Longmont Potion Castle 4 (2001)
Track 77: Bass Player
SPEAKER_01: How's it going?
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_01: Fucking stone.
SPEAKER_01: You're stoned?
SPEAKER_01: What's up, man?
SPEAKER_01: What kind of music you play, man?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I don't know if you could describe it.
SPEAKER_00: Because I don't really have a guitar player that I play with all the time.
SPEAKER_01: Is it bad or what?
SPEAKER_00: I like it a fucking lot.
SPEAKER_00: You know, it's just hands on what you're into, you know?
SPEAKER_01: Isn't it fucked up, bro?
SPEAKER_00: No, just like...
SPEAKER_00: It's like, I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: Cross between ministry and fucking helmet or something.
SPEAKER_01: Helmet, yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Bad.
SPEAKER_01: This sports like the Godflesh thing.
SPEAKER_00: God flesh.
SPEAKER_01: So are you a good drummer? Did I ask you that already?
SPEAKER_01: I play bass.
SPEAKER_01: You're the bassist, so you're probably not a good.
SPEAKER_00: I have a dude who plays drums with me.
SPEAKER_00: He's fucking awesome. I like the way he plays.
SPEAKER_00: And we clicked together.
SPEAKER_00: Is it fucked up?
SPEAKER_00: It's fucking sick, I think.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not really a good base player, but I get into it.
SPEAKER_00: You know what I mean?
SPEAKER_01: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_01: I've only been playing probably two years.
SPEAKER_01: You make some rumble, huh?
SPEAKER_01: You're responsible for some low-end.
SPEAKER_01: Fucking noise.
SPEAKER_01: Right on.
SPEAKER_01: You can get people's hard fucking...
SPEAKER_00: Do you have a place to practice?
SPEAKER_00: I sure do.
SPEAKER_00: Well, it's fucking, I think it's something we could dig.
SPEAKER_00: Maybe we can come down to jam
SPEAKER_00: and see what it sounds like.
SPEAKER_00: We'll check.
SPEAKER_00: it up.
SPEAKER_00: Right now my face is down.
SPEAKER_00: I'm getting it retainted.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: What do you play again?
SPEAKER_00: A beastier at a giant bird.
SPEAKER_00: Whoa.
SPEAKER_00: It's fucking, I think it's fucking bad.
SPEAKER_00: This is intense?
SPEAKER_00: It's the fucking baddest shape I've ever seen.
SPEAKER_00: Whoa.
SPEAKER_01: What color you can to paint it?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, let me get it black with this fucking, like, webbing across it.
SPEAKER_00: A what?
SPEAKER_00: It's like a web.
SPEAKER_00: It's not symmetrical though it's just like...
SPEAKER_01: Oh, a web?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Like white web?
SPEAKER_00: Here some.
SPEAKER_00: Actually, it's like fucking blue.
SPEAKER_00: I'm getting it over black and then like the red pearl over it.
SPEAKER_01: Intense?
SPEAKER_00: It'll look all stick.
SPEAKER_01: Is it Frat Lispa?
SPEAKER_01: That's cool.
SPEAKER_01: Right on.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you, Chuck.
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you, Chuck.
SPEAKER_01: Bye.