Longmont Potion Castle 4 (2001)

Track 4: Chess
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SPEAKER_00: Electronics Batique where you can train your old games.
SPEAKER_00: This is Jeff.
SPEAKER_01: Jeff, how you doing?
SPEAKER_00: Pretty good?
SPEAKER_01: Um, I need to make a couple of upgrades.
SPEAKER_01: It's a digital repressor.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, is you looking to upgrade the entire machine?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Pretty much from, from ground up, you know.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: We actually mainly...
SPEAKER_00: The reason I asked, no, reason I asked.
SPEAKER_01: I asked, no, reason I ask is because the guy at the Sunglass Hut was talking about you, so I'd probably check it out.
SPEAKER_00: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_01: Reason being, you know, it's just because of that.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: We mainly deal with software.
SPEAKER_00: Um, if you want to upgrade the entire system.
SPEAKER_01: It was during a chess session.
SPEAKER_01: He was, it was digital chess.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, okay.
SPEAKER_00: Chess.
SPEAKER_01: Chess.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, uh, we have, uh, mainly software.
SPEAKER_00: If you're looking for the hardware stuff, uh, I'd say probably, uh,
SPEAKER_01: Okay, okay, because I thought so.
SPEAKER_01: But that repressor, how much repression is there in something like that?
SPEAKER_00: Uh, for, what was it?
SPEAKER_01: For the, uh, digital to analog repercussions?
SPEAKER_01: To tell you truth.
SPEAKER_00: To tell the truth, I do not know.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not exactly familiar with the newer, pretty much any of the word processors on the market.
SPEAKER_01: Right.
SPEAKER_01: That's true.
SPEAKER_01: That's true.
SPEAKER_01: It's just one of those things.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: With nebulizing, you know?
SPEAKER_01: Once something's nebulized.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, God.
SPEAKER_01: What something's...
SPEAKER_01: What something's rendered, rendered, being nebulized?
SPEAKER_01: What's what I'm talking about?
SPEAKER_00: Was it?
SPEAKER_01: Once I've rendered something,
SPEAKER_01: what I'm talking about.
SPEAKER_01: Nebulized.
SPEAKER_01: I've realized
SPEAKER_01: That
SPEAKER_01: the repression of the simulated
SPEAKER_01: nebulizer
SPEAKER_01: is a repression
SPEAKER_01: of the digital chest session.
SPEAKER_01: Of the digital chest session.
SPEAKER_01: And that's where things kind of interfere
SPEAKER_01: and cross-pollinated different things took place.
SPEAKER_01: more or less.
SPEAKER_01: Where are you guys
SPEAKER_01: stand on something like that?
SPEAKER_01: Um...
SPEAKER_01: Well, talk to me a little bit.
SPEAKER_01: Appreciate your time.
SPEAKER_01: Now, I certainly do appreciate it.
SPEAKER_01: Certainly do.
SPEAKER_01: I certainly do.
SPEAKER_01: Now, let me have it.
SPEAKER_01: Now, let me have it.
SPEAKER_01: Now, as a representation
SPEAKER_01: of that
SPEAKER_01: nebulize simulation.
SPEAKER_01: Mulation.
SPEAKER_01: Mulation.
SPEAKER_00: Uh, sir,
SPEAKER_00: I mean, we have some chest software,
SPEAKER_00: but
SPEAKER_00: not a whole lot of it.
SPEAKER_00: We have
SPEAKER_00: like the chess master stuff,
SPEAKER_00: but we don't carry any of the
SPEAKER_00: chess boards.
SPEAKER_01: Are they simulated?
SPEAKER_00: Um...
SPEAKER_00: You can do the...
SPEAKER_00: I can't understand.
SPEAKER_00: I can't really understand.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.