Tour Line Live (2019)

Track 14: 6-16-19 Live San Diego CA
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SPEAKER_10: Hello? Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. How are you doing tonight? How are you doing, man? I'm hanging in, hanging in. San Diego. Thank you for having me.
SPEAKER_06: We all just watched the movie. I think we all really enjoyed it. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
SPEAKER_03: Do you want me to get you any numbers? Do you have anything ready?
SPEAKER_10: Sure. I mean, I'd love to take some numerals from you up.
SPEAKER_03: Yes. Yes.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, 789. 799, rather. 13773.
SPEAKER_10: Hey. Jason. Okay, super.
SPEAKER_10: Yes. Yes.
SPEAKER_10: Hey, Jason.
SPEAKER_10: Jason. Hello?
SPEAKER_10: Yeah, it's about time. Yeah, this is Dustin, man. How you doing?
SPEAKER_08: Good, good.
SPEAKER_10: Well, good, man. I'm new to the.
SPEAKER_10: the area here. I just moved
SPEAKER_10: and around the way from you. I noticed you were outside
SPEAKER_10: a bunch last couple days.
SPEAKER_10: And, uh, look, tomorrow
SPEAKER_10: morning, I just want to make sure you're going to be inside.
SPEAKER_10: I'm a whipmaster. I got a 28-foot horse whip.
SPEAKER_10: I'm going to be practicing out front.
SPEAKER_10: I just need you out of the way.
SPEAKER_10: That's all right. Okay.
SPEAKER_10: Yes.
SPEAKER_10: I don't need any liability, responsibility, that kind of stuff.
SPEAKER_10: You know, I'm just looking out for you. Is that all right with you?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah. I mean, I get this bullwib swinging around.
SPEAKER_10: It looks like a propeller flying through the air.
SPEAKER_10: Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
SPEAKER_10: So as long as we're on the same page up there, you know what I mean?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah. What page is, what page are we on? I'm not sure.
SPEAKER_10: Oh, what do you mean by that? Well, I can let you talk to the owner of the house.
SPEAKER_10: You know, does that work for you?
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: I am the embodiment of God. I am divinity.
SPEAKER_08: And humanity.
SPEAKER_08: combined. So hopefully that
SPEAKER_10: straightens you out.
SPEAKER_10: No, look, I don't want to have to come over there and ask you to step aside.
SPEAKER_10: I'm just getting in with you ahead of time.
SPEAKER_10: Oh, it's funny, is it?
SPEAKER_10: You find it funny, do you?
SPEAKER_02: Dustin, right?
SPEAKER_10: Correct.
SPEAKER_02: Correct. Well, what page are we going to be?
SPEAKER_02: I'm just, you're like, this is so much information. I can't,
SPEAKER_02: I can't keep it all together.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I understand.
SPEAKER_02: It's a big page.
SPEAKER_10: I understand.
SPEAKER_02: Well, well, we're just so.
SPEAKER_02: What time do you want to meet tomorrow?
SPEAKER_10: When I'm done with my whip, I can carve out a little time for you.
SPEAKER_10: Sure, I can.
SPEAKER_08: Sure I can.
SPEAKER_08: How big the whip?
SPEAKER_08: I got a 28-footer.
SPEAKER_08: I got a 33-footer.
SPEAKER_08: And I got an experimental 72-foot whip.
SPEAKER_08: Two-foot whip.
SPEAKER_10: So that's what I'm working with here.
SPEAKER_10: I'm packing whips.
SPEAKER_02: The 72-foot whip, how long is, like, what, what time, I'm just kind of confused.
SPEAKER_02: That's going to take a long time.
SPEAKER_02: It's 72 feet.
SPEAKER_10: That's some special stuff there.
SPEAKER_10: Well, you don't want to go there.
SPEAKER_02: Should I go to 30-something foot foot down there?
SPEAKER_02: Dude.
SPEAKER_10: That's some advanced stuff.
SPEAKER_02: I'm whipped out right now.
SPEAKER_10: Pretty advanced stuff.
SPEAKER_10: All right.
SPEAKER_02: It is pretty advanced.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, what page are we going to be on, though?
SPEAKER_02: Like, you said we were, you asked if you were going to be on the same page.
SPEAKER_12: Did I say that?
SPEAKER_12: Hmm.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Well, what whip are we going to be working with?
SPEAKER_02: I'm just, I'm a time, dude.
SPEAKER_02: I just need to really know what time you want to do this.
SPEAKER_10: I do whipits.
SPEAKER_10: All right.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, man, I like whippets, too, you know.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_10: I'll be out there bright and early.
SPEAKER_02: Well, it's bright and early.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_10: Got to run.
SPEAKER_10: San Diego.
SPEAKER_10: Thank you so much for being here, everybody.
SPEAKER_10: This is Jason from the Twin Cities area.
SPEAKER_10: Who we just had a bar.
SPEAKER_10: But we're going to move right along, have a little fun here tonight.
SPEAKER_10: And dialing a number right now.
SPEAKER_10: If you've got any further numbers for me, by all means, get them out.
SPEAKER_01: Well, yes.
SPEAKER_10: Meanwhile, let's call a liquor store here in the hall.
SPEAKER_10: Hawaii area.
SPEAKER_10: Hello?
SPEAKER_10: Codota Liquor?
SPEAKER_05: Yes, this is Codota's liquor store.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah, I was going to bring my straw up there.
SPEAKER_10: It's one of those flexible straws.
SPEAKER_10: And just dip it into some different drinks.
SPEAKER_10: Dip it here, dip it there.
SPEAKER_10: Just try out some different stuff and sample some different drinks tonight, okay?
SPEAKER_05: I'm not sure if that's allowed.
SPEAKER_05: I'm not sure.
SPEAKER_10: I'm not sure what I really want to drink.
SPEAKER_10: tonight. So I'm just going to try some different things.
SPEAKER_10: You know, I'm going to crack this open, crack that open.
SPEAKER_10: Try some different stuff.
SPEAKER_05: Are you going to buy it?
SPEAKER_10: Once I make a decision, sure.
SPEAKER_10: Oh, of course. Don't be silly, you know.
SPEAKER_10: So, but I have to make...
SPEAKER_05: Is there anything in particular that you're looking for, though?
SPEAKER_05: Or you're just not sure.
SPEAKER_10: Something flavorful, I'm thinking.
SPEAKER_10: I'm not going to make a lot of a scene.
SPEAKER_10: I'm just going to try some different things.
SPEAKER_10: I'll just keep to myself.
SPEAKER_10: So just don't bother me when I come in.
SPEAKER_10: All right. You'll see me with my straw.
SPEAKER_05: Sir, just to warn you, we're not doing any type of liquor tasting.
SPEAKER_05: If that was what happened and my boss is here, it would be possible.
SPEAKER_05: What you want to do, I don't think that's going to be possible.
SPEAKER_02: Just got liquor.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah?
SPEAKER_10: Liquor store?
SPEAKER_12: Yes.
SPEAKER_12: Yes.
SPEAKER_10: Hi, yeah, I was just telling the lady there, I'm going to bring my straw in,
SPEAKER_10: and I'm going to be dipping it into some different.
SPEAKER_10: drinks tonight, sampling some different product.
SPEAKER_10: I'm not really sure which direction I want to go in.
SPEAKER_10: I'm just giving me a little heads up.
SPEAKER_10: I'm going to be sampling some stuff throughout the store here tonight, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, very good.
SPEAKER_10: Bring it in?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_10: All right.
SPEAKER_10: I'll need about half an hour, 45 minutes tonight.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Sounds great.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Okay? All right. Hello.
SPEAKER_10: All right, ma'am?
SPEAKER_10: Ma'am, you still with me?
SPEAKER_10: Kododa liquor?
SPEAKER_10: Okay. Good deal. Good deal, people. San Diego.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
SPEAKER_10: go, whoo, whew, woo, that was the islands.
SPEAKER_10: If anyone has a phone number, by gosh, let me know.
SPEAKER_04: Do you prefer people that are familiar with Longmont or people that have no idea?
SPEAKER_10: Let's do the latter, people who do not know.
SPEAKER_10: If I have a choice, you know.
SPEAKER_04: Cool, that's what I would.
SPEAKER_04: figure, but I didn't want to speak for you.
SPEAKER_10: Well, yeah, that sounds great.
SPEAKER_01: I swear it.
SPEAKER_10: I'm happy to keep on going.
SPEAKER_10: Otherwise, if you've got anything, bring it my way.
SPEAKER_10: It's a wonderful thing.
SPEAKER_00: I know that people think we're going to commit suicide, but I can't comprehend it in my mind.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_10: Let's get into a little Mario Van Peebles.
SPEAKER_10: What do you say?
SPEAKER_10: Oh, but...
SPEAKER_10: Oh, yeah. So it's ringing, Mario, I tell you, Mario, freaking Mario.
SPEAKER_09: Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario.
SPEAKER_09: Mario, Mario, Mario.
SPEAKER_10: What's up?
SPEAKER_10: Join me, Mario. How's it going, buddy?
SPEAKER_09: Who's this, man?
SPEAKER_10: This is Kip. Kippy.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah, I just moved in. I just moved in around the way from you here recently.
SPEAKER_10: Yeah.
SPEAKER_10: Hey, buddy.
SPEAKER_10: Hey, buddy.
SPEAKER_10: Look, I know it's short notice.
SPEAKER_10: I just need to tap into your septic tank for a little while.
SPEAKER_10: I'm having some structural issues here at my house.
SPEAKER_10: So if you see me outside, I'll just be on your property just for a few minutes.
SPEAKER_01: I understand.
SPEAKER_01: Well, you enjoy yourself, okay?
SPEAKER_10: I'll do what I can.
SPEAKER_10: If you see an increase in your bill or anything, you know, of course, I'll make up the difference.
SPEAKER_10: But, I mean, I won't.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, well, you just keep your septic poopy nice and clean, my brother.
SPEAKER_01: I'll talk to you later.
SPEAKER_10: My brother.
SPEAKER_10: My brother.
SPEAKER_10: man.
SPEAKER_10: My man.
SPEAKER_10: You can touch yourself.
SPEAKER_10: Mario, fricking Mario.
SPEAKER_10: Mario.
SPEAKER_10: Awesome.
SPEAKER_10: People.
SPEAKER_10: Here we go.
SPEAKER_10: We're adding that person to the call.
SPEAKER_10: We're adding David Kekner to the call.
SPEAKER_10: We're adding Danny McBride to the call.
SPEAKER_10: But do, do, do, do, do Jeremy Pivens being.
SPEAKER_10: He's getting added to the call.
SPEAKER_09: Oh, sure he is.
SPEAKER_10: We're adding people left and right here tonight.
SPEAKER_10: Phil Anselmo, boom, added.
SPEAKER_10: Here we go.
SPEAKER_10: We've got frickin' Bill Kelleher from Mastodon.
SPEAKER_10: Boom, added to the call.
SPEAKER_10: Okay.
SPEAKER_10: Please leave your message for...
SPEAKER_10: John Clutier.
SPEAKER_10: Add it to the call.
SPEAKER_10: Here we go.
SPEAKER_10: And we can keep right on going here.
SPEAKER_11: Sorry, the mailbox is full, and there is not enough space to leave a message.
SPEAKER_11: To send a message to another subscriber, enter the area of a number of that.
SPEAKER_11: Enter the area of the start number to enter your own mailbox.
SPEAKER_11: Or press the start key to enter your own mailbox.
SPEAKER_11: Finish recording.
SPEAKER_11: Finish is happening.
SPEAKER_11: You were hanging.
SPEAKER_11: Nothing has been selected.
SPEAKER_11: To send a message to another subscriber, enter the area code and phone number of that subscriber.
SPEAKER_11: Or 82.
SPEAKER_11: 9 to enter your own mailbox.
SPEAKER_11: 7.1.
SPEAKER_11: All kinds of stuff happening here.
SPEAKER_11: All of stuff happening here.
SPEAKER_11: Nothing has been selected.
SPEAKER_11: Please send a message to another subscriber.
SPEAKER_11: Enter the area code and phone number of that subscriber.
SPEAKER_11: Or press the star key to enter your own mailbox.
SPEAKER_11: To enter your own mailbox.
SPEAKER_01: Please enter your remote access code.
SPEAKER_11: Nothing has been selected.
SPEAKER_01: Hey.
SPEAKER_11: Thank you for calling.
SPEAKER_11: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: Hey, what's happening?
SPEAKER_01: I'm a message.
SPEAKER_01: I will happen to be as much as possible.
SPEAKER_01: How are you doing tonight?
SPEAKER_11: At the tone, please record your message.
SPEAKER_11: When you are finished recording, you may hang up or press.
SPEAKER_11: pound for more options.
SPEAKER_11: Paul has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system.
SPEAKER_11: 7.0, 4, 9, 9, 9, 7, 8, 0, 8, 9, 3 is not available.
SPEAKER_11: 7, 1, 6.
SPEAKER_11: At the tone, please record your message.
SPEAKER_11: When you've finished recording, you may hang up.
SPEAKER_10: You guys are fantastic.
SPEAKER_10: You guys are fantastic.
SPEAKER_11: You guys are fantastic.
SPEAKER_10: You guys are fantastic.
SPEAKER_10: Call has been forwarded to an auto-maid your message.
SPEAKER_10: You have reached a maximum time.
SPEAKER_10: It is recording.
SPEAKER_12: I'm running your message.
SPEAKER_10: Thank you.
SPEAKER_12: Email me.
SPEAKER_10: Thank you, 0.8.
SPEAKER_12: Press 2.
SPEAKER_10: To erase and re-report.
SPEAKER_10: Press 3.
SPEAKER_10: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_10: At the tone, please record your message.
SPEAKER_11: When you finish recording, you may hang up.
SPEAKER_10: Call and press 1.
SPEAKER_10: If you're done,
SPEAKER_11: make it so much,
SPEAKER_11: to listen to your message.
SPEAKER_11: Press 2.
SPEAKER_11: 1, to erase 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
SPEAKER_11: press 3, 2, 5, 3,
SPEAKER_11: 3, 2, 2, is not available.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you, San Diego.
SPEAKER_07: At the show, please record a message.
SPEAKER_07: When you finish, to listen to your message,
SPEAKER_07: press 2, 1, to listen to your message.
SPEAKER_11: One, to erase and re-record, press 3.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you, San Diego.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you, San Diego.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you, San Diego.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you, thank you, so.
SPEAKER_07: Sorry, you're having your message.
SPEAKER_07: Your message is forwarded to.
SPEAKER_11: All, one, one, seven, three, is not available.
SPEAKER_11: One, eight, seven.
SPEAKER_11: The mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time.
SPEAKER_10: Three, four, zero, is not available.
SPEAKER_10: The mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time.
SPEAKER_11: Your recording has reached the maximum length.
SPEAKER_11: To replay your message, press one.
SPEAKER_11: To delete and re-record your message, press three.