Tour Line Live (2019)

Track 1: 3-19-19 Live New York NY
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SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: Can you hear me?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, we can hear you loud and hear.
SPEAKER_05: All right.
SPEAKER_05: If you could turn you guys up, that'd be sweet.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, we're going to try and turn us up.
SPEAKER_05: There you go.
SPEAKER_03: Hi, everybody.
None: Hi.
SPEAKER_05: Woo!
SPEAKER_05: All right.
SPEAKER_05: Excellent.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, so we've had a great
SPEAKER_03: turn out your LPC. It's
SPEAKER_03: the world premiere and we're packed
SPEAKER_03: packed in
SPEAKER_03: packed in like sardines and everyone's
SPEAKER_03: super, super thrilled.
SPEAKER_00: Fantastic.
SPEAKER_03: Reaction of the audience here.
SPEAKER_03: People have been really pleased
SPEAKER_03: with the film.
SPEAKER_03: I guess we could turn
SPEAKER_03: it over to the audience or turn it over
SPEAKER_03: to you, LPC. It's up to you, but
SPEAKER_03: does anybody have any questions for LPC? I can pass the mic
SPEAKER_03: around. Yeah, let's hear it
SPEAKER_03: for David and V.
SPEAKER_01: Sergeant Papers, how may you help you?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, Sergeant, I've got an opossum here.
SPEAKER_05: He took off with my wristwatch and my billfold,
SPEAKER_05: and this thing is running, wow.
SPEAKER_05: So I need an officer out here.
SPEAKER_01: You're calling the Indiana State Police.
SPEAKER_05: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_05: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_01: Where are you located?
SPEAKER_05: I'm up here in Monroe County.
SPEAKER_03: You need to call Monroe Sheriff's Department.
SPEAKER_05: Well, we need to get a call Monroe Sheriff's Department of time.
SPEAKER_05: Well, we need to get a call.
SPEAKER_05: constable up here. This thing has my wristwatch, sir.
SPEAKER_05: Can you send someone by and tase this animal?
SPEAKER_05: You're a joke.
SPEAKER_05: What are you trying to say? Oh, my billfold is in the teeth? My billfold is in the teeth of this wild animal, sir.
SPEAKER_05: Well, hello?
SPEAKER_05: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_05: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_05: All right, everybody.
SPEAKER_05: Let's hear it for Dave and Vivek.
SPEAKER_05: Outstanding work.
SPEAKER_05: Thank you.
SPEAKER_05: Ooh.
SPEAKER_05: All right.
SPEAKER_03: Does anybody have any questions for LPC?
SPEAKER_03: Can I pass the mic around?
SPEAKER_03: Anybody here want to say something to him?
SPEAKER_05: Sure.
SPEAKER_05: How's everybody doing?
SPEAKER_05: Let's see what's going on.
SPEAKER_05: Anything at all?
SPEAKER_04: If you were to pick your 50s,
SPEAKER_04: favorite American soap opera? What's your favorite sport?
SPEAKER_05: Soapoper? I loved all my children.
SPEAKER_05: I was younger.
SPEAKER_05: Seeing the Avalanche, the Colorado Avalanche, win the Stanley Cup the first time.
SPEAKER_05: Their first year as a Colorado franchise was exciting.
SPEAKER_04: Patrick, Wow.
SPEAKER_04: Patrick, Wow. Patrick Woop!
SPEAKER_05: So that was very special.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Certainly was.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, big time.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_02: But the person you called has a voice mailbox that has not been set up yet.
SPEAKER_02: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_05: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: Later.
SPEAKER_05: So, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: We have somebody else here, L2P.
SPEAKER_00: Sure. Sure.
SPEAKER_00: So I went ahead and commandeered that salt lick.
SPEAKER_00: And I was curious what you were thinking about, the D-Beaking processes of the poultry farmers.
SPEAKER_00: and this good nation.
SPEAKER_05: I feel that there's far too much homogenization taking place.
SPEAKER_05: You know, I really do.
SPEAKER_05: And therefore, the granulated nature and makeup of the salt lick is greatly compromised.
SPEAKER_05: Greatly compromised.
SPEAKER_05: So that's where I'm at with that.
SPEAKER_05: And if you can get one installed, don't lick it.
SPEAKER_05: Do not lick that, that, that, that, that, that, that.
SPEAKER_05: Or lick it a lot, a lot, a lot, lots of, lots of them up there.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_05: I hope that answers your question.
SPEAKER_05: Homogenization, denuclearization.
SPEAKER_05: Along those lines, you can lick things.
SPEAKER_05: Go ahead and lick it.
SPEAKER_05: Woo.
None: Woo, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Does anybody else want to keep this conversation going?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: All right. Here, here. Here's another one.
SPEAKER_05: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Hey, thank you so much for all of you and last.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you. I've always been curious about how you come up with the names.
SPEAKER_01: Like, you pick the best names. I've always curious how you're speaking that.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, thank you.
SPEAKER_05: What's the process behind that, you say?
SPEAKER_05: Oh, you know.
SPEAKER_05: Things that stick in your craw, things that stick in your memory.
SPEAKER_05: Usually, if I can remember them and I don't lose them, and I string them together at a later time.
SPEAKER_05: I'm not always as spontaneous as I once was or would like to be, so sometimes I write them down.
SPEAKER_05: Usually I make them up, but there's a lot of ways that I come up with those things.
SPEAKER_05: But, yeah, just thinking about it and writing them down.
SPEAKER_05: and saying them and saying them to myself, all sorts of stuff going on up there.
SPEAKER_05: I'm not going to be trying them out on Alex Trebek anymore.
SPEAKER_05: So I hope you can appreciate that.
SPEAKER_02: We did not get your message, either because you were not speaking or because of a bad connection.
SPEAKER_00: So if you could have a Jewel's wealth or travel the world.
SPEAKER_02: Press 1.
SPEAKER_02: To record your message.
SPEAKER_02: I'll call you back.
SPEAKER_05: I like Jewel.
SPEAKER_05: I'm a fan of her music.
SPEAKER_05: I'm a fan of her music. I'm a fan of her.
SPEAKER_02: Sorry, you are.
SPEAKER_05: Her work, work, work, we'll try again later.
SPEAKER_05: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_05: Jewel is an Alaskan treasure.
SPEAKER_05: I'd like to work with her one day.
SPEAKER_05: Like a drum circle kind of thing.
SPEAKER_05: I'd like to have an animated Jewel special.
SPEAKER_05: I'm kind of letting the cat out of the bag here a little bit, but, yeah, I'm trying to develop that right.
SPEAKER_05: Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit.
SPEAKER_05: So if we can work that out, I'm sure we, we, we, we, will, will, will, will, will, will, will, will.
SPEAKER_05: So I hope that answers that question, you know.
SPEAKER_05: Or travel the world.
SPEAKER_02: It's a tossing.
SPEAKER_02: If you have reached the maximum time for message,
SPEAKER_02: press two, to erase, and re-record with your message, press three,
SPEAKER_02: to continue recording your message, press two,
SPEAKER_03: so, LPC, I've got a, I've got a question for you.
SPEAKER_03: Yes, yes.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, what's next, LPC?
SPEAKER_03: Are you still there?
SPEAKER_03: You always said you wanted to make this, 30-year-old.
SPEAKER_05: To listen to your message, press two, to erase and re-recorded.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, uh, what's next, do you say?
SPEAKER_02: Hi, you have reached liquor in Smith, Chris.
SPEAKER_02: Sorry, no one is available right now.
SPEAKER_05: I am working on Longmont Potion Castle, 16.
SPEAKER_05: I'm, uh, up to about 25, 30 minutes, so I'm doing that.
SPEAKER_05: And, you know, it used to take me three, four years to complete an album.
SPEAKER_05: And I will remind you, my good man.
SPEAKER_05: that these are essentially double, triple albums,
SPEAKER_05: especially considering the length of the records that are coming out now.
SPEAKER_05: So, yeah, four or five years it would take oftentimes.
SPEAKER_05: I hope seriously that it doesn't take anywhere near that long,
SPEAKER_05: but I am working on that every chance I get.
SPEAKER_05: I want it to be really good.
SPEAKER_05: But otherwise, I just look forward to talking to people about this movie.
SPEAKER_05: I mean, it's so new.
SPEAKER_05: I want to see how much enjoyment.
SPEAKER_05: I can possibly get out of it.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I'm a consumer of pointment.
SPEAKER_05: What did you say?
SPEAKER_02: I'm a consumer of pointment.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_05: I think I know where you're going with this.
SPEAKER_05: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_05: Well, start out with some talcum powder, maybe like an emery board.
SPEAKER_05: Just take it slow.
SPEAKER_05: Get comfortable, you know, get real comfortable, get horizontal.
SPEAKER_05: I'd like to see it get horizontal, is what I'd like to see happen.
SPEAKER_05: So make that happen.
SPEAKER_05: Let me know how you feel.
SPEAKER_05: And now we will certainly take it from there.
SPEAKER_05: And I'm trying to get Mario Van Peebles on the line.
SPEAKER_05: Maybe he can share his thoughts.
SPEAKER_05: We shall see if he picks up.
SPEAKER_05: Hey, Mario.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, who's good?
SPEAKER_05: Hey, Mario, this is Tad.
SPEAKER_05: Hey, man, uh, listen, I left a big, big duffel bag full of marshmallows over there on your, on your side, on your property.
SPEAKER_05: Can you hand them to me if I come over?
SPEAKER_04: I'm not sure I understand what you said.
SPEAKER_05: On marshmallows?
SPEAKER_05: I dropped, I dropped them on your side of the property.
SPEAKER_05: I just want to get them back.
SPEAKER_05: It's got four or five hundred marshmallows in there.
SPEAKER_05: Does that work?
SPEAKER_04: I'm not sure.
SPEAKER_04: I'm not sure.
SPEAKER_04: Who do you think you're talking to?
SPEAKER_05: To Mario.
SPEAKER_05: I got your number from the mailman.
SPEAKER_05: You feel me?
SPEAKER_04: And you left some marshmallows on my property?
SPEAKER_05: I did.
SPEAKER_05: It wasn't my proudest moment.
SPEAKER_05: But, yeah, I'd like to get them back.
SPEAKER_04: I'm not sure what you said.
SPEAKER_04: What property is that?
SPEAKER_04: I think you might have the wrong Mario.
SPEAKER_05: Well, why don't you try listening up, guy?
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to be polite here.
SPEAKER_05: I could just take them back, you know, and hop the feds and come get on me.
SPEAKER_02: What are you talking about, tough guy?
SPEAKER_05: Do you want to arm wrestle or what do you want to do here?
SPEAKER_05: Why don't you just reimburse me?
SPEAKER_05: I'm not sure.
SPEAKER_05: Marshnell?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, marshmallows.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, sure.
SPEAKER_05: Big time.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_05: I go big.
SPEAKER_05: I don't wait for Halloween.
SPEAKER_05: You know, I go now.
SPEAKER_05: Anytime I feel like it.
SPEAKER_03: I think you got the wrong number.
None: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: I think you need to recap.
SPEAKER_05: sinner, big man. What do you say to that?
SPEAKER_05: Oh, goodbye to you, then.
SPEAKER_05: Goodbye to you, sir.
SPEAKER_05: Mario Van Peebles, everybody.
SPEAKER_05: Mario Van Peebles, everybody.
SPEAKER_00: How's everybody doing?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, punk?
SPEAKER_00: Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing.
SPEAKER_06: So I hope that answered your question.
SPEAKER_06: You know, don't take any stuff from your neighbor.
SPEAKER_05: I know about being neighborly.
SPEAKER_05: It's important to keep the peace.
SPEAKER_02: But, you know, if somebody pulls a Mario Van Peeples on you,
SPEAKER_05: you know, stand up for yourself.
SPEAKER_02: Stand up for your marshmallows.
SPEAKER_05: That's all, you know, it's important to remember.
SPEAKER_05: So I can tell you.
SPEAKER_05: I'll agree.
SPEAKER_05: So, yeah.
SPEAKER_04: What color is Tasmanium syrup?
SPEAKER_04: And does it cure things?
SPEAKER_04: Hello, you've reached Gavin Wallace Ellsworth.
SPEAKER_04: I'm not available right now.
SPEAKER_04: So please lead your name and number at the beep, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
SPEAKER_05: Well, I was hoping to get a professional on the line.
SPEAKER_05: And, uh, Tasmanian syrup.
SPEAKER_05: That's pretty weird.
SPEAKER_05: It's pretty damn weird.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_05: There's, there's some healing properties, sure.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_05: But I don't know what color it is.
SPEAKER_05: What color is it?
SPEAKER_05: Jeez, that's really weird.
SPEAKER_05: I heard fish respond really well to it.
SPEAKER_05: So I'm going to try that out about 2 a.m. tomorrow.
SPEAKER_03: A cod or fried?
SPEAKER_05: Cod?
SPEAKER_05: Minnows.
SPEAKER_05: I've got about 2 to 300 minnows here.
SPEAKER_05: I suppose I could try it here at home first.
SPEAKER_05: Um, put him in the Vatican.
SPEAKER_04: Uh, okay.
SPEAKER_05: The Vatican?
SPEAKER_01: I'm glad you're cold, but I'm not home.
SPEAKER_01: But I'll be back before too long.
SPEAKER_01: You gotta leave.
SPEAKER_06: No, but I could do so.
SPEAKER_06: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but no, no, but no, no, no, but no, no.
SPEAKER_06: I can go, pirate.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, LPC, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna get ready for the next screening.
SPEAKER_03: But, uh, thanks so much.
SPEAKER_03: No, thank you.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, my God.
SPEAKER_03: And we'll be, uh, well, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll catch you
SPEAKER_03: the next greeting then.
SPEAKER_05: Peace.
SPEAKER_05: Take care, everybody.
SPEAKER_05: Thank you so, so much.
SPEAKER_05: Thank you so much.
SPEAKER_03: Thanks.
SPEAKER_03: Bye, peace.