Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 4: Comp-Troller
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Anne Thomas: This is Anne.
LPC: Yeah.
LPC: Hi, Anne Thomas?
Anne Thomas: Yes.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: Yeah.
LPC: This is Bert Mountain.
LPC: I'm calling from the city comptroller's office.
LPC: How are you today?
Anne Thomas: I'm good.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Yeah.
LPC: Say we just got sort of a situation over here and I thought I'd give you a call.
LPC: Uh, sort of, yeah, we've got sort of a irate gentleman here who's just causing a sort of a ruckus and sort of a disturbance here.
LPC: Apparently you won't return his calls and he's, he's under the impression that you work here or something like that.
LPC: And I explained that you don't work in our office.
LPC: here in Shasta, but his name is Joe.
LPC: That's about all I've been able to get out of him.
LPC: So does this ring a bell to you, or anything like that?
Anne Thomas: No, there's nobody we're not returning calls for.
LPC: His name's Joe, and he's causing kind of a scene up here, and he says he needs to talk to you.
Anne Thomas: Do you want to put him on the phone?
Anne Thomas: Is he in your office?
LPC: Yeah, hold on one second.
Sour Joe: Hello?
Anne Thomas: Hello?
Anne Thomas: Hello?
Sour Joe: Yes.
Anne Thomas: Yes.
Anne Thomas: Hello?
Sour Joe: Yes.
Sour Joe: Who's calling me?
Anne Thomas: My name is Anne Thomas.
Anne Thomas: You're calling me?
Sour Joe: I never called you.
Sour Joe: Why are you calling me?
Sour Joe: Who are you?
Anne Thomas: My name is Anne Thomas.
Sour Joe: And what?
Sour Joe: Why are you calling me back?
Anne Thomas: Uh, They told me you wanted to talk to me.
Anne Thomas: Can you put the other gentleman on the phone?
Anne Thomas: Thank you.
Sour Joe: What gentleman?
Sour Joe: What are you talking about?
Sour Joe: I don't know.
Sour Joe: Who are you?
Sour Joe: I don't know who you are.
Police Receptionist: Station.
Sour Joe: Who are you?
Police Receptionist: This is the police station.
Sour Joe: Who?
Police Receptionist: The police station.
Sour Joe: You're a motherfucking whore.
Sour Joe: You're a fucking prostitute.
Sour Joe: Criminal.
LPC: Piece of shit!
Sour Joe: Drop dead!
Sour Joe: Fuck you!
Sour Joe: You piece of shit!
Sour Joe: You're a cancer to America!
Sour Joe: You piece of shit!
LPC: Oh, yeah, Anne?
Anne Thomas: Um... Can you please explain to me why there's someone on the phone yelling like... I don't understand what the hell's happening.
LPC: Yeah, this fellow here at our office, like I say, is a little upset with you wouldn't return his calls and he's causing sort of a scene over here.
Anne Thomas: But he's clearly not called me.
Anne Thomas: That guy is crazy.
LPC: Oh yeah, I beg your pardon.
LPC: Yeah, he, he, uh, he broke a toilet here and he broke a window over here.
LPC: So got kind of situational.
Anne Thomas: He doesn't know who I am.
Anne Thomas: I don't know who he is.
LPC: Yeah.
LPC: He's jumping all around saying that Ann wouldn't return his call and everything like that.
LPC: So it's kind of a scene over here.
Anne Thomas: Well, please tell everyone he doesn't recognize.
Anne Thomas: I just told him I was in Thomas.
Anne Thomas: He doesn't know who I am.
LPC: Well, yeah, he was demanding to talk to you and things like that.
LPC: I, I'm not sure.
Anne Thomas: I just talked to him.
Anne Thomas: He doesn't know who I am.
LPC: Oh, what did he say?
Anne Thomas: I don't know who he is.
Anne Thomas: He does.
Anne Thomas: I, he asked me five times who I was and I said, I'm Anne Thomas and he doesn't.
Anne Thomas: And then he swore at me and said, he doesn't know who I am.
Anne Thomas: So I don't know where he got my name.
Sour Joe: Hello?
Sour Joe: Hello?
Anne Thomas: Yes.
Sour Joe: Why are you calling me?
Sour Joe: Who are you?
Sour Joe: Who are you?
Sour Joe: Why are you calling me?
Sour Joe: I asked you.
Sour Joe: You're a criminal.
Sour Joe: You're a piece of shit.
Sour Joe: You're a whore.
Sour Joe: You're a prostitute.
Sour Joe: Fuck you, chicken shit.
Sour Joe: You're a chicken shit prostitute.