Tour Line Live (2019)

Track 4: 3-23-19 Live New York NY
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SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: You are live here at a spectacle theater.
SPEAKER_08: How are you doing all?
SPEAKER_08: Bar, bar, bar, par, par, par, par, par, par.
SPEAKER_08: How's everybody doing tonight?
SPEAKER_11: Woo!
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah, all right.
SPEAKER_08: Outstanding.
SPEAKER_08: I'm happy to hear that.
SPEAKER_08: Well, you know, happy Saturday, I'd like to say.
SPEAKER_08: Just taking a bath here.
SPEAKER_08: Let me hop out here.
SPEAKER_08: So, LPC, do you want to take some questions?
SPEAKER_08: Yes, please.
SPEAKER_08: Or we could make some calls, call some pay phones, call the White House.
SPEAKER_08: Let's make some calls.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: I got something here.
SPEAKER_08: It's ringing.
SPEAKER_11: Can I help you?
SPEAKER_08: Hi, yes.
SPEAKER_08: I needed some help here tonight, please.
SPEAKER_11: Who is this?
SPEAKER_08: My name is.
SPEAKER_10: Oh, yeah, you called yesterday, Percival.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I did.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I did.
SPEAKER_10: What did you say?
SPEAKER_10: I'm working at a trade show, so I can't be on the phone.
SPEAKER_10: I'm very sorry, but you can feel free to message me, Percival.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, shucks.
SPEAKER_08: They left.
SPEAKER_08: That's okay.
SPEAKER_08: That's okay.
SPEAKER_08: This gal, apparently, has gotten real hip, real quick, is what she's done.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, okay.
SPEAKER_08: I can dig it.
SPEAKER_08: So, uh, let's just move forward, shall we?
SPEAKER_08: Who's with me on that?
SPEAKER_08: Because, uh, thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, sir, ma'am, thank you.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, Longmont, could I ask you to make a call for me?
SPEAKER_07: Absolutely.
SPEAKER_07: I was hoping you could call my mom.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, sure.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, it's, uh, her phone number is two, four, five, six, four, four, five.
SPEAKER_07: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, what's her name?
SPEAKER_07: Nancy.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, thanks for your patience.
SPEAKER_08: We'll get Nancy on the line here.
SPEAKER_08: All right.
SPEAKER_08: What town does she live in?
SPEAKER_07: She's in Rhode Island in Barrington, Rhode Island.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, thank you.
SPEAKER_11: Hello.
SPEAKER_08: Hi, Nancy.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah?
SPEAKER_08: Nancy?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, hi.
SPEAKER_08: Yes, how you doing?
SPEAKER_11: Who is this, please?
SPEAKER_08: I'm Chester. I'm your new neighbor.
SPEAKER_08: I got your number from the post office.
SPEAKER_08: And listen, I'm sorry to bother you.
SPEAKER_08: I'm new to the area here.
SPEAKER_03: What neighbor?
SPEAKER_03: Where are you my neighbor?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, I'm just around the corner off to the right there.
SPEAKER_08: My phone, it actually doesn't have...
SPEAKER_03: I'm sorry, what town are you even talking about?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, sure, sure.
SPEAKER_08: It doesn't have an eight, so I needed to borrow your phone.
SPEAKER_08: I got to make a very important call.
SPEAKER_12: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_08: If I maybe pay you some money, I need to make a very important phone call, Nancy, here tonight.
SPEAKER_08: And my phone doesn't have the numeral eight on it, you know, so...
SPEAKER_08: I don't know to you.
SPEAKER_08: I know before.
SPEAKER_08: never met, but I'd consider it a big, big favorite.
SPEAKER_03: And I am not your neighbor, and I have to know I know who you are.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah, we've met.
SPEAKER_08: I walked by when you were outside.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, sure.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, uh-huh, ha, ha, ha, ha.
SPEAKER_08: Just for a few minutes.
SPEAKER_03: And I'm not there now anyway.
SPEAKER_08: Well, I can meet you when it's convenient for you.
SPEAKER_08: My phone does not have an eight.
SPEAKER_08: It does not have it.
SPEAKER_08: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to make a phone call.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to have to get your own phone.
SPEAKER_08: No, I'll just go to your door and wait for you to come home, and then when you get home, we'll get on the phone.
SPEAKER_02: No, you will not.
SPEAKER_02: sir, I'll call the police.
SPEAKER_08: The police?
SPEAKER_02: You're not going to wait at my door.
SPEAKER_08: I'll just wait in the backyard and then when you get home, you can work.
SPEAKER_11: No, you are not going to wait.
SPEAKER_11: Well, why is that?
SPEAKER_08: I get home.
SPEAKER_11: I will call the police.
SPEAKER_08: Don't call the police.
SPEAKER_08: Good luck.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to work.
SPEAKER_08: I'll give you $20, okay.
SPEAKER_08: Does that sound good?
SPEAKER_08: Hello?
SPEAKER_08: Hello?
SPEAKER_08: Let me tell you something.
SPEAKER_08: Thomas's mother Nancy is who was that was right there.
SPEAKER_08: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, big time.
SPEAKER_08: Let's move right along, shall we?
SPEAKER_08: Who's with me up there?
SPEAKER_08: Wonderful.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: And thank you for your patience.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you for packing your patience, as they say, on the traffic report.
SPEAKER_08: We're going to get through this together.
SPEAKER_08: Good morning, cafe.
SPEAKER_08: Hi, how you doing?
SPEAKER_10: Can you hold, please?
SPEAKER_08: I don't have a lot of time here.
SPEAKER_08: I'm here. I'm out of pay phone.
SPEAKER_08: I just need to get a takeout.
SPEAKER_08: order, if I could.
SPEAKER_08: Is that okay?
SPEAKER_04: Yes, what would you like?
SPEAKER_08: It's really coming down out here.
SPEAKER_08: It's raining.
SPEAKER_08: It's slendering.
SPEAKER_08: I don't know what to do.
SPEAKER_10: Okay, what do you want, sir?
SPEAKER_08: I got to get some food.
SPEAKER_08: What's your name?
SPEAKER_08: I didn't catch your name.
SPEAKER_04: Sandy?
SPEAKER_08: Sandy?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, this is Chester.
SPEAKER_08: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_08: What are you doing?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, pa.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: Do you have pie?
SPEAKER_04: Okay, what would you like?
SPEAKER_08: Do you have pie for the second time?
SPEAKER_04: Pie?
SPEAKER_04: Yes, we have pie.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: I can't hear you. You keep echoing.
SPEAKER_08: It's raining. It's, like I said, I apologize. It's pouring down here.
SPEAKER_04: I'm at a painful.
SPEAKER_04: I apologize, too, because I'm just having a hard time here.
SPEAKER_08: Well, I apologize again. What do you think of that?
SPEAKER_04: I need an extra small pie. Okay, we have apple.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, I need an extra small apple pie.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. And I need extra small. You know, I'm trying to limit what I do here.
SPEAKER_04: It comes in one size, sir.
SPEAKER_08: I can't be going buck wild here, all right? Are you with me?
SPEAKER_08: Or are you? Oh, yeah. I'll have a bit of saying.
SPEAKER_08: This lady expects.
SPEAKER_08: me to go freaking buck wild with the pie. You know, and I tried to tell, look, I, you know,
SPEAKER_08: no, not going to happen. Okay, I got another line ring in here. Let's see what happens up here.
SPEAKER_08: Just real quick, real quick. Bear with me.
SPEAKER_12: Thank you for calling the Dr. Tom. Thompson, Midfell. How may I assist you?
SPEAKER_08: Hi, how are you doing up there?
SPEAKER_12: Oh, I'm doing well. How about yourself?
SPEAKER_08: I'm good. How are you doing all?
SPEAKER_08: Oh, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, what do you do here?
SPEAKER_12: Um, it's an adult store. Can I ask where you're calling?
SPEAKER_08: Right. I need to get a couple publications. I was wondering if you have them.
SPEAKER_12: I'm not sure what that means.
SPEAKER_08: Magazines.
SPEAKER_12: Oh, magazines. Yeah, we do have a large selection of magazines.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. Do you have a pulp, grip at all?
SPEAKER_12: I'm not sure. We have so many different magazines. You'll have to come in and love.
SPEAKER_12: look, because they're all different types.
SPEAKER_08: How about Flipwad? Have you seen the June issue of Flipwad?
SPEAKER_12: Oh, no, I don't think we have any, like, recent monthly stuff. We just order shipments of,
SPEAKER_12: like, hustler and clubs.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. How about seat heap is the new one I was looking for? It's pretty darn new.
SPEAKER_12: I don't know about any of that. We do have my family better than stuff.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
SPEAKER_08: You guys got a bunch of stuff up there I can grip hold of tonight, or?
SPEAKER_12: I'm sorry?
SPEAKER_08: I'm looking to grip hold of some good stuff here today. You know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_08: Same, same, same, same.
SPEAKER_08: You got the goods?
SPEAKER_12: I'm not sure what you're asking.
SPEAKER_08: I need to grip hold of something.
SPEAKER_08: Really?
SPEAKER_08: You know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_08: Hello.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, what are you doing?
SPEAKER_08: How late you guys open, anyhow?
SPEAKER_08: Okay, everybody's gone, but
SPEAKER_07: LPC, can you make a call?
SPEAKER_07: Sure, let's do it.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, we've got a number for you.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, I'm ready.
SPEAKER_00: It's the, it's the record store I used to work at in Baltimore.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, hi. Okay.
SPEAKER_00: It's 563-9011.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Soundern, how can I help you?
SPEAKER_08: you. Hey, Soundgarden?
SPEAKER_05: Yep.
SPEAKER_08: What's cracking up?
SPEAKER_05: What's going on with you?
SPEAKER_08: Um, yeah, I needed to return a record for a full refund.
SPEAKER_08: What's wrong with it?
SPEAKER_08: Uh, I didn't care for it.
SPEAKER_08: Pretty inappropriate from what I was expecting.
SPEAKER_08: I heard a washboard. I heard hand claps.
SPEAKER_08: It's supposed to be a gospel record.
SPEAKER_08: inappropriate.
SPEAKER_08: So I need a cash refund on that, okay?
SPEAKER_08: Looking for some assurances that when I get there, I can get my money back.
SPEAKER_08: You understand?
SPEAKER_08: Because I live way far away.
SPEAKER_08: Okay?
SPEAKER_05: Pretty sure vinyl's non-returnable.
SPEAKER_05: Pretty sure this is a prank call.
SPEAKER_05: And, yeah, if there's nothing wrong with the record itself.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, there's a lot wrong with it.
SPEAKER_08: Big problems.
SPEAKER_08: there. Up and down.
SPEAKER_06: Black, track, CD.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, how let you all open up there?
SPEAKER_06: Until eight.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: All right.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I'm going to start working there tomorrow.
SPEAKER_08: Is that okay?
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: What time do you open?
SPEAKER_06: 10 o'clock.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, and how much can I expect to make?
SPEAKER_06: It'll be 11 tomorrow because Sunday.
SPEAKER_08: Sunday, sure, sure, huh?
SPEAKER_08: So monetarily, how much can I expect to make?
SPEAKER_06: Doing what?
SPEAKER_08: Working there.
SPEAKER_08: I need to start work.
SPEAKER_08: tomorrow. I need to make some money right away.
SPEAKER_06: Okay. I mean, it's calm, man, dude. So you're starting to work up here.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_06: We haven't hired anybody new, man. So, like I said.
SPEAKER_08: No, I'll be there at 11. I'm just trying to get a feel for, you know, what I can expect up there.
SPEAKER_08: You know, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: So, uh, okay, that was Wax Tracks and Soundgarden, back to back.
SPEAKER_08: They wised up, and they hung up.
SPEAKER_08: I'm not going to lie to you.
SPEAKER_08: people of New York. Not going to Josh you. Not going to Joshua.
SPEAKER_08: All right. I'm happy to try something else here.
SPEAKER_09: Thanks for calling Nicholas. What could I help you with?
SPEAKER_08: Hey, thank you. How are you doing?
SPEAKER_08: I'm good.
SPEAKER_08: Hey, can you hear me?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, you can? I can barely hear you up, but I'm going to pay for you.
SPEAKER_09: Oh, yeah. It's coming through a little weird, but I can hear you.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, you can? How many fingers am I holding up?
SPEAKER_08: Or wait, wait, wait, wait.
SPEAKER_08: Three.
SPEAKER_08: How late, no.
SPEAKER_08: So how later are you open tonight?
SPEAKER_09: We'll be open until midnight.
SPEAKER_09: We stop serving full menu at 1130.
SPEAKER_08: I think you serve later.
SPEAKER_08: So what do you think of that?
SPEAKER_09: That's negative.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, so if I came in about 20 minutes, can I get a pickup?
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, for sure.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I place an order?
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, man.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, cool.
SPEAKER_08: What's your need.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, can I get it?
SPEAKER_08: a salad, a dinner salad, and then
SPEAKER_08: with...
SPEAKER_08: Large or small on the...
SPEAKER_08: Large.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, can I get a large, yeah, sure.
SPEAKER_08: And I need a bunch of breadsticks, like 32 breadsticks.
SPEAKER_09: 32 bread, like the garlic bread?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: And then...
SPEAKER_08: As far as pizzas.
SPEAKER_09: What kind of dressing did you want on that salad?
SPEAKER_08: A thousand island.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_09: What's that?
SPEAKER_08: As far as...
SPEAKER_08: A Thousand Island?
SPEAKER_08: It's just, it's like orange, you know?
SPEAKER_08: I don't really know how to...
SPEAKER_09: We don't have that, for sure.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, no dressing.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: I don't really know how it's okay.
SPEAKER_08: Or if you, you know, put something on the side, I can experiment around.
SPEAKER_08: You got to experiment around.
SPEAKER_08: No dressing.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Sound good, or?
SPEAKER_09: I could totally do that.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
SPEAKER_08: So I need some wings.
SPEAKER_08: Wings.
SPEAKER_08: What kind of wings would you like?
SPEAKER_08: Wings.
SPEAKER_08: Wings.
SPEAKER_08: I need some wings.
SPEAKER_08: I need wings.
SPEAKER_08: Wings.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Um, buffalo barbecue, barbecue kind of thing, barbecue.
SPEAKER_08: And then I need about 48, 60 of those.
SPEAKER_08: And then I need about 4860 of those.
SPEAKER_08: 60 wings, a barbecue.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_09: I can't, I can't understand a word you say.
SPEAKER_08: Foundries.
SPEAKER_08: Foundries.
SPEAKER_09: Fug's doing something really weird.
SPEAKER_08: Really weird.
SPEAKER_08: I'm at a pay phone.
SPEAKER_08: I'm on my way there.
SPEAKER_08: I'll be there.
SPEAKER_08: I'll be there 15 minutes.
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, we don't do wings by number anyways.
SPEAKER_09: They're by weight.
SPEAKER_08: I'm not about 10 orders like a pound and fold in my way there.
SPEAKER_08: I'll be there 15 minutes.
SPEAKER_08: 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_08: Fountain drinks?
SPEAKER_08: 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_09: What's that?
SPEAKER_08: 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_08: By a pound, I think about 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_08: And then I need about 8 pounds of soda.
SPEAKER_08: 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_08: And then 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_08: 10 pounds of soda.
SPEAKER_09: You sure you don't want 10 liters?
SPEAKER_09: And I need about 8 pounds of soda.
SPEAKER_09: A liter of cola?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, liter of soda.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, liter of soda.
SPEAKER_08: 10 pounds.
SPEAKER_08: pounds of salad and then they need it six pounds of salad ten pounds of
SPEAKER_08: and uh ten pounds of pizza uh yeah six pounds of yeah we're definitely not doing anything by
SPEAKER_09: weight i mean we're not doing ten pounds of pocket pizza ten pounds of pizza pepperoni pizza
SPEAKER_09: i tell you what come in order that here i can barely know what you're saying like the phone's
SPEAKER_09: really doing some weird chat
SPEAKER_09: Huh?
SPEAKER_08: I'm at a pay phone.
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, it's doing, it's doing like this weird repeating thing and it's doing this weird thing, like right now.
SPEAKER_04: You have reached an maximum time permitted to recording your message.
SPEAKER_04: If you were satisfied with your message, what do you do what do you do you?
SPEAKER_03: Let me just get a leader of salad.
SPEAKER_03: What do you do what do you?
SPEAKER_08: Okay, let me just get a leader.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I can't.
SPEAKER_08: Like now there's another voice.
SPEAKER_08: I'll be good to go.
SPEAKER_08: I need a leader of salad.
SPEAKER_08: Leader of salad.
SPEAKER_08: Yes, and a sentence.
SPEAKER_08: I need a leader.
SPEAKER_08: and I'll be there with...
SPEAKER_08: And this is the next 10 to 15 minutes.
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_08: And the paragraph.
SPEAKER_08: And I'll be there with...
SPEAKER_08: What's the total?
SPEAKER_08: 10 to 15 minutes.
SPEAKER_09: All right?
SPEAKER_09: I've no idea.
SPEAKER_09: I'm going to have to...
SPEAKER_09: You can't tell what you say.
SPEAKER_09: I can't tell what you say.
SPEAKER_08: What's the freaking sub total up there, Cal?
SPEAKER_08: What's the sub total?
SPEAKER_09: I can't tell what you say it.
SPEAKER_08: What's my freaking sub total, bud?
SPEAKER_08: What's my fucking sub total?
SPEAKER_08: up, you out, girl?
SPEAKER_08: Help me out.
SPEAKER_08: I just got out of the...
SPEAKER_08: What's my prison?
SPEAKER_08: You know?
SPEAKER_08: I've been looking forward to this.
SPEAKER_11: you're having trouble.
SPEAKER_11: Yeah, come in.
SPEAKER_09: Make that order here.
SPEAKER_11: And you.
SPEAKER_11: Thank you.
SPEAKER_11: Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: People of New York.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
SPEAKER_07: We've got one more phone number for you.
SPEAKER_08: Absolutely.
SPEAKER_08: Here.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, I'm ready.
SPEAKER_01: It's Jack Kubli.
SPEAKER_01: He just got a dog.
SPEAKER_01: 250.
SPEAKER_01: 3271.
SPEAKER_08: Okay. Thanks. It's ringing.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Thanks.
SPEAKER_08: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah?
SPEAKER_08: Hey, what's up?
SPEAKER_06: Who is it?
SPEAKER_08: This is Sebastian.
SPEAKER_08: Who's this?
SPEAKER_06: That's what I'm saying. Who is it? This is liquor store.
SPEAKER_08: I know that.
SPEAKER_06: You tell the wrong number?
SPEAKER_08: No, I need a liquor store, dude.
SPEAKER_06: Then what do you need?
SPEAKER_08: I need about 10 cases of Bud Light, but I'm in prison.
SPEAKER_08: Could you bring it up here to the prison if I pay extra?
SPEAKER_01: We don't deliver it.
SPEAKER_01: Thanks.
SPEAKER_01: Bye.
SPEAKER_08: God bless you.
SPEAKER_08: We got time for one more, don't we?
SPEAKER_12: Yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah.
SPEAKER_07: This is going to be the last one.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, awesome.
SPEAKER_08: I'll straighten it up real quick.
SPEAKER_12: Thanks for calling your Domino's at Ken Carl and Sim.
SPEAKER_12: This call may be read or recorded.
SPEAKER_04: Be right with you to take your order.
SPEAKER_04: Thank you for calling Domino's.
SPEAKER_04: Cliff. How am I help you?
SPEAKER_08: Hey, Cliff.
SPEAKER_08: I need to, uh,
SPEAKER_08: get six pizzas?
SPEAKER_04: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: Hold on one second.
SPEAKER_04: Sure.
SPEAKER_04: Can you just verify the phone number?
SPEAKER_08: It's a 303-973-4676.
SPEAKER_08: It's a 303.
SPEAKER_08: All right, and I need a large pepperoni.
SPEAKER_04: Sorry, can you verify that number again?
SPEAKER_04: 303?
SPEAKER_08: All right, and I need a large pepperoni.
SPEAKER_05: Sorry, I need to get that phone number from you.
SPEAKER_08: 973.
SPEAKER_08: Uh, 303, 973, 46776, up there.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: And, uh, your name?
SPEAKER_08: Uh, I need a pineapple.
SPEAKER_08: And I need a pepperoni pizza, and I need a pineapple.
SPEAKER_08: Uh, I need a pineapple, and I need a pepperoni.
SPEAKER_00: Can I get, can I get your name?
SPEAKER_08: If I could get that from you.
SPEAKER_08: My name's Felipe.
SPEAKER_08: My name is Felipe.
SPEAKER_08: My name is Felipe.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, did you catch that, or?
SPEAKER_03: My name is Felipe.
SPEAKER_08: Did you catch that?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, that's it?
SPEAKER_00: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: Is this going to be for?
SPEAKER_00: carry out or delivery?
SPEAKER_08: Did you catch up?
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to need this delivered.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, no.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to need this delivered.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to need this delivered.
SPEAKER_08: 10274,
SPEAKER_08: West Chatfield Avenue.
SPEAKER_08: And my name's Felipe.
SPEAKER_08: And I need
SPEAKER_08: 10274,
SPEAKER_08: West Chatfield Avenue.
SPEAKER_08: Pineapple, large.
SPEAKER_03: Westatfield Avenue.
SPEAKER_08: And I need
SPEAKER_08: pepperoni, sausage, large.
SPEAKER_08: Piner.
SPEAKER_08: All extra large.
SPEAKER_03: Something's echoing.
SPEAKER_03: I can't.
SPEAKER_03: I can hear you just fine.
SPEAKER_03: Don't worry about it.
SPEAKER_08: And I need a two liter of Sprite.
SPEAKER_08: I can hear you just fine.
SPEAKER_08: Don't worry about it.
SPEAKER_08: And I need a two liter of Sprite.
SPEAKER_08: About eight liters of salad.
SPEAKER_08: I know you guys go in weight, not by quantity.
SPEAKER_08: About eight liters of salad.
SPEAKER_00: Hold on one second.
SPEAKER_08: I don't have a lot of time.
SPEAKER_08: I'm at a pay phone here.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: So if I can get that and then I...
SPEAKER_08: So I mean, I don't have a lot of time.
SPEAKER_08: I'm out of pay phone here.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: If I can get some breadsticks, about eight liters of breadsticks.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_01: My guy's having a little bit of trouble hearing you.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, that's okay.
SPEAKER_08: If I get some bread sticks, about eight liters of salad.
SPEAKER_08: He said he goes by weight, so I'd like to get about eight liters of salad.
SPEAKER_08: A garden salad.
SPEAKER_08: Some breads.
SPEAKER_08: I see need by eight.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: And then about two liters of spread.
SPEAKER_01: Do you have like an echo going on?
SPEAKER_01: I can't really understand you very well.
SPEAKER_01: Is that like a promotion?
SPEAKER_01: Eight liters of salad?
SPEAKER_08: Yes, I did.
SPEAKER_08: And you have a promotion?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: What's that about?
SPEAKER_01: Our salads are prepackaged.
SPEAKER_01: You got a promotion or something?
SPEAKER_08: You got a special promotion up?
SPEAKER_08: And you have a promotion?
SPEAKER_08: motion, you said? What's that about? What's the special? What's all the special? Oh, okay,
SPEAKER_08: I see what you're saying. So about how heavy is the salad, you know? Because he said he likes
SPEAKER_08: to go by weight, not by quantity. I know you guys are particular about that. So I want to comply with you there, okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. And then on the sprit, how are we doing on the
SPEAKER_08: Sprite? You got those poured out? You got those poured out? Okay, okay, that's fine. Okay, and then on the Sprite, how are we doing on the
SPEAKER_08: I love you guys. Thank you so much. You guys freaking rule.
SPEAKER_08: Have an awesome night. Thank you. Thank you.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you.