Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 17: Best Before '24 Medley
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Dave: Hello?
LPC: Hi, Dave.
Dave: Uh, hello?
Dave: Yeah, who is this?
LPC: This is Manuel Nutter.
LPC: How's yourself?
LPC: How you doing out there?
Dave: I'm doing all right.
Dave: I'm doing all right.
LPC: Oh, good, good.
LPC: Yeah, I'm new here in the neighborhood.
Dave: All right.
LPC: You probably heard my rooster some morning.
LPC: Sorry about that.
LPC: Although maybe not recently.
LPC: He's kind of gone on walkabout.
Dave: Oh, wow.
Dave: Finding himself?
LPC: Well, I'm afraid I might've turned into a deadly game of chicken, if I'm being honest.
Dave: Oh, man.
Dave: That's fun.
LPC: Well, hey, so anyway, they're doing this improv lip syncing and slumber party over by the fingernail salon.
LPC: So you should really like it.
LPC: I thought I'd notify or maybe you're going anyway.
LPC: I'm not sure.
LPC: I thought I'd just mention it to you if you'd like to go.
LPC: There's a fragrance booster button that you can push at the end.
LPC: So there is a fragrant component to it.
Dave: Okay.
LPC: For anyone who says there isn't, you know?
Dave: Yeah.
Dave: Thanks for the heads up.
Dave: It's good to know.
LPC: I hope I haven't thrown up a beige flag here or anything.
Dave: No, no, no, no.
Dave: I'd be okay with that.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: What, would you rather listen to the thunder roar or?
LPC: Yeah.
Dave: That's a tough one, if I'm being honest.
LPC: Because I mean, I usually do most of my tasks blindfolded throughout the day just so I can really hone in on my dexterity, you know.
Dave: Sorry, that seems smart.
LPC: So I'll always see things through that lens, you know?
LPC: Or not see through it, you know?
LPC: But I would like to give you a poblano.
Dave: A pepper?
LPC: Yeah, just as a gesture.
Dave: That's a really nice gesture, actually.
Dave: That's my favorite pepper.
LPC: And some chocolate.
Dave: I do, I like chocolate too.
Dave: These are both amazing gestures.
Dave: You're new to the area.
Dave: I got to watch out for your rooster.
Dave: You think he's on a walkabout.
Dave: You wanted to let me know about the event near the nail salon, but it has a fragrant component.
Dave: And as all part of this, you were going to give me a poblano and some chocolate?
LPC: Correct.
LPC: Yes.
Dave: This is amazing.
Dave: Thank you.
Dave: Great.
Dave: Sign me up.
LPC: Dynamite.
LPC: Well, have a great night.
LPC: I'll talk soon.
LPC: Thank you.
Bobby Layton: Hello?
LPC: Hi, yeah, this is Del Toro.
LPC: What's going on over there?
Bobby Layton: What the fuck do you want?
LPC: I wanted to ask you to keep it down tonight.
LPC: Unlike the last couple of nights over there, it's been a little noisy.
Bobby Layton: What?
Bobby Layton: Um, um, um, who do you think it is?
LPC: Who do you think you're speaking with?
Bobby Layton: I don't know.
Bobby Layton: Del Toro.
Bobby Layton: I have no clue.
LPC: Yeah, that's me.
LPC: All right.
LPC: And I've heard just about enough to be honest with you.
Bobby Layton: I don't know.
Bobby Layton: I'm Bobby Layton, by the way.
LPC: I live in Duggee City.
Bobby Layton: So are you one of my neighbors?
LPC: Yes, I am.
LPC: And what's it gonna take for y'all to pipe down here so I can get some rest when I need?
Bobby Layton: Shut the fuck up.
Bobby Layton: Tell me what your real name is, motherfucker.
LPC: Hey, don't push me around, guy.
LPC: Cause I'll level you.
LPC: Hey, what do I need?
LPC: A translator to get through to you?
LPC: You want to talk to my translator?
Bobby Layton: All I hear is that you like dick and you're fuckin' chasin' it.
LPC: You are so full of baloney.
LPC: You are so full of baloney out there.
Woman 1: Hello?
LPC: Did I get through?
Woman 1: Yes.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Yeah, so you got marijuana or what?
Woman 1: This is only a doctor's office.
Woman 1: You have to be seen by a doctor and bring medical records stating your condition.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: You can help me please.
Woman 1: Hello?
LPC: Yeah.
Woman 1: You're getting cut off.
LPC: What?
Woman 1: You're kind of getting cut off.
Woman 1: Can you hear me?
LPC: Yeah.
Woman 1: Okay.
Woman 1: You want to set up an appointment?
LPC: Yeah.
Woman 1: Hello?
LPC: Yeah.
LPC: What's up?
Woman 1: You're getting cut off.
Woman 1: What?
Woman 1: You're kind of getting cut off.
Woman 1: You have to be seen by a doctor.
Woman 1: And we have only two locations, one in Dana Point one in Los Angeles.
LPC: Never heard of it.
LPC: Are you cutting me off or what is that?
Woman 1: No, I can't.
Woman 1: I can barely hear you.
LPC: So I've been cut off.
Woman 1: You said, yeah, you're getting cut off.
LPC: So I don't get marijuana.
Woman 1: No, I can't hear you.
Woman 1: I'm not cutting you off.
LPC: You just said you're cutting me off.
Woman 1: No, I'm not cutting you off of anything.
Woman 1: I said you're getting cut off.
Woman 1: I can't hear you.
LPC: Yes, you can.
Woman 1: Yeah, but there's something that's, like, lacking.
LPC: There's... I'm... I'm... Those things.
LPC: I'm trying to get help.
LPC: I'm... I'm... I'm...
LPC: I'm... What do you say?
Woman 1: What was that?
LPC: I'd like to, uh, set an appointment, please.
Woman 1: Okay, for Dana Point or Los Angeles?
LPC: Never heard of either one, so... None of them?
LPC: No.
Woman 1: Okay, I'm sorry.
LPC: Uh, what's the first available?
Woman 1: Um, I have Dana Point or LA.
Woman 1: I mean, when's the first available?
LPC: Dana Point!
Woman 1: Dana Point!
Woman 1: You want to go to Dana Point?
LPC: Dana Point!
LPC: Dana Point!
Rodney: Hello?
LPC: Yeah, Rodney.
LPC: This is Manuel Nutter.
Rodney: Manuel Nutter?
Rodney: Yes, this is Rodney.
LPC: Yes, I'm calling about that hundred-year-old hotel that you're building there.
LPC: I had to kind of stash a few things in one of the rooms there.
LPC: And I got into a bit of a scuffle with one of the workers up there.
LPC: I'm an honest man.
LPC: I'm gonna level with you about the whole thing.
LPC: All right?
Rodney: Okay.
LPC: So what do you need from me?
LPC: I don't want the police involved over here.
Rodney: I have no idea what you're talking about.
LPC: I had to stash about six or eight duffel bags up here.
Rodney: Six or eight duffel bags of what?
LPC: Full of stuff.
LPC: That's neither here nor there.
Rodney: Well, fuck it is.
Rodney: It's in my place.
LPC: I'll get it out when I'm good and ready.
LPC: All right.
Rodney: I'll burn it.
LPC: Oh, no, no, no.
Rodney: You don't fucking tell me what to do with my property.
Rodney: Obviously, you've been to prison because you're hiding shit where you shouldn't be.
Rodney: You're doing stuff you shouldn't be.
Rodney: You're on private property.
Rodney: messing with my workers.
Rodney: Do you understand the concept of trespass?
Rodney: Nutter, your name is Nutter, huh?
Rodney: Manuel Nutter.
LPC: That's right.
LPC: And buddy, you're going to hear the thunder roar up there when I show up.
LPC: This is my property.
LPC: You got it?
Rodney: No, this is my property.
Rodney: You got it?
LPC: No, this is my stuff.
LPC: I needed a place to stash it.
Rodney: Yeah, this is my place.
Rodney: This is my property.
Police Dispatcher: Brings the police dispatcher in.
Rodney: Do what?
Police Dispatcher: Rentsville City Police.
Rodney: Rentsville City Police.
Police Dispatcher: Yes.
Gary Sullivan: You're at home with Gary Sullivan.
Gary Sullivan: Let's get back to the phones here.
Gary Sullivan: Happy to talk about your home.
Gary Sullivan: All right.
Gary Sullivan: Let's go to Sinbad.
Gary Sullivan: Sinbad, welcome.
LPC: Hi, Gary.
Gary Sullivan: Good morning.
LPC: Morning.
LPC: I have a issue with my furnace, in particular the fresh air intake system.
LPC: Are you familiar with the interconnection agreement?
Gary Sullivan: No.
LPC: The link between power systems that enables them to draw on each other's reserves in times of need, you know?
Gary Sullivan: Oh, for like on solar or something along those lines?
LPC: Exactly.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: Uh huh.
Gary Sullivan: Okay.
Gary Sullivan: Yes.
LPC: So I had a collar around my thermostat.
Gary Sullivan: I think we just lost him.
Gary Sullivan: Excuse me.
Gary Sullivan: Sinbad, try again.
LPC: Howdy.
Gary Sullivan: Yes, try again.
LPC: You can hear me?
Gary Sullivan: I can.
LPC: Okay, great.
LPC: So I had added a collar around my thermostat to prevent interference or anybody adjusting the temperature on there.
LPC: And whether by thermodynamics or condensation or whatever a droop developed on the collar, and made the whole fitting too bulbous to really work properly.
LPC: and so then the rubber memorized that deformation and wouldn't return to its original shape.
LPC: So is there an anti-retardant I can use?
LPC: or maybe I should read the directions or what would you recommend at this point?
Gary Sullivan: Well, your phone is acting up again, Sinbad, but you know again I'm not familiar with all the engineering that you were talking about there.
Gary Sullivan: But there are different lubricants to make sure that they do a good job of sealing what they're supposed to be sealing.
Gary Sullivan: And that type of lubricant is probably needed to keep it functioning properly.
Gary Sullivan: So hopefully that answers your question there.