Longmont Potion Castle 20 (2023)

Track 2: Combustible Tobacconist
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SPEAKER_03: Um, okay, if you want to maybe call back and speak to a manager, um, I don't know if you want to get your money back or something, but that sounds pretty serious, so I would let him know also. I'll also let him know. His name is Paul, and he's here in the morning. I mean, I'll let him know right now that you, that you, uh, that this happened, but he won't be here until tomorrow morning. But I'm going to let him know. You want to leave your, like, number or something?
SPEAKER_01: Sorry, what are you talking about?
SPEAKER_03: Who is this?
SPEAKER_01: Buddy's bruised on Carson.
SPEAKER_03: Some guy just told me he had one of our cigars and it exploded in his face.
SPEAKER_03: This is a business.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, this is a business, too.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, someone called our number, saying that one of our cigars exploded in his face.
SPEAKER_03: Who was I just talking to?
SPEAKER_01: I have no idea, ma'am.
SPEAKER_01: I just picked up the phone here.
SPEAKER_01: I haven't called anybody.
SPEAKER_01: I don't call anybody from the company.
SPEAKER_01: Really?
SPEAKER_03: Our phone rang and someone was complaining about our cigars and then it exploded in his face and then you started talking.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: That was really weird.
SPEAKER_03: Yep.
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: Bye.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I guess the best thing to do would be.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, no, the best thing to do, I guess would be to call.
SPEAKER_02: I can't do anything for you because I'm just the work to be here.
SPEAKER_02: But John and Amanda, who own it, will be here tomorrow.
SPEAKER_02: You could try either stopping in or calling and explaining it to them,
SPEAKER_02: and then I don't really have that authority to tell you what can be done or can't be done.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry, who's this?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_04: Who's this?
SPEAKER_02: Hi, my name's Chuck.
SPEAKER_04: Are you calling McNally Beer?
SPEAKER_02: No, I had a...
SPEAKER_02: This is an incumbent.
SPEAKER_02: coming call that came into my shop.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, no.
SPEAKER_04: We just answered your phone call.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, well, I'm not sure what happened because I had a gentleman on the line who was calling into me.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, sorry, yeah.
SPEAKER_04: No, this is a beer store.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, thank you.
SPEAKER_02: Perry Beer jumped on the phone. I don't know where that came from.
SPEAKER_02: They're a beer distributor off Route 19 in Ross Township.
SPEAKER_02: So if you call back tomorrow after 11 or stop back in the shop and then, you know,
SPEAKER_02: explain to them what happened and show them your receipt, then, you know, that decision is up to them.
SPEAKER_02: Liberty Beer, how can I help you?
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello, Liberty Beer?
SPEAKER_02: No, I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: For some reason, this call keeps jumping all over the place, and I was, I have a call, this call came into my shop.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, weird.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know about that.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, me neither.
SPEAKER_02: All right, well, have a good day.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Well, that was another beer distributor that picked up the phone again.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what's going on.
SPEAKER_04: Hello, beer on Butler.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: This phone keeps switching to people.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm just called, I don't know, it's almost like a party line.
SPEAKER_02: So I don't think we're trying to get a hold of you.
SPEAKER_04: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_05: I, you know, you should have bought it back in.
SPEAKER_05: I've never heard of a cigar doing that.
SPEAKER_04: Beer on Butler.
SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_04: Hi, Beer on Butler.
SPEAKER_04: Here, go to the family.
SPEAKER_04: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_04: Hi, Bear on Butler.
SPEAKER_05: I didn't call you.
SPEAKER_05: I don't know what number who, I don't know what you called me.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_04: Your phone keeps calling us.
SPEAKER_04: This is like the third time this number has called us.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, that's very strange.
SPEAKER_05: This is a very strange.
SPEAKER_05: a regular landline.
SPEAKER_05: I was just speaking to a gentleman.
SPEAKER_05: That's weird.
SPEAKER_05: I was literally just speaking to a guy and you came in.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, your phone keeps calling us for some reason.
SPEAKER_05: That is very strange.
SPEAKER_05: Sorry about that.
SPEAKER_04: Have a good night.
SPEAKER_05: You too, honey.
SPEAKER_05: I was talking to you, and beer on Butler kicked in.
SPEAKER_05: I mean, honestly, honey, I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
SPEAKER_05: I've never heard of that in my entire life.
SPEAKER_05: I've been in this business since 2009.
SPEAKER_05: I've never heard of a cigar blowing up on you.
SPEAKER_05: You should have actually bought it in to show me.
SPEAKER_05: Do you remember what kind of cigar it was?
SPEAKER_05: A cigars don't blow up.
SPEAKER_05: Honey, I could never give you a refund if we don't even know what kind it is, and I didn't see the cigar.
SPEAKER_05: That's not showing me anything.
SPEAKER_05: Hello?
SPEAKER_05: Smoking bruce.
SPEAKER_05: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_05: Something's going on.
SPEAKER_05: Some guy keeps calling me, and then other people come in.
SPEAKER_05: This is weird.
SPEAKER_07: I don't know.
SPEAKER_07: You know, you've got to be careful now.
SPEAKER_07: You know, you're scammers.
SPEAKER_07: Always calling it.
SPEAKER_07: This is a business price here.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, that's weird.
SPEAKER_05: Okay. Sorry about that.
SPEAKER_05: Where are you calling from?
SPEAKER_05: I'm not calling.
SPEAKER_05: Somebody's calling me.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, so somebody call you on our phone rang?
SPEAKER_05: I guess. It's weird.
SPEAKER_05: Now, he called me a second ago, and then it was Beer on Butler kicked in.
SPEAKER_05: Nice.
SPEAKER_05: We're not in Butler.
SPEAKER_05: I know.
SPEAKER_05: That's what I said.
SPEAKER_05: Whoever this guy is calling me, his phone is doing something.
SPEAKER_05: So it's calling me, and then I'm talking to him, and then, now you just kicked in instead of talking.
SPEAKER_05: And then, but prior to this,
SPEAKER_05: beer on Butler.
SPEAKER_05: She said, beer on Butler.
SPEAKER_05: And I'm like, where's the guy go?
SPEAKER_05: It's very strange.
SPEAKER_05: It's nice.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to tell you something.
SPEAKER_08: We just got a phone call here.
SPEAKER_08: Some guy saying that a cigar
SPEAKER_05: blew up in his face,
SPEAKER_05: and yeah, he wanted a refund and all that.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, that's very strange.
SPEAKER_05: And he's like, I have my receipt.
SPEAKER_05: I'm like, dude, I don't give out receipts.
SPEAKER_05: I said, and I've been in the business
SPEAKER_05: since 2009.
SPEAKER_05: I've never heard of a cigar blowing up on somebody.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, you should have.
SPEAKER_05: He said he threw it down the drain.
SPEAKER_05: I said, well, then you should have bought it back.
SPEAKER_05: I can't give you a refund on something that I never seen, and I don't know what kind it was.
SPEAKER_05: Melissa.
SPEAKER_05: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_05: This is Duano.
SPEAKER_05: Hey, Duano.
SPEAKER_05: What's going on, honey?
SPEAKER_08: They're trying to scam cigar places.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, I guess so.
SPEAKER_05: Why are you answering smoking brew's phone?
SPEAKER_07: Because I wanted to talk to that hacker, because here's the thing.
SPEAKER_07: On the weekends, my job is to destroy them.
SPEAKER_05: I didn't even catch your voice.
SPEAKER_05: That's fine.
SPEAKER_05: But, Dwayneau, which is weird, though, but how is it that he's calling me, okay?
SPEAKER_05: And then you come in and say smoke and bruise.
SPEAKER_05: That's weird.
SPEAKER_05: Literally, a second ago.
SPEAKER_07: You're scamming.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, I get it.
SPEAKER_05: But how is the phone ringing at somebody?
SPEAKER_05: I don't understand what's going on.
SPEAKER_05: Because literally, I'm talking to him like I'm talking to you right now.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you for calling from a cigar company.
SPEAKER_00: Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, noon to 6 p.m.
SPEAKER_05: Do you hear that?
SPEAKER_00: Saturday, noon to 4 p.m.
SPEAKER_00: Our lounge is currently open.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not. Can you hear it all?
SPEAKER_00: We still ask that you are socially distanced and wear a mask when you come in the store.
SPEAKER_00: Have a good day.
SPEAKER_05: Did you hear that?
SPEAKER_05: They call somebody else.
SPEAKER_05: That's blooms. That's weird.
SPEAKER_05: But you can hear it?
SPEAKER_05: Do you hear like a robot sound in the background?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, I heard it.
SPEAKER_05: Can you hear what's going on right now, though?
SPEAKER_05: It's a robot sound.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to, listen, let me hang up because I need to find this number.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to find them.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to call back too.
SPEAKER_06: Okay, honey.
SPEAKER_06: Don't call them back.
SPEAKER_06: No, don't do that.
SPEAKER_06: Okay.
SPEAKER_06: That's the last thing you want to do.
SPEAKER_06: Don't call them back.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to find them.
SPEAKER_06: All right.
SPEAKER_05: Okay.
SPEAKER_06: All right.
SPEAKER_06: All right.