Longmont Potion Castle 18 (2021)

Longmont Potion Castle 18

Track 8: Card Collector

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  • SPEAKER_02: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_01: Oh, hi, is Robbie there?
  • SPEAKER_02: Yes, this is Robbie.
  • SPEAKER_01: Oh, hi, this is Stu.
  • SPEAKER_01: I got your number from your mother, actually.
  • SPEAKER_01: How are you doing?
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm good.
  • SPEAKER_02: How are you doing?
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm good.
  • SPEAKER_01: I had a project I just thought you'd be good for,
  • SPEAKER_01: and I wanted to give you a call.
  • SPEAKER_01: I actually have a bunch of cards that I need shuffled.
  • SPEAKER_02: You have cards?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah, some neighborhood kids got into my belongings.
  • SPEAKER_01: They shuffled together.
  • SPEAKER_01: I got something in the neighborhood of, I think, about 17,000 cards.
  • SPEAKER_01: There's playing cards and garbage pail cards.
  • SPEAKER_01: They're all mixed up, and I just wanted to have them separated it out.
  • SPEAKER_01: And if you could somehow get in, help me out with that, that would be really great and helpful for me.
  • SPEAKER_01: I could certainly pay you for your time.
  • SPEAKER_01: I mean, that would be no problem at all.
  • SPEAKER_01: Nothing against something like that.
  • SPEAKER_02: It sounds like a lot of cards.
  • SPEAKER_01: There's a lot of cards.
  • SPEAKER_01: Are you trying to organize them or just?
  • SPEAKER_01: So I'm trying to organize.
  • SPEAKER_01: There's all kinds of cards.
  • SPEAKER_02: I think there's a little bit going on with your microphone.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah, see, there's cards here, there's cards there.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know where to begin.
  • SPEAKER_01: But I've actually got them in a wheelbarrow.
  • SPEAKER_01: I can just bring them.
  • SPEAKER_01: on over to you.
  • SPEAKER_01: I mean, if you were agreeable.
  • SPEAKER_02: But you, so it's a full wheelbarrow full cart.
  • SPEAKER_02: You're looking to get shuffled.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_01: That's correct.
  • SPEAKER_01: That's correct.
  • SPEAKER_01: And I didn't know if you'd be agreeable or not.
  • SPEAKER_05: To that.
  • SPEAKER_01: If you were, I could bring them up.
  • SPEAKER_01: I can give you $5, $10 an hour, you know, something like that.
  • SPEAKER_01: You know, something like that.
  • SPEAKER_02: What did you say your name was?
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm Stu.
  • SPEAKER_01: And I wanted to give you $5, $10 an hour.
  • SPEAKER_01: How does that sound for a bunch of stuff here today?
  • SPEAKER_01: I hope you out.
  • SPEAKER_01: I hope you know with that.
  • SPEAKER_00: If you want to work that out.
  • SPEAKER_00: I've got card.
  • SPEAKER_00: I've got tail kid cards.
  • SPEAKER_00: I've got playing cards.
  • SPEAKER_01: There's some miniature greeting cards in there.
  • SPEAKER_01: There's a bunch of different stuff.
  • SPEAKER_02: Um, so I'm just trying to understand what you've got to do with these cards.
  • SPEAKER_05: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_02: Yes?
  • SPEAKER_02: Well, if you're trying to shuffle them,
  • SPEAKER_02: are you looking for organization,
  • SPEAKER_02: or you're looking for shuffling of these cards?
  • SPEAKER_03: I think you have the wrong number.
  • SPEAKER_01: Are you still there?
  • SPEAKER_01: Hey, I lost you for a second.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm not sure what happened.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm not sure what happened, on, happen, on, happen, on happen, on happen, on happen.
  • SPEAKER_00: But if I could maybe stop by,
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm trying what I'm working with, drop this wheelbarrow off.
  • SPEAKER_01: I mean, is that something you might be interested in doing?
  • SPEAKER_01: I can give you a $4 or $5 an hour in a hour, you know, something like that.
  • SPEAKER_02: I thought it was $10 an hour.
  • SPEAKER_01: Actually, I could do that, yeah, sure, $5, $10 an hour, sure, uh-huh.
  • SPEAKER_02: Not a problem.
  • SPEAKER_02: How long are you expecting this to take?
  • SPEAKER_01: Oh, I can give you five, ten hours.
  • SPEAKER_01: Ten hours.
  • SPEAKER_01: You let me know what you do.
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm confused what qualifications you're looking for in this job.
  • SPEAKER_01: Get everything organized.
  • SPEAKER_01: Anything you need.
  • SPEAKER_01: Everything you need with me.
  • SPEAKER_01: And however you want to go about it is fine.
  • SPEAKER_00: If you want to talk to your mother, that's fine, that's fine.
  • SPEAKER_00: I can give me some time to make your decision.
  • SPEAKER_00: Whatever you want to do.
  • SPEAKER_00: Whatever you want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do.
  • SPEAKER_04: Where are you located?
  • SPEAKER_04: 13th in Washington.
  • SPEAKER_04: Of what country?
  • SPEAKER_04: The United States of America.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, I'm, I think I'm on the wrong number here.
  • SPEAKER_02: What are you calling for?
  • SPEAKER_02: I just got reconnected to this number.
  • SPEAKER_02: called me.
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah, probably just a mistyled, dude.
  • SPEAKER_04: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_04: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_04: Yep, I'm here, man.
  • SPEAKER_02: Are you hearing the third guy talking?
  • SPEAKER_04: I did for a second.
  • SPEAKER_04: Is this Longmont Potion Castle by any chance?
  • SPEAKER_04: Can you guys hear me?
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah, man, I can hear you.
  • SPEAKER_04: It kind of sounds like you're prank calling me, though.
  • SPEAKER_04: No, somebody is prank calling me, though.
  • SPEAKER_03: this all the time, they connect three different lines, and they just screw around with us.
  • SPEAKER_03: They've been doing it for a few years.
  • SPEAKER_03: All right, well, shall we both call it quits then?
  • SPEAKER_03: How about that?
  • SPEAKER_03: Well, I haven't done anything.
  • SPEAKER_03: I just been sitting here in my phone rang twice.
  • SPEAKER_03: All right.
  • SPEAKER_03: Well, that's what happened to me, so have a good day.
  • SPEAKER_03: Wait, where are you guys?
  • SPEAKER_00: Anybody there?
  • SPEAKER_00: Wanna do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do, want to do. Press one to listen to your message, press two.