Tour Line Live (2019)

Track 10: 6-6-19 Live Montreal Quebec
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SPEAKER_07: Hey.
SPEAKER_08: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_07: We're doing good, LPC.
SPEAKER_07: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_07: You want to say hi, Montreal?
SPEAKER_07: You want to say hi to LPC?
SPEAKER_08: Hi, Montreal.
SPEAKER_08: Hello.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Very good.
SPEAKER_08: How's my level?
SPEAKER_08: There we go.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Dynamite.
SPEAKER_08: Mike.
SPEAKER_08: I'm happy to be here tonight.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_08: I just had a Beyond Beef burger.
SPEAKER_08: And that was pretty special.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: I'm getting my things together here.
SPEAKER_08: Happy to be with you.
SPEAKER_07: Thanks for this LPC.
SPEAKER_07: Well, people are fairly quiet here.
SPEAKER_07: I don't know if they believe you're online or not.
SPEAKER_07: But I don't know if anybody has any questions for LPC, anything they want to ask him.
SPEAKER_07: You might want to come up to the phone, so don't line up or anything.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, um, are my on?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
SPEAKER_13: You pray?
SPEAKER_13: I called me at your Toronto show, and I was wondering if you had a recording of that
SPEAKER_13: and could send it to me.
SPEAKER_13: I was the one he sounded like you said sounded like a cheerleader.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I totally do.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, Toronto, you said.
SPEAKER_08: You should send me a direct message, and then I'll have your email address and I'll send it to you.
SPEAKER_08: Sure thing.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, totally.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: It's Longmont Potion Castle at G.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: And that'll be super.
SPEAKER_08: That'll be super, suburb and supreme.
SPEAKER_08: Super superb and supreme.
SPEAKER_08: While I'm on the microphone, still our feet.
SPEAKER_08: Good question.
SPEAKER_08: I remember being at that too much.
SPEAKER_10: Hi, next question.
SPEAKER_10: Big fan.
SPEAKER_04: I've been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.
SPEAKER_10: I asked your.
SPEAKER_10: producer, if he could sign my record and he denied me.
SPEAKER_10: So, could you please tell him to do it?
SPEAKER_08: What record if you got?
SPEAKER_10: Because I didn't really get in the movie.
SPEAKER_10: It's like a seven-inch punk record.
SPEAKER_10: It's good for a coaster or frisbee.
SPEAKER_08: So what are you trying to accomplish?
SPEAKER_10: To get your producer here to sign it.
SPEAKER_08: Why won't he do that?
SPEAKER_10: I don't know.
SPEAKER_10: He denied me because he said that you're the real star of the show.
SPEAKER_10: No, you're not even here.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, well, that's awfully considerate.
SPEAKER_08: So, let's see here.
SPEAKER_08: What can we do?
SPEAKER_08: We need an arbitrator, apparently, to weigh in here.
SPEAKER_08: Can we have an audience poll who thinks that the producer should sign this kind young man's record album?
SPEAKER_08: Can we hear from you?
SPEAKER_08: Let's hear you.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: There we go.
SPEAKER_10: It's very quiet.
SPEAKER_10: I don't worry about it.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_08: Well, tonight's young.
SPEAKER_08: We'll do something for you.
SPEAKER_08: I have a sense.
SPEAKER_08: That's what's going to happen.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, LPC, are you good to take some calls or get some numbers so that you can call from our audience?
SPEAKER_08: I'm happy to.
SPEAKER_08: I'm doing that in the background, but no one's answering, so sure.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, and we've got some questions, too, but yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Has anybody been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.
SPEAKER_07: Or a question.
SPEAKER_07: Go for it.
SPEAKER_07: Ask your question.
SPEAKER_07: We have a question first, LPC.
SPEAKER_12: Yeah.
SPEAKER_12: What is a sibilant flutterer?
SPEAKER_08: You saw that, huh?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, what does it do?
SPEAKER_08: Well, it's, for those of you who don't know, I have a recording studio here in my house.
SPEAKER_08: And I have this rack furniture.
SPEAKER_08: You can put rack-mount equipment in, yada, yada, yada.
SPEAKER_08: I've got about 40 spaces.
SPEAKER_08: A cabinet on the left of the mixer.
SPEAKER_08: A cabinet on the left of the mixer.
SPEAKER_08: the right of the mixer.
SPEAKER_08: And, uh, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: And there's a bunch of stuff in there.
SPEAKER_08: I actually went through and sold some of my gear.
SPEAKER_08: I mean, I just had tons and tons of stuff.
SPEAKER_08: But I, I sold some of it just because.
SPEAKER_08: And I didn't want to see a blank space in there.
SPEAKER_08: It was kind of bumming me out, right?
SPEAKER_08: So I created my own rack gear that just a secret between you and I.
SPEAKER_08: It doesn't really do anything.
SPEAKER_08: But, uh, I gave them my own rack gear.
SPEAKER_08: But, uh, I gave them my own rack gear.
SPEAKER_08: own names. Like one of them is the sibilant flutterer. Oh, yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, big time.
SPEAKER_08: Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. There's a dissonant mixed tempest.
SPEAKER_08: That's another one. There's the, uh, this one's my favorite, the lyrical de-distressor.
SPEAKER_08: You can switch your vocals between, uh, Rocky, Springsteen, Dylan, Cookie Monster, and so on.
SPEAKER_08: And, uh, there's a few others.
SPEAKER_08: What do they do?
SPEAKER_08: They just, uh, they put a smile on my face.
SPEAKER_08: Rather than a frown. You know what I mean?
SPEAKER_08: So, uh, that's the meaning of this.
SPEAKER_08: Thanks for asking. That's a great question.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Say, thank you.
SPEAKER_07: You, you, you, you, you, you, you, so, so LPC, we have some numbers.
SPEAKER_02: Um, okay, great.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, six, four, seven, one, two, four, nine.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, what's the name of this person?
SPEAKER_02: Their name is Steph.
SPEAKER_08: Hello?
SPEAKER_08: Steph.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, it's Steph.
SPEAKER_08: Hi, yeah, this is, this is Kip.
SPEAKER_08: I'm, uh, new to the area here, and I do solar, I do solar panels.
SPEAKER_08: So I'm going to be, uh, going up on rooftops tomorrow.
SPEAKER_08: I just need about 20 minutes on your roof, take some specs, get your measurements, and then, uh, I can go over the details and different quotes for you on the solar, okay?
SPEAKER_08: So I'll be able to be used.
SPEAKER_12: Okay, well, I don't, yeah, I don't own this house, so I have to make sure the owner of the house is here.
SPEAKER_12: So what time are you going to come?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, what are you going to come?
SPEAKER_08: 4.30 a.m. for about 20 minutes?
SPEAKER_12: Yeah, she'll be awake at 4.30, but that seems kind of dangerous for you to be going up on the house in the middle of the night.
SPEAKER_08: Well, you know, just between you and I, I take a little sip or two, calm my nerves kind of thing.
SPEAKER_08: So I'll be funny.
SPEAKER_08: Don't you worry about me? I wear gloves and goggles. I get into it. So, you know what I'm saying up there.
SPEAKER_08: Yes, yes.
SPEAKER_08: So I'll be on the roof. Don't you worry about a thing?
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to give you.
SPEAKER_08: you a great deal, too. Okay, a smoking deal, because I'm new to the area up here.
SPEAKER_12: Okay. Okay. Well, uh, uh, what's your name? Kip? You have like a business or something?
SPEAKER_12: Kippie. Yes. Can I like, like, do you have like a website or? Yes. It's called mechanism.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. And I'm going to give you the best deal I can.
SPEAKER_08: And we actually...
SPEAKER_12: Wait, tonight at 4.30 or tomorrow at 4. Like, what day at 430 in the morning?
SPEAKER_08: 4.30 a.m.
SPEAKER_12: Like, what day, though? Like, I need to know what day?
SPEAKER_08: The 7th.
SPEAKER_08: It'll be tomorrow at 4.30 a.m.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. I'll be up top.
SPEAKER_08: If you want to meet me up there, we can talk about some lunar panels that I've got.
SPEAKER_08: I'm letting the cat out of the bag slightly.
SPEAKER_08: It's a new development. We've got lunar panels coming up.
SPEAKER_08: Really exciting.
SPEAKER_12: My housemates, she likes that shit.
SPEAKER_12: She likes lunar and solar.
SPEAKER_12: She's like an old hippie.
SPEAKER_12: So, yeah, I'll just make sure she's around.
SPEAKER_12: But she'll be awake at 430.
SPEAKER_12: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Super.
SPEAKER_08: And if you have any kind of pasta or anything, even leftovers, just heat it up.
SPEAKER_08: That'd be great for me, okay?
SPEAKER_08: Appreciate your time.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_08: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, uh-huh.
SPEAKER_09: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you, Steph.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, sure.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: Well.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, thanks, thanks LBC.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, I've got another number here.
SPEAKER_07: Are you good to go on this one?
SPEAKER_08: Certainly.
SPEAKER_08: It is a fine moment and got two people who are going to be vindicated.
SPEAKER_09: Yes.
SPEAKER_09: Yes.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, what up?
SPEAKER_03: 848-3717.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: It's ringing.
SPEAKER_08: What's this person's name, please?
SPEAKER_04: Courteous security.
SPEAKER_04: To report an emergency, press one.
SPEAKER_04: Now, for all of the matters, press two.
SPEAKER_04: For signaling a situation of urgency,
SPEAKER_04: appellate on the one.
SPEAKER_04: For all other situations,
SPEAKER_04: appellate on the two.
SPEAKER_08: Huh.
SPEAKER_08: Is this the police?
SPEAKER_11: I have help you?
SPEAKER_08: Hi, yes.
SPEAKER_08: Hello?
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: I can help you.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I have an opossum here.
SPEAKER_08: Run and wild.
SPEAKER_08: It took off with my wristwatch.
SPEAKER_08: Up here.
SPEAKER_08: Someone stole your wristwatch?
SPEAKER_08: I know possum did.
SPEAKER_08: A wild opossum running wild.
SPEAKER_08: What am I supposed to do up here?
SPEAKER_08: Where is it?
SPEAKER_08: It's on top of my neighbor's roof now.
SPEAKER_08: It's got my wristwatch and its teeth right here.
SPEAKER_08: Are you on concord of property?
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: Big time.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: What's building?
SPEAKER_08: Now, I threw some walnuts and some almonds at this thing.
SPEAKER_08: And it's not returning my watch.
SPEAKER_08: It's just not returning my...
SPEAKER_08: Time.
SPEAKER_11: piece here. Okay, so what's the building?
SPEAKER_08: Uh, well, I'd rather not say at this time.
SPEAKER_11: Okay, no problem. We'll connect you with 911. Just hold on.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: We'll try Nikki 6 here, is what I'm going to do.
SPEAKER_08: Are you there?
SPEAKER_11: Yeah, we're here.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, well, I don't know if I should hang up or on these people.
None: We're on this people.
SPEAKER_11: We're on here.
SPEAKER_11: I call the Security Concordia.
SPEAKER_11: He said that it would be on one of the edifices.
SPEAKER_11: And there's someone who has been
SPEAKER_11: to gollied, it, it's a monster, and then he wants
SPEAKER_11: some pinot on the person, but
SPEAKER_11: but I'll not confirm it's a localization.
SPEAKER_11: Okay, I'll let you let the
SPEAKER_11: Mr. Parley.
SPEAKER_06: And you, you know, you're
SPEAKER_06: of the security Concordia?
SPEAKER_11: Yes.
SPEAKER_06: Okay.
SPEAKER_06: And then, then, you know,
SPEAKER_06: you'll know the passer because we're
SPEAKER_06: more able to localize
SPEAKER_06: in your building in your
SPEAKER_06: building?
SPEAKER_11: I imagine.
SPEAKER_11: You're on the line?
SPEAKER_06: Yes.
SPEAKER_06: Have you the telephone
SPEAKER_06: of what's what he
SPEAKER_06: is?
SPEAKER_11: It's going to be in the 2-1-3?
SPEAKER_06: Is it a cellular or is it a telephone?
SPEAKER_11: I'm here.
SPEAKER_11: Okay.
SPEAKER_11: Are you calling from your cell phone?
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_11: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_11: 2.1.3. 3. 3.3. 3.6.1.
SPEAKER_06: And it's he who called.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, we got cut off. Oh, weird.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: I don't think I should be time.
SPEAKER_08: up 9-1-1 anyway, so it's fun.
SPEAKER_08: You know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_03: It was from Cordia security.
SPEAKER_03: They're very nice.
SPEAKER_03: They're very helpful.
SPEAKER_03: They did a very good job.
SPEAKER_03: They're very thorough.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, Nikki.
SPEAKER_08: You there?
SPEAKER_08: Who's calling?
SPEAKER_08: This is Kip.
SPEAKER_08: I'm new here.
SPEAKER_08: I moved in right around the corner here.
SPEAKER_08: And I used my whip in the morning.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to go outside and practice.
SPEAKER_08: He's using my horse whip.
SPEAKER_08: I just want to make sure no one's going to be outside.
SPEAKER_08: just for safety.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, fuck, he hung up.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Nikki Six is not to be counted on up.
SPEAKER_08: Up here.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Gallagher.
SPEAKER_08: Now, I've got a new album coming out this summer, and it features Gallagher, the comedian.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to try them again right now, though, too.
SPEAKER_08: Let's see how that goes.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: Well, yes.
SPEAKER_08: Well, uh.
SPEAKER_05: Um, and nakedness is another symbol of our relationship with God.
SPEAKER_05: And nakedness is another symbol of our relationship with God.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, Gallagher.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah?
SPEAKER_08: This is Kip.
SPEAKER_08: Uh, I moved in around the corner here.
SPEAKER_08: I'm just new to the area and my, uh, buddy gave me your number.
SPEAKER_08: I use a big old 28-foot horse whip.
SPEAKER_08: And I just want to make sure you.
SPEAKER_08: You're not going to be outside or anything.
SPEAKER_08: I need some space out front there to use my whip.
SPEAKER_08: I just want to make sure that's going to be okay with you.
SPEAKER_08: I'm just looking out for you.
SPEAKER_08: He hung up too.
SPEAKER_08: Fuck.
SPEAKER_08: Well, that's okay, too.
SPEAKER_08: That is okay.
SPEAKER_08: If anyone else has a number?
SPEAKER_08: That'd be great.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, okay.
SPEAKER_07: We're standing by for a number right here.
SPEAKER_07: Do you have time for one more, perhaps one more request, and then we'll call it in evening?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to change.
SPEAKER_08: change my phone number real quick.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: To a different phone number.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, done.
SPEAKER_08: Does anybody have another number for me?
SPEAKER_00: I've got one.
SPEAKER_08: I won't screw this one up.
SPEAKER_00: You better not.
SPEAKER_00: 813.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, shit.
SPEAKER_08: I just screwed it up.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, fuck.
SPEAKER_08: What did I do?
SPEAKER_08: One.
SPEAKER_08: I don't know.
SPEAKER_08: I can't do it.
SPEAKER_08: I fucked it up.
SPEAKER_08: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_08: But it's been wonderful talking to you.
SPEAKER_08: I'm sorry about that.
SPEAKER_08: My thing just went south.
SPEAKER_08: But Montreal.
SPEAKER_08: Love you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_08: And thank you for being here tonight.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, thanks, LBC.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you tremendously.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you.
SPEAKER_09: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
None: I don't know.