Longmont Potion Castle 15 (2018)

Track 7: Banana Boat
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SPEAKER_01: Level performance.
SPEAKER_00: Yes. Dennis, please.
SPEAKER_01: Sure, may ask who's calling?
SPEAKER_00: I'm Don Yule.
SPEAKER_01: Just a minute.
SPEAKER_00: This is Dennis.
SPEAKER_00: Hi, my name's Don Yule. I'm calling from Banana Boat. How are you today?
SPEAKER_00: All right.
SPEAKER_00: We needed your help with putting together a motor for our Banana Boat.
SPEAKER_00: We're coming over from Pittsburgh.
SPEAKER_01: You got me on speakerphone or something just because there's a giant echo in it.
SPEAKER_00: Not at all.
SPEAKER_01: Okay. I don't know what's going on.
SPEAKER_01: So, what, you're over by Pittsburgh?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I'm coming over. We got a banana boat.
SPEAKER_00: We're trying to motorize this thing to go as slowly as possible.
SPEAKER_00: It's for promotional purposes, you understand, for safety.
SPEAKER_00: And you came highly recommended.
SPEAKER_00: I tried shooting you over an email.
SPEAKER_00: and it said it got bounced back because there's a dip thong in my name.
SPEAKER_00: My name's spelled D-A-E-N-I-E-L, Doniel, and came back undeliverable.
SPEAKER_00: So I'm calling you here today.
SPEAKER_00: You got me on a speaker phone or something, Charlie?
SPEAKER_01: I can hear you, but it's in and out.
SPEAKER_01: Like something's up with the phone system some way.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I guess...
SPEAKER_01: But I mean, I've heard everything you said.
SPEAKER_00: Just try to listen up, I guess.
SPEAKER_01: So what engine's in this thing?
SPEAKER_00: Well, we want you to help keep this thing, and maybe with a governor or something else device-wise on there, just to keep the speed down.
SPEAKER_00: You know, and nautical miles, we're talking maybe three to five nautical miles per hour, maximum.
SPEAKER_00: We're on the same page?
SPEAKER_01: What engine is it?
SPEAKER_01: I mean, what is this?
SPEAKER_01: I mean, what engine is in it right now?
SPEAKER_01: Banana boat, guys.
SPEAKER_01: I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm not familiar with that.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, you've never heard of us, huh?
SPEAKER_00: Well.
SPEAKER_00: Well, it's inflatable.
SPEAKER_00: There's an event coming up called inflatable madness, and, you know, we cherry-picked the participants.
SPEAKER_00: We're number one.
SPEAKER_00: We're sort of the leader in this, and it's unpowered.
SPEAKER_00: But if you put something in there that can keep us at three to five nautical miles an hour will be in business,
SPEAKER_00: and we need it by next month.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, so this is an unpowered boat, and you're looking for a propulsion system of some way that would only run it in that three to five knots is all that, it's probably, probably, it might be, is that a legality thing?
SPEAKER_01: It's for safety.
SPEAKER_01: Because of the structure of it.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: It's for safety.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, yeah, uh, so.
SPEAKER_01: I wouldn't have, uh, I'm, I do, uh, I do very, very little outboard type stuff.
SPEAKER_01: I'm mostly all, everything I do is inboard type stuff.
SPEAKER_01: In race engines.
SPEAKER_01: So that there would be, that would be out of my arena right there and what you're looking for.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: At least you could give us a referral or something.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, hello.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: You can do something like that, couldn't you?
SPEAKER_01: You're going to need someone, uh, some sort of developer.
SPEAKER_01: I don't know who you would go to for something like that?
SPEAKER_00: Wow.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Um, you're big into model trains or something?
SPEAKER_00: Well, uh, we need this done, uh, as a charity.
SPEAKER_00: I was told you'd participate in something like that as a charitable donation or a contribution.
SPEAKER_01: No, no, that wouldn't be something that I would be looking to do.
SPEAKER_00: What do you mean?
SPEAKER_01: Nope.
SPEAKER_00: It's a banana boat, fella.
SPEAKER_00: It's a summertime inflatable madness coming up.
SPEAKER_01: It doesn't, it doesn't matter to me as far as...
SPEAKER_00: Doesn't matter?
SPEAKER_01: There goes...
SPEAKER_00: Inflatable madness.
SPEAKER_00: madness.
SPEAKER_00: This, Chris.
SPEAKER_00: Well, as Dennis, sir, real quick.
SPEAKER_01: Um, he's tied up right now.
SPEAKER_01: Is there something I can help you with?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, he's going to help me out with the motor, uh, he said, uh, for a charity amount.
SPEAKER_00: What, what's it going for?
SPEAKER_01: What do you want people get pissed off when you got to deal with this kind of pocket?
SPEAKER_00: Have you talked to Dennis before?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Hold on just a second. Hold on real, Chris.
SPEAKER_00: Hey.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: What do you need?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, are you getting a guy?
SPEAKER_00: Geared up for a banana up here?
SPEAKER_01: No, listen up.
SPEAKER_01: You fucking lied to me when you first called and you said it's for some other job and this is for charity.
SPEAKER_01: You wonder why people get pissed off when people are calling looking for donations or shit like that.
SPEAKER_01: And then you called back just now and said, you're dropping the motor off from Pittsburgh.
SPEAKER_01: I have customers in Pittsburgh.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: I ain't got time for this shit, man.
SPEAKER_00: Inflatable madness.
SPEAKER_00: It's happening next month.
SPEAKER_00: We need you involved.
SPEAKER_00: I don't.
SPEAKER_00: Do you have nothing better to do than to call?
SPEAKER_01: I mean, ask for a reasonable thing up front, be up front with somebody.
SPEAKER_01: Instead of beat around the bush on something.
SPEAKER_01: that and you wonder why people get pissed off over this kind of bullshit.
SPEAKER_00: You're just blowing smoke.
SPEAKER_00: No, just so whatever, you know.
SPEAKER_00: Just cut me a check.
SPEAKER_00: Call someone else.
SPEAKER_00: Fuck on.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, informants.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, this is Doniel with banana boat here.
SPEAKER_00: We need that motor.
SPEAKER_00: Fucker, quit fucking calling my fucking place.
SPEAKER_00: We need that motor up here.