Longmont Potion Castle 4 (2001)

Track 35: Collage 1
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SPEAKER_02: I can keep every resident including the criminal.
SPEAKER_02: Those who were...
SPEAKER_02: Authorities, contact.
SPEAKER_02: Those who were missed to contact those who were missed.
SPEAKER_01: Bring it by the package?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, bring it on by, man.
SPEAKER_01: Bring the motherfucker right on by right now.
SPEAKER_01: Okay?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, bring it by, motherfucker.
SPEAKER_01: Come on.
SPEAKER_01: We wait.
SPEAKER_01: Bring it by, man.
SPEAKER_01: Bring it by.
SPEAKER_01: This is paying for with your motherfucking ass, punk.
SPEAKER_00: Head lotion?
SPEAKER_00: We don't have onions.
SPEAKER_00: Who is this?
SPEAKER_00: What is this?
SPEAKER_00: gag or something, a gimmick, or what are you talking about?
SPEAKER_02: We didn't order no lotion here.
SPEAKER_02: I made shit, so don't bring nothing out here.
SPEAKER_02: You're full of shit, pal, and don't start anything.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: It's going to be 89-93.
SPEAKER_02: It's going to pay nothing, partner.
SPEAKER_02: You're just looking for trouble.
SPEAKER_02: Now, don't come up here, you get hurt.
SPEAKER_02: You're in a heap of trouble.
SPEAKER_02: Where do you want to meet?
SPEAKER_02: Do you want to have a load?
SPEAKER_02: Are you looking for trouble?
SPEAKER_02: You're looking for trouble?
SPEAKER_02: Right now.