Longmont Potion Castle 17 (2020)

Track 9: Doorknob Desires
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SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Uh, yes, Debraon, please.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, yeah, this is Benny.
SPEAKER_00: I'm a tenant here, and I had a question about some doorknobs up here,
SPEAKER_00: if I could get with you a little bit on that here, on the doorknob issue.
SPEAKER_00: That here on the doorknob issue.
SPEAKER_02: Um, for what?
SPEAKER_02: Your tenant, where?
SPEAKER_00: I'm a tenant of yours here.
SPEAKER_00: I'm Bernard.
SPEAKER_00: And I was looking at the Home Depot.
SPEAKER_00: They got some really neat knobs up there.
SPEAKER_00: Neat knobs up there.
SPEAKER_02: What location are you at?
SPEAKER_00: What do you mean there?
SPEAKER_00: What do you mean there? I'm here in Pittsburgh here.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, but I don't have a tenant by the name of Bernard.
SPEAKER_00: I'm your tenant.
SPEAKER_00: I've been here for a good two years.
SPEAKER_00: Are you online?
SPEAKER_00: They've got some really neat knobs up there that you're going to see you open.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Bernard, I'm still unsure.
SPEAKER_02: What address are you, what address in Pittsburgh are you?
SPEAKER_00: They got the nicest knobs in town just about.
SPEAKER_00: You can get 100 of them for $280 and they got the nicest not.
SPEAKER_02: I don't need a hundred knobs.
SPEAKER_00: I think it would look a lot better if we changed out all the knobs on here.
SPEAKER_00: You should take a look.
SPEAKER_00: Item 724662.
SPEAKER_00: Let's go to home depot.com and you're with me up there?
SPEAKER_00: 724662.
SPEAKER_00: What you got going on?
SPEAKER_02: What location in Pittsburgh do you?
SPEAKER_00: You are with me up there?
SPEAKER_00: 724.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Well, it's a website.
SPEAKER_00: They could deliver it to any Home Depot.
SPEAKER_00: It's convenient for you.
SPEAKER_00: So if you want to take a look and pick one, whichever one you choose.
SPEAKER_00: I just like them a lot better than what we got on the doors right here.
SPEAKER_00: We got on the doors right here.
SPEAKER_02: I don't think you have the right number.
SPEAKER_00: Well, no, this is Deb.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I know.
SPEAKER_00: I pay my rent every month.
SPEAKER_00: Come on now.
SPEAKER_02: No, sir.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: I don't have a norm at my location.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_00: That's my given name.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_00: Well, that's my given name.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: What is the name that I would have?
SPEAKER_02: What's the address is the property?
SPEAKER_00: You want me to place the order?
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you place the order?
SPEAKER_00: And I can reimburse you for my knob, you know, at least.
SPEAKER_02: No, no.
SPEAKER_02: What address?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I can give you $3, $4.
SPEAKER_00: Not a problem.
SPEAKER_00: Not a problem.
SPEAKER_00: $4.
SPEAKER_00: Not a problem.
SPEAKER_00: I can give you $3,4.
SPEAKER_00: Not a problem.
SPEAKER_00: You know where I'm coming from on there?
SPEAKER_00: You know where I'm coming from on there?
SPEAKER_02: I think you have the wrong guess.
SPEAKER_00: Look, I just need a new doorknob.
SPEAKER_00: Who do I need to talk to around here?
SPEAKER_00: If you're going to, you know, try to pooh-poo the idea, who else should I speak to?
SPEAKER_00: Who do you suggest I talk to?
SPEAKER_02: What address are you a tenant at?
SPEAKER_00: The same address as you.
SPEAKER_00: What do you mean what address?
SPEAKER_00: I'm in unit Q.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry, you pass the wrong number.
SPEAKER_02: I do not have a unit Q.
SPEAKER_00: I'm in unit Q right now.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I've been here for...
SPEAKER_00: Been here for years and years and years.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry, sir, but you must have the wrong number.
SPEAKER_00: Listen, just give me a new doorknob, and I'll just let it go, okay?
SPEAKER_00: At least mine will look better, all right?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Can you hear me?
SPEAKER_03: Can you hear me?
SPEAKER_03: I can.
SPEAKER_03: I can hear you?
SPEAKER_03: Okay, so you want to replace your doorknobs on your units, correct?
SPEAKER_02: I am the wrong.
SPEAKER_02: wrong person that you are contacting?
SPEAKER_03: The gentleman put...
SPEAKER_03: My name is Jane from Habitat Hardware.
SPEAKER_03: A gentleman was just on the line, and he said I should speak to the lady who wants to replace
SPEAKER_03: door knobs.
SPEAKER_02: I do not own that facility.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know how he got my phone number.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_03: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, I'm here.
SPEAKER_03: Is the gentleman on the line that made the phone call?
SPEAKER_03: Not that I'm aware of.
SPEAKER_03: I keep hearing different voices.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I hear it as well, but there's no one else here but me.
SPEAKER_01: I swear it.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you.
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to hang up.
SPEAKER_03: I did not mean to interrupt your day.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you.
SPEAKER_01: And nakedness is,
SPEAKER_01: another symbol of our relationship with God.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_04: Oh, can you hear me?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, is this that?
SPEAKER_04: Yes, I can hear you.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, hi, perfect.
SPEAKER_04: So I understand that you're looking for some doorknobs for an apartment building?
SPEAKER_02: I am not.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know why I'm getting these phone calls.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_04: Somebody just transferred you over.
SPEAKER_04: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_04: Sorry about that.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Can you tell me how this is coming?
SPEAKER_04: I have my number is coming?
SPEAKER_04: No, I just received a phone call from a gentleman saying that your name is Deb and you own an apartment building and you're looking for doorknobs.
SPEAKER_04: I am not.
SPEAKER_04: And you are with who?
SPEAKER_04: We're a hardware and door installation company.
SPEAKER_04: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I don't know where this gentleman got my phone number from, but I don't own the apartment building that she's in.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, but you spoke with him too?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: He called.
SPEAKER_02: me and said he wanted me to order these doorknobs.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, that's bizarre.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: Sounds like a scam.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I have no idea.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, weird.
SPEAKER_04: All righty.
SPEAKER_04: Well, I hope it doesn't happen again to both of us.
SPEAKER_04: Me too.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, thanks.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, bye.
SPEAKER_04: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: Hi, dear.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, Debbie.