Alive in '25 (2025)

Track 2: Breadstick Rabbit Hole
Runtime: 302 seconds
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Man #1: Hello?
LPC: Yeah, hello.
Man #1: Yes, bud?
LPC: Yeah, this is Barney calling.
Man #1: Okay.
Man #1: From where?
LPC: From local.
LPC: I got a breadstick from you guys, and I wanted to call it.
LPC: It looked like a piece of toast or something when I left there.
LPC: So I was wondering if I could get a store credit or a refund or one or the other.
Man #1: It's 3 a.m. in the morning, mate.
Man #1: So that's a big no for me for calling this time of the hours, mate.
Man #1: Call back during hours, bud.
LPC: Well, I couldn't.
LPC: sleep. I've been so upset about this.
Man #1: You're full of shit, man.
Man #1: Just fucking...
LPC: Not even, man. I was hungry.
Man #1: I don't believe you, man.
LPC: I don't believe what you're doing. How about that?
Man #1: I don't care whether you believe what I'm doing, man.
Man #1: If you're fucking worried about a stick at this time of the morning, I say you're full
Man #1: of shit and you just need to go and find it something better to worry about, man.
LPC: Well, if you're selling toast, call it toast. Don't call it a breadstick. You feel
LPC: me?
Man #1: And it was drunk.
Man #1: Absolutely. Don't give a fuck, man.
Man #1: I really generally don't give a fuck, man.
Man #1: If you really that worried about it, I'd say you should come and see me at 4 o'clock so I can talk to you face to face.
Man #1: Otherwise, just piss off and leave me alone.
LPC: I'll come see about a refund.
LPC: That's no problem at all.
LPC: No problem at all.
Man #1: Between 4 and 6 o'clock tomorrow night, man.
LPC: Dynamite.
LPC: Hey, I hope you carry cash.
LPC: That's all I can say, because this breadstick was wacky.
Man #1: I really don't give a fuck, man.
Man #1: I absolutely don't care, bud.
LPC: Why don't you take this seriously?
LPC: Be professional?
SPEAKER_02: Because it's 3 o'clock and a fuck.
SPEAKER_02: fucking morning, you wanker.
SPEAKER_02: So fuck off and leave me alone.
SPEAKER_02: Is that clear enough for you?
LPC: Well, I'm hungry here.
LPC: What am I supposed to do?
SPEAKER_02: I don't give a fuck you piece of shit.
SPEAKER_02: Fuck off.
SPEAKER_02: Get a life or stop being a fucking
SPEAKER_02: cow online, man.
SPEAKER_02: You're just a fucking carer, mate.
SPEAKER_02: So fuck off and get a fucking life.
SPEAKER_02: Is that clear?
SPEAKER_02: Is that crystal clear for someone as dumb shit as you?
SPEAKER_02: Come and see me tomorrow
SPEAKER_02: at 5 o'clock and I will drag
SPEAKER_02: you through the fucking car park by your
SPEAKER_02: fucking nostril.
SPEAKER_02: All right?
SPEAKER_02: Use your little fucking brain.
SPEAKER_02: Realize that I'm not a fuck around
SPEAKER_02: and come and see me tomorrow night
SPEAKER_02: and we will have a real discussion about.
LPC: Oh, you bet, Bucco.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, you're fucking better.
SPEAKER_02: Come and see me, motherfucker.
SPEAKER_02: I'll teach you how to fucking show some
SPEAKER_02: fucking respect, you piece of shit.
LPC: Yes, hello?
LPC: Yes, hello?
LPC: It's Barney Luger.
LPC: Okay.
Man #1: You're too early, mate.
Man #1: Come in later.
LPC: I did.
LPC: Some nebish guys said you weren't there.
LPC: How can
Man #1: Tell me when this was.
LPC: Yesterday, listen, I just need some new bread
LPC: or a gift cared.
LPC: That's all I need.
SPEAKER_02: You're full of shit, Mike.
SPEAKER_02: Where do you think I am?
SPEAKER_02: What suburb are you, bud?
LPC: Same as you.
LPC: I'm a Brisbane guy, and that's all I need.
SPEAKER_02: Tell me what suburb you are, man.
LPC: Man, why don't you just fulfill my desire?
SPEAKER_02: How about you tell me what suburb are?
SPEAKER_02: Because you're not even fucking real.
LPC: Oh, that's horseradish, man.
LPC: That's a bunch of horser.
SPEAKER_02: What fucking suburb are you are?
SPEAKER_02: What fucking suburb are you?
SPEAKER_02: you at, bud?
LPC: Bribby Island.
LPC: Where do you think?
SPEAKER_02: Broby Island's got about 10 fucking suburbs on it, mate.
SPEAKER_02: So tell me what suburb is.
LPC: I just moved here from Utah.
SPEAKER_02: I don't, I don't fucking believe you, mate.
LPC: Why don't you just fulfill my desire?
LPC: Huh?
LPC: The bread looked breaded.
SPEAKER_02: You're a lion.
SPEAKER_02: Why the fuck?
SPEAKER_02: Are you fucking even bothering, mate?
SPEAKER_02: What is at your?
SPEAKER_02: You don't even know where I am.
SPEAKER_02: You don't know who I am.
SPEAKER_02: You don't even know what location I'm fucking at.
LPC: My name's Barney Lugar.
SPEAKER_02: I don't.
SPEAKER_02: give a fuck what's your name is, mate.
SPEAKER_02: If you brought false in to my
SPEAKER_02: fucking shop, I will grab you by
SPEAKER_02: the scruff of the neck and drag you at
SPEAKER_02: the car park and throttle you
SPEAKER_02: for fucking being a wanker, mate.
SPEAKER_02: You are not the person that
SPEAKER_02: wants to come to me
SPEAKER_02: because I don't handle
SPEAKER_02: Karen's and bullshit, mate.
SPEAKER_02: You will get flogged by me
SPEAKER_02: if you come to me, mate. I'm telling
SPEAKER_02: you right now. Why don't you get
LPC: a jukebox so I can pop around while
LPC: I have my bread?
SPEAKER_02: What?
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you
SPEAKER_02: fucking think before you waste
SPEAKER_02: your time, mate?
SPEAKER_02: I don't even understand.
SPEAKER_02: Coming in on these fucking bullshit numbers
SPEAKER_02: where you don't even know
LPC: who I am.
LPC: What are you even saying right now?
LPC: I don't even get what you're saying.
LPC: Why don't you get a jukebox so I can bop around
LPC: a little bit in there, have some fun.
SPEAKER_02: you're fucking coming in and you have
SPEAKER_02: no idea who I am.
LPC: Oh, you have no idea who you're fiddling
LPC: with, guy. You have no clue.
SPEAKER_02: I would love, I would love
SPEAKER_02: someone like you to try and
SPEAKER_02: front me and just see what
SPEAKER_02: happens, bud. I would love
SPEAKER_02: you to fucking face me, man.
SPEAKER_02: Okay. I'm telling you, if you
SPEAKER_02: come to me, that's that fucking
SPEAKER_02: bullshit, you would be
SPEAKER_02: fucking absolutely
SPEAKER_02: dominated me.
LPC: I want a gift card.
LPC: A fucking, a gift card.
LPC: A fucking gift card.
LPC: This bread looked breaded. I don't know what
LPC: it was that you served me.
LPC: Oh, my God.