Tour Line Live (2019)

Tour Line Live

Track 12: 6-12-19 Live Nashville TN

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  • SPEAKER_01: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_05: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes, yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: How are you doing tonight?
  • None: Woo!
  • SPEAKER_03: You're doing great.
  • SPEAKER_08: So glad to be with you guys.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thanks so much for being here.
  • SPEAKER_08: We're going to have a little fun.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Anybody has a comment or a question or a concern or an inquiry?
  • SPEAKER_08: Anything of that nature, please let me know.
  • SPEAKER_08: You guys can hear me, right?
  • None: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Outstanding.
  • SPEAKER_08: Absolutely, absolutely, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Otherwise, we can just keep on plowing through.
  • SPEAKER_08: If you have a number, that works too.
  • SPEAKER_08: Anything you guys like to do?
  • SPEAKER_02: All right, we got one for you.
  • SPEAKER_02: It's one of the owners of third man.
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm not sure which one.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_02: 313.
  • SPEAKER_02: 0513.
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm not sure if it's Swank or Blackwell, but...
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
  • SPEAKER_02: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben.
  • SPEAKER_08: How are you doing?
  • SPEAKER_08: Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben.
  • SPEAKER_03: I'm doing great, how are you doing?
  • SPEAKER_08: Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good.
  • SPEAKER_08: What's shaking about now?
  • SPEAKER_03: What's shaking about now?
  • SPEAKER_03: I'm just cruising down Korean Veterans Boulevard.
  • SPEAKER_04: It is a defining moment.
  • SPEAKER_04: and God's people are going to be vindicated and the world is going to be judged.
  • SPEAKER_04: It's fine.
  • SPEAKER_04: You can take that to the bank.
  • SPEAKER_04: We're done.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, man.
  • SPEAKER_04: We're talking about leaving the earth.
  • SPEAKER_08: So you get where I'm coming from now.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, uh...
  • SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I get where you're coming from.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, buddy, you know where I can peep any pellets about now?
  • SPEAKER_03: I'm sorry, pellets?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I'm looking to get into some bite-sized action here pretty quick.
  • None: Oh.
  • SPEAKER_03: Good, good, good, good.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
  • SPEAKER_03: Are you talking, like, 420 friendly kind of stuff?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: To the degree that we're talking organic and, you know, yeah, but, oh, sure.
  • SPEAKER_03: When I used to cruise Shaken Street, we used to say fatty French bread pizzas, was the terminology.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah, so I'm looking to get a, cool.
  • SPEAKER_08: A crop? A crop? A crop? I've heard of branches before.
  • SPEAKER_08: So we're on the same wavelength, the same wavelength. I'm on a perch right now. I'm looking to get perched. Where are you perched? I'm looking to get real perched. If you know what I'm saying, get real a pippie.
  • SPEAKER_08: Have you ever eaten a pitched egg? A pitched egg? Is that like a prolapsed egg? Is that like a prolapsed egg? Is that like a prolapsed egg?
  • SPEAKER_08: or something like that?
  • SPEAKER_03: No, it's not. Hey, can you hold on? I've got a call on the other line.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, it's like an immature bird, right?
  • SPEAKER_03: No, well, I mean, it could be a bird egg. Do people eat other egg?
  • SPEAKER_08: It's like a roachback, like a hunchback chicken, like a meat-type chicken raised to a size that makes them suitable for roasting. Yeah, I got you. I'm with you. Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yep. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_03: I think, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_03: I think of.
  • SPEAKER_03: A pitched egg is like they're back in the kitchen and they throw it back and forth a couple of times.
  • SPEAKER_08: So it's like rumpless where it's a genetic trait and some chickens where they have no tail, like a rumpless bird.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yeah, but have you ever had, have you ever seen on a, have you ever seen on a menu ramp?
  • SPEAKER_03: Like, hey, there's, we've got some ramp in this dish?
  • SPEAKER_08: It's a shank. It's like a shank, basically.
  • SPEAKER_08: Or in the case of a shank.
  • SPEAKER_08: In the case of a spant hen, when they're no longer laying eggs, then you get like a splayed leg where the legs are positioned where the bird are positioned where the bird cannot stand.
  • SPEAKER_08: Something like that.
  • SPEAKER_03: No, I think ramp is a field green, like mesclen.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: So if we can put that into a nugget formation and, you know, nibble on that a little bit later, I'll squeak at you a little later.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'll squeak at you a little later in the hour, all right?
  • SPEAKER_08: I appreciate it, man.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you so much.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_06: Take you.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, no, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, till four a.m.
  • SPEAKER_08: Not a big deal, not a problem, not a problem at all.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: No.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, um.
  • SPEAKER_08: So we're calling a cutlery world, just real quick, make a quick inquiry, uh, up here.
  • SPEAKER_13: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_08: What have I reached?
  • SPEAKER_08: What is this?
  • SPEAKER_13: Dark ages?
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, the dark ages.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: So, uh, I need to get into a mystical pewter spiral formation.
  • SPEAKER_13: What is that?
  • SPEAKER_08: What is that?
  • SPEAKER_13: We have pewter, yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, and I need a spiral and some kind of gnome made out of pewter.
  • SPEAKER_13: Oh, I don't think we have.
  • SPEAKER_13: We have the gnome, but it's not made of pewter.
  • SPEAKER_13: The pewter, we have only the dragons.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, you have a gnome?
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, you have a gnome?
  • SPEAKER_13: Yeah, but not the dragon, just a statue, like made off, I think, a raisin.
  • SPEAKER_08: Tell me about the gnome.
  • SPEAKER_08: Tell me about the gnome.
  • SPEAKER_08: I want to know about the gnome.
  • SPEAKER_08: Tell me about the gnome.
  • SPEAKER_13: It made all the raisins.
  • SPEAKER_08: Of raisins?
  • SPEAKER_08: What are you talking about now, gal?
  • SPEAKER_08: What are you squeaking about?
  • SPEAKER_08: Do you have any kind of a pewter overlord of some kind?
  • SPEAKER_13: No, we have the pewter, but only dragons.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, a dragon.
  • SPEAKER_08: Wow.
  • SPEAKER_08: I want to get into a miniature liquefied gnome.
  • SPEAKER_08: Uh, no.
  • SPEAKER_08: If I can get that from you tonight in the midnight hour.
  • SPEAKER_08: Throw some Chinese stars at it.
  • SPEAKER_13: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_13: Can you give me your phone number?
  • SPEAKER_13: I'll send you the picture of what we have.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, it's $8,000, $7,400.
  • SPEAKER_08: You bet.
  • SPEAKER_08: Have a good night.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: So I'm putting that on my to-do list.
  • SPEAKER_08: Nashville, Nashville, Nashville, thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_07: So I'm putting that on my to-do list.
  • SPEAKER_07: Nashville, Nashville, thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: So you know where to go?
  • SPEAKER_08: If you want to pewter gnome, just head to the 909.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'd like to talk to you guys.
  • SPEAKER_08: If you have anything on your minds, I'm listening.
  • SPEAKER_08: By God, because by God, I'll give you a moment to get a pen or whatever you need.
  • SPEAKER_02: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_02: 816.
  • SPEAKER_02: $4,009.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, and who is this individual?
  • SPEAKER_02: Kevin Foster.
  • SPEAKER_08: Kevin, okay, cool.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: It's ringing.
  • SPEAKER_08: Kevin.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, Kevin.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, Kevin, what's shaking?
  • SPEAKER_03: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hello, Kevin.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, what's going on?
  • SPEAKER_08: This is Trent.
  • SPEAKER_08: What's shaken?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_01: Who is this?
  • SPEAKER_01: Who is this now?
  • SPEAKER_08: Trent.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm your new neighbor over here.
  • SPEAKER_08: I just moved into the area.
  • SPEAKER_08: I just moved into the area, I said, guy.
  • SPEAKER_08: Can you hear me or what?
  • SPEAKER_03: Which area?
  • SPEAKER_08: Same area as you.
  • SPEAKER_08: I got your number from Joe O'Suzu over there.
  • SPEAKER_08: Remember him?
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh!
  • SPEAKER_03: Tell me more.
  • SPEAKER_08: A guy, he works at Reuters.
  • SPEAKER_08: Guy knows everything.
  • SPEAKER_08: So he gave me me.
  • SPEAKER_08: your number.
  • SPEAKER_08: And, uh, listen, um, I noticed you're outside a good bit here lately and, uh, I'm a whip master.
  • SPEAKER_08: I want to go outside and practice using my whip in the morning.
  • SPEAKER_08: I just want to make sure you're going to be indoors and out of the way, just for safety, you know?
  • SPEAKER_03: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_03: With the whip?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I got a 28 foot horse whip.
  • SPEAKER_08: I get that thing spinning around.
  • SPEAKER_08: It's like a propeller flying through the air up.
  • SPEAKER_08: through the air up.
  • SPEAKER_03: Annette.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: So is that going to jive with you?
  • SPEAKER_08: I mean, I don't need the liability.
  • SPEAKER_08: I don't need the responsibility of you, you know, poking around outside if that's acceptable to you.
  • SPEAKER_08: I mean, where do you suggest I go?
  • SPEAKER_03: You're suggesting I stay inside so that you can practice with your whip.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_03: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: I mean, does that jibe with you?
  • SPEAKER_03: Well, you might be surprised to know that whips are of great interest to me.
  • SPEAKER_08: Is that a matter of fact?
  • SPEAKER_03: It's a fact, and you can count on it.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, buddy, I got a 32-foot bullwim.
  • SPEAKER_08: I start swinging this thing around.
  • SPEAKER_08: You're not going to want to be anywhere near what I'm doing.
  • SPEAKER_08: Do you understand what I'm saying?
  • SPEAKER_03: Is this a threat to my body and my family?
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, I'm looking out for you, tough guy.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm asking you to stay indoors.
  • SPEAKER_08: fair and square.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_03: This is the most special phone call I've ever received.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, I'm telling you the time of day here, you know, what you need to do.
  • SPEAKER_03: And let's avoid the out of doors?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, sir.
  • SPEAKER_08: Unless you want to get stubby real quick.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, I'll let you think about it, and I'll give you a ring.
  • SPEAKER_08: about 4 a.m. Take care of yourself.
  • SPEAKER_08: Kevin, everybody. Thank you. Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Good stuff in the midnight hour.
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah, I have a long line of numbers for you.
  • SPEAKER_08: Awesome. Let's have it.
  • SPEAKER_04: My dad said that he was God said that he was God.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, it's a great honor.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, it's a great honor.
  • SPEAKER_04: Be to closely associated them to be and to be.
  • SPEAKER_15: Good afternoon.
  • SPEAKER_15: I think of calling Kevin.
  • SPEAKER_15: Is Juehers-Lis speaking, how can I help you?
  • SPEAKER_15: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, talk to this guy, would you?
  • SPEAKER_08: He's not making a look of Sets over at GameStop.
  • SPEAKER_08: All right?
  • SPEAKER_15: I'm sorry?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, do you guys got any pewter up there?
  • SPEAKER_12: No.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, no.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, would you take a look?
  • SPEAKER_12: How about it's going to help you?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, we got Kevin Jewelers on the line.
  • SPEAKER_12: Kevin Jewelers is on the line?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, this is.
  • SPEAKER_12: You have hot topic.
  • SPEAKER_12: How can I help you?
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, what's going on up?
  • SPEAKER_12: I'm sorry, I don't believe anything's going on outside.
  • SPEAKER_08: You don't believe anything's going on?
  • SPEAKER_12: Yeah, I don't see anything going on outside.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, there's microorganisms everywhere, young lady.
  • SPEAKER_08: What do you think of that?
  • SPEAKER_08: Did you ever stop to contemplate that?
  • SPEAKER_12: Actually, I took a microbiology and food class,
  • SPEAKER_12: so I know a little bit more about that than you would anticipate.
  • SPEAKER_12: Was there anything I can help you with that topic why I said?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I'd like to talk about the section of the female avian
  • SPEAKER_08: reproductive tract where the shell is added to the egg.
  • SPEAKER_08: It's also noted as the shell gland in the scrub fowl.
  • SPEAKER_08: So if you want to get into that.
  • SPEAKER_12: You want to talk about something like hot topic-wise, though?
  • SPEAKER_12: Because I do have some other things if you just want to talk about like microorganisms and stuff.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, you're the one who said you knew about this, about that, about everything else.
  • SPEAKER_08: So let's get in a little p-fowl, scrub fowl.
  • SPEAKER_12: Was there anything I could help you with that with Hot Topic related, though?
  • SPEAKER_08: The windpipe of the chicken.
  • SPEAKER_08: Because they don't need much air to breathe.
  • SPEAKER_08: much food to live.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes, I swear it.
  • SPEAKER_08: Because I went to college and I graduated, young ladies, so I don't want to chew on that.
  • SPEAKER_01: Chew on that.
  • SPEAKER_01: Chew on that.
  • SPEAKER_01: Chew on that.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hi, how are we doing tonight?
  • SPEAKER_13: Hi, good.
  • SPEAKER_08: Is this Dark Ages?
  • SPEAKER_13: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I was looking for that pewter toad that you guys got up there.
  • SPEAKER_13: We don't have pewter toad.
  • SPEAKER_13: We already have pewter with dragons.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, and a gnome, right?
  • SPEAKER_13: The gnome is not pewter.
  • SPEAKER_13: It's made of the...
  • SPEAKER_13: Raisin.
  • SPEAKER_08: Raisin.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: How about a three-dimensional mallard?
  • SPEAKER_13: What is that?
  • SPEAKER_13: A three-dimensional, what?
  • SPEAKER_08: Like a three-dimensional duck, a bar.
  • SPEAKER_08: Chew on that.
  • SPEAKER_06: Chew on that.
  • SPEAKER_08: Do you know what I'm trying to get to up there with that one?
  • SPEAKER_08: No.
  • SPEAKER_13: Can you come to the store?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, I'll be in.
  • SPEAKER_08: So we'll go over in person.
  • SPEAKER_08: Sure, sure.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you so much.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_04: M&E.
  • SPEAKER_08: There's always magic a good to do.
  • SPEAKER_14: This is honest.
  • SPEAKER_14: I'm speaking.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, so what do you guys got going on up there?
  • SPEAKER_08: How late you all open tonight up?
  • SPEAKER_14: Excuse me?
  • SPEAKER_08: How late y'all open up?
  • SPEAKER_14: I'm sorry.
  • SPEAKER_14: I'm not able to understand you.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, so I, do you have animal rides?
  • SPEAKER_14: Animal rides?
  • SPEAKER_14: Actually, this is the Disney store.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, super, superb and supreme.
  • SPEAKER_08: What do you have for sale up there?
  • SPEAKER_08: Can I get any blubber from you at all?
  • SPEAKER_14: Can I go ahead, put you in a brief?
  • SPEAKER_08: I don't really have time.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm at a pay phone right now, and I'm running out of quarters.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, see.
  • SPEAKER_08: So do you have any blubber from a two-legged animal that I could get?
  • SPEAKER_14: No, you have the wrong number.
  • SPEAKER_08: No, this is the Animal Ride Store.
  • SPEAKER_14: No, this is the Disney store.
  • SPEAKER_08: The Disney store? No, no. I think you're in the wrong place. I'm sorry.
  • SPEAKER_08: So maybe just get your things together and then go over to the Animal Ride Center.
  • SPEAKER_08: See, I'll give you 15 minutes to get over there, okay?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_09: Can I go and put you in a brief on real quick?
  • SPEAKER_08: No, I need you to go ahead and gather your things and go over to the Animal Ride Store,
  • SPEAKER_08: and I'll talk to you when you get there, okay? Talk to you in about 15, 20,
  • SPEAKER_08: because you're in the wrong place right now, okay?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, well, have a good time, and I'll talk to you soon.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, so we can try another exchange.
  • SPEAKER_08: If you have another exchange, we can try.
  • SPEAKER_08: Let's do a good one.
  • SPEAKER_02: You know what?
  • SPEAKER_08: Let's do a good one.
  • SPEAKER_08: 937.
  • SPEAKER_08: Uh-huh.
  • SPEAKER_08: I like this one so far.
  • SPEAKER_02: 7654.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: And this is ringing, and who is this?
  • SPEAKER_04: Suzy.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, here we go.
  • SPEAKER_04: I swear it.
  • SPEAKER_04: It is a defining moment.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, let's see if I make some of the way.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, Susie.
  • SPEAKER_13: Hey.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hey, what's shaking?
  • SPEAKER_13: What's taken with you?
  • SPEAKER_08: Uh, yeah, this is, uh, Goldbriath.
  • SPEAKER_08: How are you doing it?
  • SPEAKER_13: It's going to be a little bit of feedback.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, what do you mean by that?
  • SPEAKER_13: I hear an echo.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, weird.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I hear one on you, too.
  • SPEAKER_08: It's real unusual, but this is Goldbriath.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: And I was wondering if you've experienced any psychic interference since the last wind that we've experienced.
  • SPEAKER_13: I can't.
  • SPEAKER_08: Have you stopped to contemplate the cries of Hezekiah?
  • SPEAKER_15: Now that you say that, I have.
  • SPEAKER_08: Have you shouted his name into the canyon?
  • SPEAKER_08: Not today.
  • SPEAKER_08: Look to the sky for answers and results?
  • SPEAKER_13: Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, well, you know, zoning laws regulate that kind of.
  • SPEAKER_08: to practice out of existence, and they restrict the use of land for purposes such as
  • SPEAKER_08: looking to the sky for answers or raising poultry, something as innocuous as that.
  • SPEAKER_08: Poultry has transmissible diseases, so I could see where they're going there.
  • SPEAKER_08: But, I mean, just putting my face to the sun, I mean, it shouldn't be a problem.
  • SPEAKER_08: Would you talk to my sister?
  • SPEAKER_08: She said she wanted to talk to you.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'd love to.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, you would love to.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, great.
  • SPEAKER_15: It's a couple of day, but this is so many speaking.
  • SPEAKER_15: How may I assist you?
  • SPEAKER_15: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_15: What can I do for you today?
  • SPEAKER_15: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_15: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: That is okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: Not a problem, not a problem.
  • SPEAKER_08: We're going to have to let her go.
  • SPEAKER_08: She's on a mechanical bowl.
  • SPEAKER_08: She doesn't have a lot of time tonight.
  • SPEAKER_08: So that's fine, dandy.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, just improvise.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, that's fine.
  • SPEAKER_00: My mom told me one time that she thought I was brainwashed.
  • SPEAKER_00: And I thought, yeah, I am brainwashed.
  • SPEAKER_00: Michael has washed my brain of all my own corrupt thoughts.
  • SPEAKER_08: Actually, fuck it.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm just going to call Alex Trebek.
  • SPEAKER_08: I've had enough of this shit.
  • SPEAKER_08: Alex Debeck, what the heck?
  • SPEAKER_08: I tell you what I say.
  • SPEAKER_06: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
  • None: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: Hello, sir?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, this is Lewis.
  • SPEAKER_08: I just moved in around.
  • SPEAKER_08: the way recently, and I had my mail vacation forwarded to your address just for two weeks while I'm out of town.
  • SPEAKER_08: I hope that's okay with you. I can come pick it up in two weeks' time when I've returned.
  • SPEAKER_10: You had your mail? Where did you move to?
  • SPEAKER_08: I just moved right around the corner from you all there, and the postmaster gave me your number.
  • SPEAKER_08: I just had it sent to your address for two weeks.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm going to Iowa.
  • SPEAKER_08: for two weeks.
  • SPEAKER_01: What address did you have to send to?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, I have it written down here somewhere.
  • SPEAKER_08: I just have your number in front of me.
  • SPEAKER_08: Is that okay, though?
  • SPEAKER_08: I don't anticipate it being too much mail.
  • SPEAKER_08: Just, you know, a few parcels and bills and things like that.
  • SPEAKER_08: For two or three weeks here.
  • SPEAKER_11: And what address did you have it sent to?
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, I'm just Caddy Corner, and I tell you, if any bills or anything urgent comes in.
  • SPEAKER_08: Wait a minute.
  • SPEAKER_11: Caddy Corner, what address are you?
  • SPEAKER_08: you at? I'm in unit Q.
  • SPEAKER_11: Unit Q?
  • SPEAKER_08: Yes, sir.
  • SPEAKER_08: Where?
  • SPEAKER_08: Just approximately around the bend from you.
  • SPEAKER_11: No, no, no. Where? What city? What are you located?
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, I'm in the valley here. I'm new to the area. I don't know it too well. I apologize about that.
  • SPEAKER_08: But if you have any bills or anything come through for me, please just pay them and I'll fully reimburse you when I return, okay?
  • SPEAKER_11: Are you out of your mind?
  • SPEAKER_08: No, sir.
  • SPEAKER_11: You are just a joke.
  • SPEAKER_11: Goodbye.
  • SPEAKER_08: No, sir.
  • SPEAKER_08: No, sir.
  • SPEAKER_08: No, no, no, no, no, no.
  • SPEAKER_08: It'd be a big favor.
  • SPEAKER_08: Consider it a big hell.
  • SPEAKER_08: Nashville, you have been fantastic.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you so much for hanging in there with me.
  • SPEAKER_08: Woo!
  • SPEAKER_08: I love you guys.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you for being.
  • None: Woo!
  • SPEAKER_09: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_09: All right.
  • SPEAKER_09: Marrake, so, Marrike, so, Marrake,