Longmont Potion Castle 6 (2008)

Track 9: Citation
This track needs reviewing! --> Lend a hand <--
SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Hello, this George.
SPEAKER_01: This is Cooter.
SPEAKER_00: How can help you?
SPEAKER_01: You're the dude making all that noise?
SPEAKER_01: Making one noise.
SPEAKER_01: All that loudness, dude.
SPEAKER_01: I have no idea what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_01: Dr. Spook gave me your number.
SPEAKER_00: Who else, Dr. Spook?
SPEAKER_00: I don't know a Dr. Spook.
SPEAKER_01: He's a real trooper.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: And he told me you were making a whole bunch of noise over there.
SPEAKER_01: I'm prepared to issue a citation.
SPEAKER_01: You're prepared to issue a citation?
SPEAKER_01: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_01: I've issued a citation to a finger puppet before.
SPEAKER_01: Well, good for you, buddy.
SPEAKER_01: And look, there's an $805 fee associated with it.
SPEAKER_01: So, you better look real hard at what you're trying to do
SPEAKER_01: before you're going to make sounds all day and night.
SPEAKER_00: I don't make no sound all day and night, all right?
SPEAKER_00: Listen to me.
SPEAKER_00: This is my number, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: You have no idea what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_01: I have a magic act.
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a shit what you got, all right?
SPEAKER_01: And I'm going to get you got.
SPEAKER_01: give you a citation for $185.
SPEAKER_01: And I'm going to demand cash.
SPEAKER_01: You're going to demand cash?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Really?
SPEAKER_01: You're going to come by and pick it up?
SPEAKER_01: If I see one coin, anything.
SPEAKER_01: You're going to come by and pick up?
SPEAKER_01: I will renege on this whole...
SPEAKER_01: Hey, crazy buddy.
SPEAKER_01: The whole deal.
SPEAKER_01: Where the fuck you are, dude?
SPEAKER_01: Stop bugging me.
SPEAKER_01: You're... I won't take coins. I won't take checks.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to have this call traced.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to find out.
SPEAKER_00: where you're at.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to call the cops.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to begin doing martial arts.
SPEAKER_00: You don't understand that I used to be a cop.
SPEAKER_00: And all my friends are cops.
SPEAKER_00: So, do yourself a favor.
SPEAKER_00: Lose my number, because next time you call me, I'm going to have a trace,
SPEAKER_00: and I'm going to find out who you are.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to give you a citation.
SPEAKER_00: Buddy, you're fucking full of shit.
SPEAKER_00: You understand that?
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you come over and try to collect the money?
SPEAKER_01: Because I'll succeed.
SPEAKER_00: All right.
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you come over here and collect the money?
SPEAKER_01: There's no doubt in my mind.
SPEAKER_01: I'll get every nickel.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: How does that sound to you?
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a fuck.
SPEAKER_01: You understand?
SPEAKER_01: Because I issue citations.
SPEAKER_01: That's what I do.
SPEAKER_01: You try to collect that money, all right?
SPEAKER_01: Try to collect that money.
SPEAKER_00: Shouldn't be a problem.
SPEAKER_00: Alright, well then...
SPEAKER_00: Now should it?
SPEAKER_00: You say you're going to collect this money?
SPEAKER_00: You're going to order citations?
SPEAKER_00: Do it, then.
SPEAKER_00: Stop calling me and just do it.
SPEAKER_00: Put your money in where your mouth is and do it, all right?
SPEAKER_00: You put yours up.
SPEAKER_00: All right?
SPEAKER_00: It's your money on the line.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: I don't know how fucking sick you are
SPEAKER_00: or you haven't taking your medications,
SPEAKER_00: but I don't give up.
SPEAKER_00: Fuck. Take your medications.
SPEAKER_01: I have a magic act.
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a shit what you got, buddy. It don't matter to me.
SPEAKER_01: I issue citations.
SPEAKER_01: It don't matter to me.
SPEAKER_01: And you owe me $185 frickin' dollars right now.
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you come and try to collect it?
SPEAKER_01: I don't have to try.
SPEAKER_01: All right. Well, come and collect it.
SPEAKER_01: First of all, I'll get every nickel I have coming.
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a fuck.
SPEAKER_01: And then I'm gonna take you downtown, drop you off someplace.
SPEAKER_01: You could think about something.
SPEAKER_01: You can think about something.
SPEAKER_01: You're a funny guy, man.
SPEAKER_01: You can think about some of this crap you pulled here.
SPEAKER_01: You know what I mean?
SPEAKER_01: You're a funny guy.
SPEAKER_01: Okay?
SPEAKER_01: You're a funny guy.
SPEAKER_01: Well, take your medication, psycho.