: I'm going to fucking hurt you over this. Do you understand what that is? And I'm fine with what this is.
Man #2: Okay? All right. That's verbal assault. And I'm fine with that. And I'm going to finish the job.
Man #2: You got this? Yeah? Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
LPC: Sir, what seems to be the trouble here today?
Man #3: Hello?
LPC: Hi. This is Suzuki with Drug Dumpling. We're going to be by on Tuesday to collect any unused medications and any drugs that you want to get rid of in a safe manner.
LPC: Oh. I just wanted to let you know.
Man #3: Oh, I bet you will. We, hey, do you guys have?
Man #3: Boofing manuals that Multnomah County printed out? You got any clean needles, bro?
Man #3: What the fuck is this? We call them people saying that? You fucking crazy, man?
LPC: Well, we want to preserve the water supply and keep it out of the hands of children.
Man #3: Oh, fuck yeah, bro. Fuck you, man. Why don't you go fucking talk to all the junkies fucking hanging out
Man #3: up the street. Go deal with them. Go take their drug. What the fuck? Man, fucking joke.
LPC: What about the children, sir?
Man #4: You just call me. I don't handle drugs. I don't have any marijuana, either.
LPC: It sounds like you might if you want to know the truth, so we'll take it off your hands.
Man #4: Yeah, I bet you would.
Woman #1: I mean, hey, maybe 20 years ago, yeah, but not today.
LPC: It sounds like you might have some methamphetamine...
Woman #1: Oh really?!