Longmont Potion Castle (1988)

Track 14: Bracket
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SPEAKER_01: Who is this?
SPEAKER_01: Who is this?
SPEAKER_01: My fist will tell you, how's that sound?
SPEAKER_01: Your fist will tell me?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Brackett.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Almost rhymes with faggot.
SPEAKER_01: Bracket, you some bitch.
SPEAKER_01: You'll meet up my whip pretty quick?
SPEAKER_01: Probably not.
SPEAKER_01: No, it's some bitch.
SPEAKER_01: Dude, I'm getting really mad, and E.J. is going to beat your ass, man.
SPEAKER_01: What?
SPEAKER_01: You're going to meet up my clamp.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Where do we know you from, Brackett?
SPEAKER_01: Well, you're going to know my fist pretty well, pretty thick.
SPEAKER_01: Who is this, moron?
SPEAKER_01: What the hell are you talking about?
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you speak in English, moron?
SPEAKER_01: You're the one calling, moron. I don't even know who you are.
SPEAKER_01: I know you're name me Brackett.
SPEAKER_01: I'm a waste.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, hello, hey.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, hello.
SPEAKER_00: Shut up, Dickface.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, I will.
SPEAKER_00: But when you want to tell you?
SPEAKER_00: Tell us your name, then call back, Mr. Brackett, okay?
SPEAKER_00: You ready me at my boot?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
None: Yeah, where?
SPEAKER_01: Where?
SPEAKER_01: Well, come on.
SPEAKER_01: Come on.
SPEAKER_01: You ready me at my heel?
SPEAKER_01: Man, quit asking me if I'm ready.
SPEAKER_01: Man, quit asking me if I'm ready.
SPEAKER_01: If you're going to do it, do it, if not shut up.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you tell me where, man?
SPEAKER_01: Because you want to go out of, then tell me if not shut up.
SPEAKER_01: Because you're a child.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: I don't beat up children.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to give you taste of my boot.
SPEAKER_00: Well, okay.
SPEAKER_00: Well, then, when you give me a taste of my boot,
SPEAKER_00: your boot, then I'll be waiting.
SPEAKER_01: You won't meet up my pipe.
SPEAKER_01: I'll meet up my pipe.
SPEAKER_01: There it goes. You're going to meet the pipe now.
SPEAKER_01: Because you're going to meet at my foot.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, God.
SPEAKER_01: Do you have a purpose?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah. What is it?
SPEAKER_01: Give you a taste of my clamp.
SPEAKER_01: Okay. Well, then let's do that. Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you give me a taste or whatever you want to do,
SPEAKER_00: your foot, your clamp, your fist, but do it.
SPEAKER_01: You know where after the goldfish?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you go there this Tuesday?
SPEAKER_01: Oh, I can wait.
SPEAKER_01: And put some fist upside my head. Why don't you do that?
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to do it right now.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Sissy man.
SPEAKER_01: Shut up.
SPEAKER_01: Go on here.
SPEAKER_01: Sissy man.
SPEAKER_01: You should up, Dick.
SPEAKER_01: E.J. Hang up.
SPEAKER_01: Why?
SPEAKER_01: I'll level your ass with my whip.
SPEAKER_01: With your whip.
SPEAKER_01: I'll level you.
SPEAKER_01: You level me?
SPEAKER_01: Don't you come do it.
SPEAKER_01: Because you're still too afraid.
SPEAKER_01: I don't beat up, kids.
SPEAKER_01: When you become a man, they don't level you with my whip.
SPEAKER_01: With your whip, huh?
SPEAKER_01: I'm trying to fix this cuckoo clock.