Best Before '24 (2024)

Best Before '24

Track 9: Booper

Runtime: 593 seconds

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  • Woman 1: Betty Boop Diner.
  • LPC: Hi, can I please get a take-up or a pick-up?
  • Woman 1: Of course, what can I get you?
  • LPC: Oh, awesome.
  • LPC: Yeah, my aunt recently got some stuff there and I loved it.
  • LPC: And I was wanting to pick some up.
  • LPC: Yeah, thank you.
  • LPC: Let's see, I think I wanted to get a couple of the Red Hot Betty's.
  • Woman 1: Sure.
  • LPC: Like two of those.
  • Woman 1: Okay.
  • LPC: And do you have any beverages at all?
  • Woman 1: Yes, I do.
  • Woman 1: I have Pepsi.
  • Woman 1: Yeah.
  • Woman 1: Cranberry ginger ale, blackberry, diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew.
  • LPC: Excellent.
  • LPC: Can we get a couple of the ginger ales, please?
  • Woman 1: Absolutely.
  • LPC: Excellent.
  • LPC: Okay.
  • LPC: Excellent.
  • Woman 1: Come pick it up, honey.
  • LPC: Yeah, I'll pick it up.
  • LPC: And also my aunt had something that I want to say had like a cinnamon prune kind of aroma to it.
  • Woman 1: Okay.
  • LPC: Do you know what I'm talking about?
  • Woman 1: Maybe, it might be cinnamon raisin bread we had, with toast.
  • Woman 1: French toast, probably.
  • LPC: Yeah, I think so.
  • LPC: Is it too late in the day for that, or?
  • Woman 1: Yes.
  • Woman 1: Oh no, absolutely, you can have that whenever you want.
  • Woman 1: Did you want an order of that?
  • LPC: Yes, please.
  • LPC: One portion of that.
  • Woman 1: Okay.
  • LPC: And then I think I wanted to get as a gift, like a bag.
  • LPC: Maybe like a commemorative handbag.
  • LPC: Do you have anything like that?
  • Woman 1: We have like little pocketbooks, yeah.
  • Woman 1: We do.
  • Woman 1: We have, let me see, I got two left.
  • Woman 1: Three left, actually.
  • Woman 1: Yeah, I got three.
  • LPC: Do you have anything big enough, say, to put a turkey in?
  • Confused Hairdresser: Beety Boop's.
  • LPC: Anything that size?
  • Confused Hairdresser: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Oh, I don't.
  • Woman 1: Thank you.
  • Woman 1: You too.
  • Woman 1: I don't, actually.
  • Woman 1: I just like little handbags, actually.
  • Woman 3: Hi, this is Betsy Boots Boutique.
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 3: Hi.
  • Woman 1: You wanted to know about the handbag?
  • Woman 1: It was twenty-five on the handbag.
  • Woman 3: Um, I'm not sure what this is in regards to.
  • Woman 1: Alright, I was just speaking with a gentleman, now who are you?
  • Woman 3: Um, I'm with Betsy Boo's Boutique, so I'm not sure who you were speaking with prior.
  • Woman 1: I don't know.
  • Woman 1: Talking about a handbag?
  • Woman 1: Making an order for takeout?
  • Woman 1: This is Betty Boop's Diner.
  • Confused Hairdresser: This is the beauty shop.
  • Woman 3: Oh, this is Betsy Boo's Boutique, so I guess I'm not sure what happened here?
  • Woman 1: Who am I speaking with?
  • Woman 1: This is Betty Boop's Diner.
  • Woman 1: Someone was calling here for an order?
  • Woamn 4: Um, yes.
  • Woman 1: What would you like?
  • Woman 1: I'm not ordering anything.
  • Woman 1: This is a diner.
  • Woman 1: Someone was calling us for an order.
  • Woamn 4: Oh, well we're Betty Boop's Diner also.
  • Woman 1: Oh, where are you located?
  • Woamn 4: In Crockett, Texas.
  • Woman 1: Crockett, Texas?
  • Woman 1: How about that?
  • Woman 1: We're in Albany, New York.
  • Woman 1: Oh my gosh, and somebody called from this number to you?
  • Woman 1: I guess something happened.
  • Woman 1: It wasn't me.
  • Woman 1: Well, have a nice day.
  • Woman 1: All right.
  • Woman 1: You too.
  • Woman 1: I hope business is good today.
  • Woman 1: Bye bye.
  • Woman 1: Hello.
  • Woman 1: Hello.
  • Woman 1: Can you hear me?
  • Woman 1: Yes, I can.
  • LPC: Okay, thank you.
  • LPC: I am sorry.
  • LPC: I am trying to get takeout and a handbag, and I'm just trying to get a total or a subtotal from you and get a rundown of what I'm getting here.
  • LPC: Some problems with the phone, I think.
  • LPC: I'm not sure.
  • Woman 1: Yes.
  • Woman 1: Now, which Betty Boops are you calling?
  • Woman 1: In Albany, New York?
  • Woman 1: Yeah, of course.
  • Woman 1: Okay, just checking because I just spoke with a lady in Texas.
  • LPC: Uh, what do you mean?
  • Woman 1: Well, Betty Boop, Texas, somehow.
  • Woman 1: Crawford, Texas.
  • Woman 1: Anyway...
  • LPC: Son of a gun.
  • Woman 1: All right, so the handbag was twenty-five dollars.
  • LPC: Okay, and how big is that?
  • Woman 1: Let me see if I can get an idea.
  • Woman 1: This is, uh... Oh, well, let's see.
  • Woman 1: There's two of them here, right?
  • Woman 1: Okay, hold on.
  • Woman 1: One's a purse and one's a handbag.
  • Woman 1: Betty Boop!
  • Woman 1: Yeah, this looks like it's about twelve inches by... Betty Boop!
  • Woman 1: ...eight, maybe?
  • Confused Hairdresser: Where are you all calling from?
  • Woman 1: Pardon?
  • Woman 1: I'm in Albany, New York.
  • Confused Hairdresser: Well, I'm in Pelzer, South Carolina, and you just keep calling and calling, and I'm busy doing hair.
  • Woman 1: Well, I don't know who's calling you.
  • Woman 1: I have a gentleman on the lines trying to call and order food here.
  • Confused Hairdresser: I'm sorry.
  • Woamn 4: Bye-bye.
  • Woman 1: Bye?
  • Woman 1: I already spoke with somebody in Texas, too.
  • Woman 1: Good morning.
  • Woman 3: Sir?
  • LPC: Hi, can you hear me?
  • Woman 1: Yeah, I can.
  • Woman 1: Can you hear me?
  • LPC: Hi, yes I sure can.
  • Woman 1: Well, we just had a lady from North Carolina on the line again.
  • Woman 1: So, whatever.
  • LPC: What the heck you...
  • Woman 1: I don't know what happened with your phone, but... Now, can you fit a turkey...
  • LPC: Can you fit a turkey in this handbag, or no?
  • LPC: Like, or a bowling ball?
  • LPC: Hmm...
  • Woman 1: Yeah, you could probably put a bowling ball in it, yeah.
  • Woman 1: No.
  • Woman 1: In that you could.
  • Woman 1: You don't think you could fit a bowling ball in there?
  • Woman 1: No.
  • Woman 1: No, I guess not.
  • Woman 1: Nope, not deep enough.
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Yes, Betty Boop, how may I help you?
  • Woman 1: Alright, which Betty Boop are you?
  • Woman 1: Uh, Betty Boop Party Rentals.
  • Woman 1: This is the craziest phone calls I've ever had.
  • Woman 1: This is Betty Boop's client and we're trying to help a customer.
  • Woman 1: Oh, okay.
  • Woman 1: Bueno, I don't know.
  • Woman 1: You dialed us.
  • Woman 1: I don't know if you're looking for something specific.
  • Woman 1: No, I don't know how it dialed.
  • Woman 1: I'm on the line with a customer and somehow... Oh, that's weird.
  • Woman 1: I just had a lady from North Carolina break in on the line, too.
  • LPC: Oh, that's so weird.
  • Woman 1: That was another lady from Texas.
  • Woman 1: No, we're in Florida.
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Okay, yes.
  • Woman 1: Yes, hi.
  • Woman 1: This is Betty Boop Steiner in Albany, New York.
  • Sour Joe: Hello.
  • Woman 1: Hi.
  • Woman 1: Sir, are you back?
  • Sour Joe: Who's this?
  • Woman 1: This is Betty Boop Steiner in Albany, New York.
  • Sour Joe: Why are you calling me?
  • Woman 1: I didn't call you, sir.
  • Woman 1: I've been on the line with a customer, and these calls keep breaking in.
  • Woman 1: I have no idea what this system is doing, so...
  • Sour Joe: You know what you're talking about.
  • Woman 1: I do, too.
  • Sour Joe: Goodbye.
  • Sour Joe: You called me.
  • Sour Joe: You're a criminal.
  • Sour Joe: You called me.
  • Woman 1: I'm sorry?
  • Sour Joe: Yeah.
  • Sour Joe: You're a criminal, I think.
  • Sour Joe: Yeah.
  • Woamn 4: I don't know what you're talking about.
  • Sour Joe: Well, I know what you're... I got these criminals calling me ten times a day.
  • Sour Joe: And you're one of them, too.
  • Sour Joe: Okay?
  • Sour Joe: We're a restaurant.
  • Sour Joe: I don't know anybody.
  • Woman 1: You'll be in jail tonight.
  • Sour Joe: Okay.
  • Sour Joe: I got that call, so that means you called me.
  • Sour Joe: You piece of shit.
  • Woamn 4: Do not call me names.
  • Woman 1: Good afternoon, Betty Boops Diner.
  • Woman 1: How may I help you?
  • Woman 1: Hi there.
  • LPC: Betty Boops in Albany?
  • Woman 1: Yes.
  • LPC: Oh, thank God.
  • LPC: Okay.
  • LPC: Listen, I'm just trying to pick up my food, okay, and my bag.
  • Woman 1: Okay, the bag, I don't think you want...
  • LPC: What did you find out on the bag?
  • Woman 1: Oh, they wanted twenty-five dollars for it, but you asked if a bowling ball would fit in it?
  • LPC: Yeah, or like a turkey, uh-huh, yeah.
  • Woman 1: No.
  • LPC: Oh, no?
  • Woman 1: No.
  • LPC: How big is it?
  • Woman 1: It's only about twelve inches by six deep, eight inches high.
  • Woman 1: Hmm.
  • Sour Joe: Well... Hello?
  • Woman 1: I'm here.
  • Sour Joe: Who are you?
  • Woman 1: Oh, not you again.
  • Sour Joe: Why the hell are you calling me?
  • Woman 1: I'm not calling...
  • Sour Joe: Yeah, you must be... You're one of these criminals, is that it?
  • Woman 1: Oh, I'm a criminal, right?
  • Sour Joe: Yes, you're a criminal.
  • Sour Joe: Yes, I got him calling ten times a day.
  • Sour Joe: You're a piece of criminal.
  • Woman 1: Good afternoon, Betty Boop.
  • Woman 1: Steiner, how may I help you?
  • LPC: Hi, yes, I'm sorry, I keep getting cut off.
  • LPC: I wanted to tell you I want the bag.
  • LPC: You want the bag?
  • LPC: Yes, please.
  • LPC: Now what are the dimensions, just roughly, just approximately.
  • Woman 1: Okay, I think it's twelve by six by eight.
  • Woman 1: Six inches deep, twelve inches wide, and about eight inches tall.
  • LPC: And what does it look like?
  • Woman 1: Well, Betty Boop, can I help you?
  • Woman 1: Oh, not again.
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Yeah, where are you calling from?
  • Woman 1: This is Betty Boop Bakery?
  • Woman 1: No, this is Betty Boop's Diner in Albany, New York.
  • Woman 1: Oh, my.
  • Woman 1: Mm-hmm.
  • Woman 1: Oh, my is right.
  • Woman 1: I don't know how these calls keep cutting in on our customer's call.
  • Woman 1: Betty Boop in there.
  • Woman 1: Yeah.
  • Woman 1: Betty Boop what?
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Betty Boop at the Rentals.
  • Woman 1: Betty Boop what?
  • Woman 1: I'm sorry, you keep cutting in on our calls.
  • Woman 1: I have no idea how this is happening.
  • Woman 1: I don't know.
  • Woman 1: Nobody could make this up, I'll tell you.
  • Woamn 4: Betty Boop, this is Danielle.
  • Woamn 4: How may I help you?
  • Woman 1: Hi.
  • Woman 1: We don't need you.
  • Woman 1: I'm talking with a customer.
  • Woman 1: Goodbye.
  • Woman 1: Hello?
  • Woman 1: Hello, sir.
  • Woman 1: Are you there?
  • Woman 1: You there?
  • Sour Joe: Yes.
  • Woman 1: Are you there?
  • Sour Joe: You're calling me again?
  • Woman 1: No, I'm not calling you, sir.
  • Sour Joe: Talk to your... I get a call.
  • Sour Joe: You're stupid.
  • Sour Joe: I get a call, of course I answer the phone.
  • Woman 1: I didn't call you.
  • Woman 1: Yeah, I didn't call you either.
  • Woman 1: Why are you so nasty, sir?
  • Woman 1: You have a bad life?
  • Woman 1: It's not my fault.
  • Sour Joe: Young lady, you're full of shit.