Tour Line Live (2019)

Track 8: 4-17-19 Live London Ontario
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SPEAKER_03: Are you?
SPEAKER_07: Hey, man, how's it going?
SPEAKER_03: Hi, I'm doing good. How's everybody doing?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, we're right here in London, and we just watched the movie. Thank you for phoning.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you. I'm happy to be with you tonight.
SPEAKER_07: Does anybody have any questions for Mr. LPC or want to say?
SPEAKER_09: Oh, sure.
SPEAKER_09: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_07: I'm happy to talk to you.
SPEAKER_07: We got a question.
SPEAKER_06: So they're asking the global elite.
SPEAKER_07: So they're asking the global elite call.
SPEAKER_06: Yes.
SPEAKER_07: GameStop.
SPEAKER_07: Did you have inside information on that guy, or did you know him?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: No, I didn't know him.
SPEAKER_03: I didn't know him.
SPEAKER_03: Somebody suggested that he would be funny to call.
SPEAKER_03: I thought it was just sort of there.
SPEAKER_03: I thought it was just sort of okay, good enough for a bonus feature, but people have told me that they really like it.
SPEAKER_03: And we're really into it, so.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, he's a great guy.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: The number you have not available from this service, O-C-0-1-6-3.
SPEAKER_07: Anybody else?
SPEAKER_07: Now's your chance.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, we've got it.
SPEAKER_07: There's a few calls.
SPEAKER_07: The one who stands out is moisturization.
SPEAKER_07: George's bar.
SPEAKER_07: What's the story with that guy?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, what's the story with George?
SPEAKER_03: George was...
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: I used to have sort of unorthodox methods for getting phone numbers to call.
SPEAKER_03: So say I had Dave's number here, and I'd go to call him, but I'd change the last two numbers and see who I got.
SPEAKER_03: And that was how I got George's bar.
SPEAKER_03: cell phone number.
SPEAKER_03: And he liked to talk and talk and act tough and get all tough.
SPEAKER_03: And so I called him a lot.
SPEAKER_03: And he had a very unfortunate shootout at his establishment a couple years ago.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Well...
SPEAKER_07: Do you think...
SPEAKER_07: It's a good day.
SPEAKER_07: Hi, I'm Mark again.
SPEAKER_07: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Hey, is this the butcher shop up, Barr?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, that's the butcher shop.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, man, I'm looking to get some maniac loaf.
SPEAKER_03: If you could put some together for me tonight.
SPEAKER_05: What is that?
SPEAKER_03: Uh, you know, it has leather and sticks and marshmallow.
SPEAKER_03: It's an old country favorite.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, that kind.
SPEAKER_03: So is that a custom order?
SPEAKER_03: How much would that be on a custom basis?
SPEAKER_08: Hang up.
SPEAKER_03: So, yeah, George's was, uh, used to be a cut.
SPEAKER_03: He used to be a DE agent.
SPEAKER_03: He used to be a lot of different things, he said.
SPEAKER_07: I think he lost a few family members in that shootout, didn't he?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, man, it was super bad.
SPEAKER_07: I have a question.
SPEAKER_07: Do you use to...
SPEAKER_03: Sure.
SPEAKER_07: To me, there's all, I don't know if it's an actual LPC curse, but a lot of people have died that you've phoned.
SPEAKER_07: Like, David Degrauma.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, what's up with that?
SPEAKER_03: I was thinking about that, and somebody...
SPEAKER_08: Sorry, mate.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, listen.
SPEAKER_03: I need to get some, uh, some leg bone.
SPEAKER_08: Some leg bones, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, how much is that going to run me, guy?
SPEAKER_08: That's $4.99 a kilo for leg bones.
SPEAKER_02: My mom told me.
SPEAKER_02: one time that she thought I was brainwashed.
SPEAKER_02: And I thought, yeah, I am brainwashed.
SPEAKER_02: Michael has washed my brain of all my own corrupt thoughts.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, can I get some skin from you guys up there?
SPEAKER_03: Okay, oh, he left.
SPEAKER_03: But anyway, so yeah, that's an Australian butcher.
SPEAKER_03: Sure, sure, sure, sure.
SPEAKER_03: Sure, indeed.
SPEAKER_03: We're going to call the guy from Pond Stars here in Las Vegas.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, you betcha.
SPEAKER_07: Is that Chumley or whatever?
SPEAKER_03: Not Chumley, the owner, Rick.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, nice.
SPEAKER_03: And it's styling, and, uh, yeah, let's see what's going on up there.
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Uh, hi, how you doing, man?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, I can help him.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I got a big poster of Yvonne Gulagong,
SPEAKER_03: kind of an action swinging the tennis.
SPEAKER_03: racket. I'm just looking for a 30-day loan on it.
SPEAKER_03: Yvonne Gulagong?
SPEAKER_03: I'm just looking to stay off the books.
SPEAKER_03: You with me there, guy?
SPEAKER_03: Well, um...
SPEAKER_03: Well, he's out. It was worth a try.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you for being here. That happens here in an LPC world. That's going to be fine.
SPEAKER_03: We're going to roll right along. Not an issue.
SPEAKER_07: We've got a number of 439-38-6-1.
SPEAKER_07: This is Jesse. He's a musician in Montreal.
SPEAKER_03: All right. Thanks.
SPEAKER_07: Real exotic.
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Hey, Jesse.
SPEAKER_04: Who's this?
SPEAKER_03: Hey, this is Brock.
SPEAKER_04: Brock, who?
SPEAKER_03: Cox.
SPEAKER_04: What?
SPEAKER_03: Cox, I said. How are you doing, man?
SPEAKER_04: Wait, with Brock, one second, one second.
SPEAKER_04: Brock, what's your last name?
SPEAKER_03: Cox, I said, didn't I?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, but why are you calling me?
SPEAKER_03: Well, I'm playing drums here, and I want you to get a feel for my style.
SPEAKER_03: You know what I'm?
SPEAKER_03: Funny to you, is it?
SPEAKER_04: Nah, man, I'm feeling the rhythm, dude. You remind me of, like, Tony Allen, or, like, a young Max Roach or something like that.
SPEAKER_03: Max Roach? Yeah, sure.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, man.
SPEAKER_03: Elvin Jones. Oh, big time, big time.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, man, Elvin, you know it, dude.
SPEAKER_04: I can feel the polyrhythm.
SPEAKER_03: But, yeah, that's the problem is my ankles are all jacked, man.
SPEAKER_03: Do you consider just rubbing my ankles down with some ice packs or something?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, I'd love to rub your ankles.
SPEAKER_04: No, real talk, man, what do you call me from L.A.?
SPEAKER_04: Who is this?
SPEAKER_03: No, I got a new phone, that's all.
SPEAKER_04: Who is it?
SPEAKER_04: Who are you Brock?
SPEAKER_03: Brock Cox, yeah.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, but how do you know me?
SPEAKER_03: I heard your demo.
SPEAKER_04: What do you think of it?
SPEAKER_03: Hot sound.
SPEAKER_04: It's okay, man.
SPEAKER_04: It's not like, I'm trying to.
SPEAKER_04: figure out, you know, like, stay away from that these days, you know?
SPEAKER_04: Like, just, like, just doing it, like, on the low, you know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, you feel me, right?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I do.
SPEAKER_03: You know where to get any goofy loaf or anything like that?
SPEAKER_04: No, I don't know.
SPEAKER_04: I don't know.
SPEAKER_04: I don't really know where to get that, but if he kind of wanted some Latin inspiration,
SPEAKER_04: like, you probably listen to, like, Sabu Martinez, has some great impression.
SPEAKER_03: Sounds good.
SPEAKER_03: Got to run.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, we got another one here.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, do you have a question?
SPEAKER_06: Yeah, I was kind of curious.
None: Like, you've got a lot of people that you call repeatedly and repeatedly.
SPEAKER_06: Is what you're doing kind of like a form of intimacy for you?
SPEAKER_06: Or is like, do you find you get too close to people sometimes and you have to back off?
SPEAKER_07: The question is, the people you call repeatedly, do you ever feel too intimate with them?
SPEAKER_07: And do you have to back off?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I had an experience once when I was a teenager.
SPEAKER_03: They used to have a thing person-to-person calls.
SPEAKER_03: If you called Collette,
SPEAKER_03: to a specific person, then they would either accept or decline it.
SPEAKER_03: And I ended up talking to this woman operator for about half an hour,
SPEAKER_03: and she ended up calling me back at home and talked a lot on the phone.
SPEAKER_03: We were supposed to meet one time, and we never did that.
SPEAKER_03: But, oh, yeah, you know, you get into these situations, yeah.
SPEAKER_11: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: Hi, how you doing?
SPEAKER_00: Hi, good, thank you.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, good.
SPEAKER_03: What is this place?
SPEAKER_00: Our Facebook record store.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Do you have cassettes up there?
SPEAKER_00: We do, yes.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, do you have anything by Fiddlebone on cassette at all?
SPEAKER_11: Fiddlebone?
SPEAKER_11: No, I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_03: It's my sister's favorite.
SPEAKER_03: Let me just have you talk to her, okay?
SPEAKER_03: Because she knows more about it than I do.
SPEAKER_11: Okay, thank you.
SPEAKER_11: I've been having this thought that I just needed to come up here and take off all my clothes.
SPEAKER_11: Really?
SPEAKER_11: So I said, well, shall I?
SPEAKER_03: Anyway, yeah, she's not ready.
SPEAKER_03: I guess she doesn't know the particular album title.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, wait, here.
SPEAKER_11: I think I really feel.
SPEAKER_11: relief that it's the end.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: It's like that's what Father's saying now, just a little bit longer,
SPEAKER_02: and you're going to come home, where you were meant to be.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: It's like we weren't made to live on this earth away from Father.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: She's gone.
SPEAKER_03: She's gone on all right.
SPEAKER_03: Not an issue.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: It's par for the course, an LPC land.
SPEAKER_03: Just keep on trucking.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, yeah, I need to get some scorn.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, yeah, I need to get some skin.
SPEAKER_03: in, all right, and some blood, a couple of ounces of blood for a special recipe.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: We don't have any blood, but we do have sausage skin, which is the intestines.
SPEAKER_03: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_03: Intestine, you say, right?
SPEAKER_03: Okay, hey, can I get any regurgitation at all?
SPEAKER_03: It's supposed to be...
SPEAKER_08: No, mate, not at all.
SPEAKER_03: Not at all.
SPEAKER_03: What do you mean?
SPEAKER_08: No, just unavailable, send straight to the fat and bone room and then get to turn into something else.
SPEAKER_03: Huh, could you divert some for me here on my cookout?
SPEAKER_03: I got a big cookout tonight.
SPEAKER_08: Uh, no, I couldn't get any around, do any store in here, mate?
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, uh, you guys got any semen at all up there?
SPEAKER_08: No, I don't have any, mate, no.
SPEAKER_03: Or where would I go for something like, uh?
SPEAKER_08: Not too sure, mate.
SPEAKER_08: No, I've never seen it available.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah?
SPEAKER_09: But I would have more authority to touch the soul than a MD would.
SPEAKER_09: MDs aren't prepared for what I've had to do.
SPEAKER_09: Um, Ds are with naked people.
SPEAKER_09: MDs even put their fingers.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, so, uh, what do you have, hoofs at all in stock?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, that's sorry?
SPEAKER_03: Hoofs, I said, didn't I?
SPEAKER_08: Hoops, no.
SPEAKER_03: Hoofs? Okay.
SPEAKER_03: And, uh, what about the regurgitation? How, how much is that?
SPEAKER_03: Or where, at what point can I get that, uh, first of the month, or?
SPEAKER_08: Uh, we don't sell it at all, right?
SPEAKER_03: You can make an exception, can't you?
SPEAKER_08: No, we don't, we don't do store to me, exactly.
SPEAKER_03: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: Let me just get some of your urine then, and then, uh, we'll be good to go, all right?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, too, easy, mate.
SPEAKER_08: No worries.
SPEAKER_08: How many ants are you after?
SPEAKER_03: Uh, six ounces.
SPEAKER_08: Six ounces?
SPEAKER_08: No, worries, Mike.
SPEAKER_08: I think you're talking a piss enough.
SPEAKER_08: You've got enough for your own.
SPEAKER_03: What is that supposed to mean?
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_03: He's out in the outback.
SPEAKER_07: We've got a number for you here, sir?
SPEAKER_07: Yes.
SPEAKER_07: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
SPEAKER_09: It is a defining moment, and God's people are going to be vindicated, and the world is going to be judged.
SPEAKER_09: It's final.
SPEAKER_09: You can take that to the bank.
SPEAKER_09: We're done.
SPEAKER_09: We're talking about leaving the earth.
SPEAKER_09: And nakedness is another symbol of our relationship with God.
SPEAKER_07: All right, about seven more minutes here, so we've got a few more numbers for you.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_07: 519-4543.
SPEAKER_07: This is Edy.
SPEAKER_07: He's a promoter.
SPEAKER_07: Is Alex Trebek?
SPEAKER_03: Edy.
SPEAKER_03: What's cooking?
SPEAKER_03: Alex Trebek.
SPEAKER_03: Who is this?
SPEAKER_03: Hey.
SPEAKER_09: I am.
SPEAKER_09: I am Messiah.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, Edy.
SPEAKER_09: I am Messiah.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, Edy.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, I need to get some photographs taken.
SPEAKER_03: Can you.
SPEAKER_03: Maybe help me out?
None: What?
SPEAKER_03: This is Grisidius Fike.
SPEAKER_03: I'm involved in cave exploration and sorcery, things like that.
SPEAKER_03: What's on your calendar?
SPEAKER_03: Got time for some photographs up here.
SPEAKER_06: I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and I don't even know who this is, but...
SPEAKER_03: I need some freaking photos, guy.
SPEAKER_03: Why don't you listen up?
SPEAKER_03: and then we can put some ideas together.
SPEAKER_03: What do you think?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, man.
SPEAKER_03: You want me to come over and shove you around a little bit?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah?
SPEAKER_03: are you going to say the same thing when you feel my
SPEAKER_03: frickin' grip.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, is that funny to you, huh?
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to touch your leg bone here pretty soon.
SPEAKER_03: Give you an Indian burn.
SPEAKER_03: What do you think of that?
SPEAKER_09: Do what God tells you?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, wow.
SPEAKER_03: That guy was ready for some action, I think, but only half ready.
SPEAKER_07: Only half ready.
SPEAKER_07: Well, we've got three minutes left.
SPEAKER_06: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: Is Emilio there, please?
SPEAKER_00: Uh, what's Amelia?
SPEAKER_00: Senior.
SPEAKER_03: Emilio Senior, yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Emilio, yes.
SPEAKER_00: Let me go find him.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_03: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Emilio.
SPEAKER_05: Yes, who's calling?
SPEAKER_03: Uh, this is Guy.
SPEAKER_03: All right, and, uh, listen, I need to borrow you guys's living room.
SPEAKER_03: I got your number online.
SPEAKER_03: We're just looking to have a card game, a friendly card game.
SPEAKER_03: Just need to borrow your living room for a couple hours.
SPEAKER_03: I don't even know who you are.
SPEAKER_03: I'm in Shaw Heights.
SPEAKER_03: It's fine.
SPEAKER_03: Not a problem.
SPEAKER_03: Not a problem there.
SPEAKER_05: No, but I don't do stuff like that.
SPEAKER_05: I don't even know who guy is.
SPEAKER_03: Like what?
SPEAKER_03: That's me.
SPEAKER_03: Huh?
SPEAKER_05: I don't even know you.
SPEAKER_03: Well, we're going to get together and play cards, aren't we?
SPEAKER_03: You'll get to know me there.
SPEAKER_05: I don't even know you.
SPEAKER_05: Why would I get together with you?
SPEAKER_03: Well, I got cigars, I got poker chips, I got a deck of cards.
SPEAKER_03: I got about three or four good old boys with me.
SPEAKER_03: It'll be a great time.
SPEAKER_03: It'll be a great time.
SPEAKER_05: I don't even know you.
SPEAKER_05: We're going to call in this number.
SPEAKER_03: We're going to borrow your living room this week, okay?
SPEAKER_03: For about two hours.
SPEAKER_05: Quit calling this number.
SPEAKER_03: What's a good time to come up there?
SPEAKER_03: Can you just give me a good time?
SPEAKER_05: What's wrong with you?
SPEAKER_05: Are you, uh, have a mental issues or what?
SPEAKER_03: Do you guys have any ground beef up there?
SPEAKER_03: Because we need to cook some stew and stuff when we get there, okay?
SPEAKER_03: I'll be there tomorrow.
SPEAKER_03: We can just work it out between seven and nine o'clock.
SPEAKER_03: night, okay?
SPEAKER_05: No, you are.
SPEAKER_05: I think you need to take some mental medication.
SPEAKER_03: What's that supposed to mean?
SPEAKER_03: This is going to be a Wednesday night card game.
SPEAKER_05: That means you're a crazy guy.
SPEAKER_03: It's going to be a Thursday night card game.
SPEAKER_03: That's all there is to it, okay?
SPEAKER_05: No, there's nothing to it.
SPEAKER_05: You're just a weirdo.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, I got your number online.
SPEAKER_03: I got your number online.
SPEAKER_03: I got your number online.
SPEAKER_05: Wait, where did you get it?
SPEAKER_05: What do you mean online?
SPEAKER_05: From where?
SPEAKER_03: Aren't you in the community?
SPEAKER_03: Are you in the community or aren't you?
SPEAKER_03: What do you mean?
SPEAKER_05: I'm not.
SPEAKER_03: Look, just go pick up some ground beef and
SPEAKER_03: set up your card table, and then we'll be there at 7 o'clock.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, 7 o'clock sharp.
SPEAKER_05: No, quit calling this number.
SPEAKER_03: I will, because we're just going to come over, all right?
SPEAKER_03: And then have your...
SPEAKER_05: No, you're a weirdo, man.
SPEAKER_03: What is that supposed to me?
SPEAKER_05: Let me report you to the police officers for harassment.
SPEAKER_05: It's sworn in the Bible.
SPEAKER_03: It will occur.
SPEAKER_03: Guy Cox.
SPEAKER_03: Guy Cox.
SPEAKER_05: And what's your address?
SPEAKER_03: Let me have your address.
SPEAKER_03: But I got your number online.
SPEAKER_05: It doesn't matter where you got my number.
SPEAKER_03: You're just signed up for this.
SPEAKER_05: I didn't sign up for anything.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, the heck you did.
SPEAKER_05: Let me have your address.
SPEAKER_03: Well, I'll be right there.
SPEAKER_03: Let me have your address.
SPEAKER_03: What's your address?
SPEAKER_05: Let me have your address.
SPEAKER_03: Why?
SPEAKER_05: So we could go over there with a police officer and get this squared away.
SPEAKER_09: I am the embodiment of God.
SPEAKER_09: I am divinity and humanity combined.
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: So that's all you need to know.
SPEAKER_05: You need to take some medication.
SPEAKER_03: I got a six pack of beer.
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to show up with a beer and some cards and cigars.
SPEAKER_05: Well, I'm going to show up with a fucking gun and blow your fucking brains out if you keep fucking with me.
SPEAKER_03: We're just going to play a friendly game of cards.
SPEAKER_03: You're going to love it.
SPEAKER_03: You're going to love it.
SPEAKER_05: If you want to fucking die, come fuck with me then.
SPEAKER_05: A piece of shit.
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to bring Dino.
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to bring Rai Rai.
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to bring them all over with me.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: Canada, you've been astounding.
SPEAKER_03: You've been a sounding.
SPEAKER_03: We love you.
SPEAKER_00: I love you.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_03: We love you. I love you. Thank you. Thanks for having a great time tonight.
SPEAKER_03: Thanks for having a great time tonight.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you. Have a great night. Thank you so much. Have a great night.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you so much. Have a great night. Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.