Tour Line Live (2019)

Track 3: 3-20-19 Live New York NY
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SPEAKER_09: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_09: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_02: How's everybody doing today?
SPEAKER_02: Oh yeah.
SPEAKER_10: Yes, indeed.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, indeed.
SPEAKER_09: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_09: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I need to get, you know, can you help me out a little bit, please?
SPEAKER_09: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_09: What are you looking for?
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking for.
SPEAKER_02: are some, you know, some marshmallows, you know?
SPEAKER_03: Some marshmallows?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, just like two or three ounces, two or three grams, whatever you got.
SPEAKER_08: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: This is Percival.
SPEAKER_02: My name's Percival.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, and where are you?
SPEAKER_08: You're in Oregon?
SPEAKER_02: No, no, no, I'm in Santa Cruz, my dear lady.
SPEAKER_02: I just really need to...
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I just need to pick them up tonight.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, well, I'm in Las Vegas myself.
SPEAKER_02: I'm driving right now, you know, so I can be there, you know, before you close.
SPEAKER_02: Just help me out.
SPEAKER_08: Our store closes at 8 o'clock.
SPEAKER_02: Come on, I just need some marshmallows, baby.
SPEAKER_08: I don't know.
SPEAKER_08: We might have rice cookies.
SPEAKER_08: We don't have any marshmallows.
SPEAKER_02: Come on, hook me up.
SPEAKER_02: You can do it.
SPEAKER_02: You got a globule up bar?
SPEAKER_02: You got any globules up?
SPEAKER_08: No, we got no gooey things.
SPEAKER_02: You don't have too many things, huh?
SPEAKER_08: Just gems in, too, right?
SPEAKER_02: If I brought my own straw, like a flexible straw,
SPEAKER_02: can I just go ahead and dip it into whatever I need?
SPEAKER_08: I'm ready to do you have some weird trip you're going on, huh?
SPEAKER_02: I'm ready to do a transaction, my dear woman.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah?
SPEAKER_02: How's that grab me tonight?
SPEAKER_08: I don't know.
SPEAKER_08: I don't know if I have a transaction that's good for you.
SPEAKER_02: I think we can put something together mathematically and it'll job just fine.
SPEAKER_02: If you're reading my mail on that one?
SPEAKER_02: Are you reading my mail on that one?
SPEAKER_02: one, dear woman.
SPEAKER_08: You need your mail?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_08: All right, why did you send me an email?
SPEAKER_02: Let me just dip my straw into whatever I need.
SPEAKER_08: Sounds fun, man.
SPEAKER_08: I wish I had some of what you're on.
SPEAKER_02: I'll be there within the hour and we'll get dipping.
SPEAKER_02: We'll get dipping. We'll get dipping high and low and in between.
SPEAKER_02: Sounds good.
SPEAKER_01: All right. I'll be there within the hour.
SPEAKER_01: and we'll get dipping. We'll get dipping high and low and in between.
SPEAKER_01: Sound good. I'll be there within the hour and we'll get dipping. We'll get dipping high and low and in between. Sounds good. I'll be there within the hour and we'll get dipping high and low and in between. Sound good. Oh, that's nice meat.
SPEAKER_02: Okay. Thanks, darling. Got to run.
SPEAKER_02: Okay. You bet you. Okay. You betcha.
SPEAKER_02: Anywho.
SPEAKER_02: What's shaking up there, everybody?
SPEAKER_02: We'll get dipping. We'll get dipping. We'll get dipping. We'll get dipping.
SPEAKER_02: Sounds good.
SPEAKER_02: All right. I'll be the...
SPEAKER_02: Excellent. Excellent stuff.
SPEAKER_02: Well, there's a couple of meat markets I've been meaning to try, but I'd love to see what's going on around here, first off.
SPEAKER_04: So, Alex, you want to tell anything to the 200 people who have been a devil here in my hawk who just watched the movie, they're super stoked to feed your story and to have heard about you.
SPEAKER_07: And he's the name of them to the key?
SPEAKER_07: It's on the good market, Goleta. This is Eddie. How am I have you?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, Eddie. You there?
SPEAKER_07: Yes. Who is?
SPEAKER_02: This is Gabriel, man.
SPEAKER_07: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: You guys got any up-chuk up-bar?
SPEAKER_07: I'm sorry. I can hear that. Can you say anything, please?
SPEAKER_02: Uh, I need some upchuck tonight, like a pound or two pounds.
SPEAKER_07: What kind of chop?
SPEAKER_02: Upchuk.
SPEAKER_07: Upchub? Yeah. Yeah. Are you coming right now?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I could be there within, like, two or three minutes. I just want to make sure you got it in stock.
SPEAKER_07: Is that a beef? Because I'm not sure which one you're looking for. Sorry.
SPEAKER_02: It's like regurgitation is what it is.
SPEAKER_07: It's for what, I'm sorry?
SPEAKER_02: From a pig, regurgitation.
SPEAKER_09: Is it pork or a pig?
SPEAKER_02: Here, let me go to the other room. It's a little quieter in there.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, so like I said, I need some upchuck and maybe some saliva.
SPEAKER_02: Do you got any of that in stock tonight?
SPEAKER_07: Some, what kind of mean that? It's a pork or beef?
SPEAKER_07: I haven't heard that before.
SPEAKER_02: Saliva.
SPEAKER_02: Saliva?
SPEAKER_02: Any lips? Do you have got any lips up?
SPEAKER_09: Oh, yeah, like this, right?
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking for lips?
SPEAKER_02: Lips, right?
SPEAKER_02: In all the wrong places, apparently.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, Guy, do you got any upchuck or lips or saliva?
SPEAKER_02: It's a yes or no question, my man?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, we have some beef, I guess.
SPEAKER_07: Let me check, I guess.
SPEAKER_07: If we have, it has to be frozen.
SPEAKER_07: I'm not sure.
SPEAKER_07: I've got to check it out.
SPEAKER_02: Do you have any hair?
SPEAKER_07: But, I mean, you're looking, we have all the stuff by looking for pork or you have any hair on your head?
SPEAKER_07: Absolutely.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah?
SPEAKER_02: Do you mind if I run my fingers through it here a little bit later?
SPEAKER_07: Can you please hold?
SPEAKER_07: Let me make sure we have leaves.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to make sure you have what?
SPEAKER_07: I'm looking for, hold on.
SPEAKER_02: Lips?
SPEAKER_07: Yes, that's what you're looking for, right?
SPEAKER_02: I need saliva and lips.
SPEAKER_07: Okay, hold on.
SPEAKER_07: Let me check.
SPEAKER_07: Let me check.
SPEAKER_02: Let's have that.
SPEAKER_02: I got to run.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, you do that.
SPEAKER_02: Take care of yourself.
SPEAKER_02: Take care of yourself, all right?
SPEAKER_07: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Anyway.
SPEAKER_02: How's it going up?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, oh.
SPEAKER_02: Sorry, we're so rudely interrupted by the meat cretan.
SPEAKER_02: So you get the idea.
SPEAKER_02: I just want to thank everybody for being here tonight.
SPEAKER_02: It's fantastic.
SPEAKER_02: Very psyched.
SPEAKER_02: It was a hell of a lot of fun.
SPEAKER_02: putting this together from, you know, my part at least.
SPEAKER_02: So, yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Can you and me on a little more?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, you got schnops up there?
SPEAKER_05: What one you're looking?
SPEAKER_05: Snobps?
SPEAKER_02: Shnaps, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Is it possible to get a keg of schnops?
SPEAKER_02: Like if I pay extra?
SPEAKER_09: Huh?
SPEAKER_02: I can't even hear you.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you speak up a little bit there?
SPEAKER_05: No snap we have.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, if I brought a straw, can I just stick it into whatever I need and try it out and slurp up what I need?
SPEAKER_02: Would that work?
SPEAKER_02: Maybe if I pay extra?
SPEAKER_02: What do you mean?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, why don't you get with the program, guy?
SPEAKER_02: I can't even hear you.
SPEAKER_02: Are you there?
SPEAKER_02: Are you guys open for business up?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, how late are you there?
SPEAKER_05: Another one hour?
SPEAKER_02: An hour.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, let me just come up there and sample what I need, okay, and take a drink of whatever I need.
SPEAKER_02: Does that work for you?
SPEAKER_05: You come and see here.
SPEAKER_05: But our country is limited, not a big one.
SPEAKER_02: I'm flying, and I'm going to land my helicopter right down the street and run up there right now.
SPEAKER_02: I can be there any time you need.
SPEAKER_05: Then you have to go Walmart and other big one at Costco.
SPEAKER_05: You will get everything there.
SPEAKER_02: Can I use your bathroom, please?
SPEAKER_02: What do you mean, no?
SPEAKER_06: Hello, anybody.
SPEAKER_02: Well, you can make an exception for me, can't you?
SPEAKER_06: Because I'm no customer.
SPEAKER_06: That's why I'm talking with you.
SPEAKER_02: How about if I just take a leak on your floor?
SPEAKER_02: How would that sound?
SPEAKER_05: Do this thing.
SPEAKER_05: Then I have to call somebody.
SPEAKER_05: No problem.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah?
SPEAKER_02: Who you're going to call?
SPEAKER_02: Who are you going to call, big man?
SPEAKER_06: Come and see.
SPEAKER_02: Come in?
SPEAKER_02: See, I'll come up there with a hairbrush and brush your hair a little bit.
SPEAKER_02: What do you think of that one?
SPEAKER_06: Okay, my question is coming one.
SPEAKER_06: Thank you.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Take care of yourself.
SPEAKER_03: Sorry about that, everybody.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: So besides all that, what's shaking tonight?
SPEAKER_02: That's really coming down out here.
SPEAKER_02: Let me go back inside here.
SPEAKER_10: Okay, LPC, do you want to take any questions?
SPEAKER_02: Certainly. Yes, I do.
SPEAKER_10: I'm actually kind of...
SPEAKER_10: Um, my LPC, one, you've changed...
SPEAKER_10: Big forever, thank you.
SPEAKER_10: Two, in your, like, last two albums, you've changed under having, like, one track with one person for a longer period of time.
SPEAKER_10: Take it of, like, legalese.
SPEAKER_10: Is this a thing you're trying...
SPEAKER_10: Is this like what we can expect?
SPEAKER_10: Is this what you're doing going forward?
SPEAKER_10: Or is that just coincidental?
SPEAKER_02: I don't think I heard the first part.
SPEAKER_02: But then you mentioned Illegalese, where I talked to the lady for a long time?
SPEAKER_02: Well, I always love it when I call somebody, and they were sitting by the phone waiting to talk to somebody else,
SPEAKER_02: and then they figure I'm that person, you know?
SPEAKER_02: And so that happened with Illegalese, and that was fun. It's always neat.
SPEAKER_10: On that album, you had a couple of tracks where you talked to one person for a long time.
SPEAKER_10: So that's an incredible button.
SPEAKER_10: Or that happened to happen.
SPEAKER_10: Like legalese and with that racist Florida flag guy,
SPEAKER_10: had a couple of tracks, we talked to one person for a longer period of time than what you usually do.
SPEAKER_10: Is that something you're trying that's new, or is that like just the way it happened to happen,
SPEAKER_10: or is this like a new thing you're shifting into, or was that just a happy coincidence?
SPEAKER_02: Honestly, I don't know if you'll buy this, but I think it's really kind of inherent in putting out a CD.
SPEAKER_02: Like, back when I made cassettes all the time,
SPEAKER_02: there was so little, like, delineation between one thing and another thing.
SPEAKER_02: It just kind of all bled into the next thing to where it was hard to even pinpoint where something happened.
SPEAKER_02: But with CDs and stuff, you really have to define the beginning in the end.
SPEAKER_02: And, yeah, if it sounds good, I'm going to go for it.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to include it.
SPEAKER_02: I guess it has gotten a little more long form to answer your question.
SPEAKER_02: So, yeah, things have gotten a lot more long form now that I think about it.
SPEAKER_02: There used to be just like 15.
SPEAKER_02: or 60, you know, three-second, five-second, 10-second things.
SPEAKER_02: And that's kind of gone out a little bit with the digital stuff.
SPEAKER_10: Cool.
SPEAKER_10: Well, thank you very much.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_02: Do you have any pie?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, but we close in like five minutes.
SPEAKER_02: I'm running down the street right now.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, what kind?
SPEAKER_00: We only have apple pie.
SPEAKER_02: French silk?
SPEAKER_00: No, we only have apple.
SPEAKER_02: Pork pie?
SPEAKER_00: Apple pie.
SPEAKER_02: Pecan.
SPEAKER_00: No, we only have apple pie.
SPEAKER_02: Or pumpkin?
SPEAKER_00: No, I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: Cherry or blueberry.
SPEAKER_02: I'll take a cherry and I'll take a blueberry.
SPEAKER_02: Does that sound good?
SPEAKER_00: We only have apple pie.
SPEAKER_00: Sorry.
SPEAKER_02: Banana cream or key lime.
SPEAKER_10: We have one more, one more question?
SPEAKER_10: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_04: I feel like your older albums are a bit more casual, and you're not really as aggressive in how you talk to people.
SPEAKER_04: But in the newer ones, you're far more forceful.
SPEAKER_04: I was wondering if you do that on purpose or something just changed.
SPEAKER_02: It's the drugs.
SPEAKER_04: Good.
SPEAKER_02: No, you know, I was a teenager, you know, I hadn't, I had never left the state of Colorado.
SPEAKER_02: I was usually on restriction, grounded. My parents did not want me to go do anything because I was
SPEAKER_02: pretty out of control at that time. So now, I don't know. You know, I'm always getting older and changing
SPEAKER_02: and growing. And sometimes, to be perfectly honest with you, it seems like I didn't set it
SPEAKER_02: upright, so I have to yell for them to hear me. And I didn't even realize I was.
SPEAKER_02: I was yelling until afterwards. I was like, I was yelling at that guy. So, yeah, a little bit of
SPEAKER_02: everything in there, probably.
SPEAKER_04: Well, thank you. It's been great. Thank you. It's been great. Thank you, buddy.
SPEAKER_02: This year, gosh, I'm really trying to have it be this year. It's a lot of work, as you can understand.
SPEAKER_02: and I'm just trying and it's underway and it's Longmont 16 and it's going to be this
SPEAKER_02: this year sometime underway and it's long month 16 and it's going to be uh it's going to be this
SPEAKER_02: this year sometime. Thanks for asking.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you. Thanks for asking.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, LPC, could you do one more call for the audience?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Let's see.
SPEAKER_02: It's ringing.
SPEAKER_08: Thank you for calling for
SPEAKER_02: Hey, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I wanted to get something that's prismatic.
SPEAKER_02: Maybe cylindrical tonight.
SPEAKER_08: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: I need like a chamber, you know what I mean?
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, so for like smoking dryer for something.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I need to get real prismatic and real spherical, real soon.
SPEAKER_08: For sure, for sure.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah, big time, big time.
SPEAKER_08: We have, like, pipes and stuff here.
SPEAKER_02: Big time, big time, you know what I mean, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah, big time.
SPEAKER_02: Big time.
SPEAKER_02: Big time.
SPEAKER_02: You know what I mean.
SPEAKER_02: So, let's see.
SPEAKER_02: What do you got as far as like a marshmallow?
SPEAKER_02: You know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_02: I don't know.
SPEAKER_02: What is the marshmallow?
SPEAKER_02: You know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_02: Just some globules tonight.
SPEAKER_02: You know what I mean?
SPEAKER_02: Maybe after hours.
SPEAKER_02: Just some marshmallow.
SPEAKER_01: I'm on some globules tonight.
SPEAKER_02: You know what I'm here.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Kimo sobby said I could hit you up.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: You with me?
SPEAKER_02: Sorry, she bailed.
SPEAKER_02: So, yeah.